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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. Bills should take a run at him, can't hurt too much. Our locker room can handle it and we can dump him quickly if something happens.
  2. As for the actual content of your post- I don't think this is a good idea for 3 reasons: 1- I don't really believe in positions on the defensive line in the NFL. The good teams rotate guys and play guys in the best spot to win one on one matchups. So Oliver seeing time outside wouldn't bother me. 2- The reason he's a DT and not a DE is because of his shorter stature. Typically shorter guys have trouble going against tackles because the don't have the length to bed around the outside. While this shorter stature can be a benefit inside (I.e. Aaron Donald) It's typically a liability outside. 3- Lastly, I don't think Oliver is struggling. There have been plenty of metrics showing he's doing his job and getting pressure and creating havoc inside. He hasn't gotten the sacks yet, but that'll come. dum-dum. You bring me gum-gum.
  3. you dum ass (I stopped reading after the first paragraph, just thought I'd get this out of the way)
  4. I won't argue with Woods, and I'm not entirely sure about Gilmore, but doesn't the article above demonstrate that he wasn't a scheme fit for McD? And while I am sure, had we known then what he would become, we could have adjusted the scheme for him, at the time he it seemed like a risk to shell out for him if he wasn't a good fit. Not to mention, didn't it seem unlikely that he would stay here anyways?
  5. Not a good look, but also telling why we didn't pay him... While It would be nice to have him, I don't think McD can justify the money for a guy whose an ill fit for the scheme. I didn't watch much, let alone follow closely during the disaster of the Rex era, so I don't know why everyone hates him, but it sounds like he's at least a hard worker.
  6. People really need to remove the money from the Star conversation. What a player gets paid only matters when the team is missing opportunities by not having that money to put elsewhere. That's not the case with Star. There's probably a valid argument that he's overpaid, but he was brought in to be a foundational part of the rebuild and he's done his job and the money isn't needed elsewhere at this time.
  7. That could be... If Hyde was anticipating Milano forcing sanders outside, he would have been in a nice spot for the stop.
  8. I haven't studied it closely, but when I watched it a couple times it looks like he is a little slow to react, which allows the blocker to get a great seal on him. In theory, right there he is supposed to hit that gap hard, stopping the blockers forward momentum and causing a blockage in the gap. He might not make the tackle, but he's gotta slow down sanders. Because he waits for the blocker to get to him, he's swept out of the play. Meanwhile, Hyde just completely misread the play and was even a little too eager in getting into the middle of it and over-pursued it (which is rare for him). Here's a good breakdown from Philly's perspective: https://www.philadelphiaeagles.com/video/breakdown-miles-sanders-65-yd-td-run Milano and Hyde essentially both got blocked by a RB... Not great.
  9. Yeah... that’s what intellectually honest people do- they have an opinion, and if the evidence contradicts that opinion, they change their opinion in order to be consistent with the evidence. What he’s saying is that Star did his job. The very thing everyone on here was hounding him about not doing.
  10. I mean, who am I gonna believe? The professional sports commentator whose paid money for his analysis and opinion and has access to technology and software to study the game and run analysis, or some message board bois!
  11. I’m sure trying to trade half the team doesn’t negatively affect the synergy of the organization... This Jets season is like Christmas stretched across 4 months.
  12. The Adams thing comes down to Gase not liking big personalities... How's that gonna work when he's gone next year?
  13. I don't know you, and I have no idea if you're a reliable source... But thank you for making this interesting. Also, if it doesn't happen, you're dead to me.
  14. The hell?... Is this a move where the dolphins are eating cap for a high pick?
  15. The hell are the jets doing?... If they do this they might as well lose to Miami next week!
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