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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. https://nflcdns.nfl.com/liveupdate/gamecenter/58023/BUF_Gamebook.pdf This is from the last game. You can go to NFL.com and look under the game center page and download the game book.
  2. This is such a stupid post. Matt Ryan has thrown for 300+ yards in 7 games this year and won 1. Josh Allen has thrown for 300+ yards in 0 games this year and won 6.
  3. Stats like this don't seem to be worth much when we're talking about a rebuild. His overall record is 21-19, above .500 as Bills coach in the middle of a complete tear down and rebuild. 1 Inherited starter on the team now and he's won more than he's lost. The offense is the last piece of the rebuild. If this is still an issue at the end of this year, or halfway through next year, then we can be concerned.
  4. This is more of an aside; and not seeking to drive the “Bills are winning the Super Bowl narrative” but for fun, go look at Eli Manning’s stats for 2007.... it’s kinda spooky how much those stats look like Allen’s this year. Coincidentally, the Giants were 6-2 through the first 9 weeks, finished 10-6 and then went on that January run... *twilight zone theme plays in background*
  5. If you look at my posts you’ll find I’m quite consistent in this. The Bills probably aren’t a Super Bowl team, but they’re quite likely a playoff team, and once you’re in January the rules change. I wouldn’t put any money on anything magical happening, but we’ve seen some crazy ***** over the years.
  6. This is my take on it. I think we have the talent, but we haven’t played to our own level yet. It’ll be interesting to see what happens!
  7. This year 3 of the 4 major sports championships have been claimed by first time victors: NHL: St. Louis Blues NBA: Toronto Raptors MLB: Washington Nationals In order for that trend to sweep all 4 of the major American team sports, one of the 12 below teams must win SB 54: Bengals Bills Browns Cardinals Chargers Falcons Jaguars Lions Panthers Texans Titans Vikings Of these 12, I would think the Bills have as decent a chance as all except the Texans and Vikings. They are probably more realistic candidates... Also- be on the lookout for the road team in SB 54 as road wins have been big in Championships this year by a whopping ratio of 17-3. Obviously this the NFL is a different setup, but if you’re superstitious, or even a little stitious you might see the dots connecting... maybe this even applies to playoffs, which would be great if we’re gonna be a WC! You now know these asinine facts that you potentially did not before.
  8. I’ve seen a lot around lately about just accepting this as who we are.... while I don’t think that’s necessarily wrong, and I’m fine if this is who we are as long as we’re winning, there’s a part of me that can’t help but remember the Miami game last year and wonder if this newly stocked offense doesn’t find some rhythm down the stretch. I don’t expect them to become the chiefs, but I am more less expecting us to become a good offense. If that happens, you can’t tell me we aren’t a contender. Unexpected teams play in February all the time. Not gonna bet money on it, but not gonna bet money against it either.
  9. I mean... Schedule difficulty for any given team is also heavily impacted by where that team falls in the NFL hierarchy... if we're the 2010 squad we don't have an easy schedule cause we suck. We're playing some bad teams, but we're also a much better team than we have been before so our schedule is easier.
  10. Apt and vibrant description. It's truly boggling. There's all these complaints about how bad the playcalling is and I am left wondering if that's a misrepresentation of the issue... Obviously it is a play calling issue, but I feel like saying "bad playcalling" misses some of the minutiae of what we're doing wrong.. It's more like, bad flow. We have a great ability to do many different things on Offense successfully. We can run outside successfully, we can run inside successfully. We can pass short successfully, we can pass middle/vertically successfully, the problem as I see it, is that no matter what it is that we do well on drive A, we will forever come back and try something different on drives b-z. If the defense wants us to march down the field with 6 yard passes to Beasley, for ***** sake- DO IT!
  11. Okay, so taking this and building on the idea here... Is our short passing game one of the strengths of our offense? It seems like when we're getting Beasley involved, we're using the TE's and we're passing short across this middle we're moving the ball effectively... Why don't we do that regularly? Are teams adjusting, or does Daboll just struggle being consistent?
  12. So, one could say that this is a few thoughts about the Redskins game, in particular order? This is a very well done thread and the Extra Point is great. I love it. Thank you for drawing attention to the fact that this is the best record the Bills have ever had during my entire life... That brought chills. It's really exciting to see what's coming with this team. Allen is gonna master the short game, and then something is going to snap and he's going to get the long game back. I just know it.
  13. Not sure if this is worth anything, but here it is...
  14. Honestly, the first one is a better throw than the second...
  15. Let’s just beat the Browns. Besides, I don’t expect the Pats to be 15-1 or even 14-2 if we beat them. They have the Eagles, Texans, Cowboys, and Chiefs the next 4.
  16. Pay the man. He wants to be here, he loves it here, and he’s earned it. You can’t ever have too many guys who affect the QB.
  17. That screen was a thing of beauty. Did anyone else notice big boy Spain change directions and then kill a guy who had a chance to make the tackle, freeing Singletary for another 20 yards. Our line has some issues, but damn if they aren’t scary in space.
  18. I agree, but they’re winning me over. Jimmy G looked really really good Thursday night, and that offense does so many different things. Yep. I fear the same... the only consolation is that their offense hasn’t looked good against anyone, and that world beating defense is now exposed as having had a nice schedule.
  19. Im fine with not featuring him. It’s really about what the other team does. Some games they’re gonna sell out to stop gore, and Singletary is going to look great, other times they’re gonna sell out to stop Singletary and the physical pounding of gore will be useful. I like having the variety there. We can be dynamic on offense, we just need to get out of our own way.
  20. He’s averaging 4.1 yards a carry on the season and is a completely different kind of runner. He still has a place on the offense.
  21. Come on hapless... don’t be crazy. Tyrod made those third and 18 throws with a chance to ice the game every single week. Obviously.
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