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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. Its gross. Honestly, vanilla pound cake is the best and it isn’t that great (at least the store bought stuff)... the problem is, once you start eating it, you can’t stop yourself...
  2. Is it at least vanilla pound cake, and none of that strawberry crap? I hate that stuff...
  3. By default this week, one of the two teams that play at MetLife will have the same record at MetLife stadium that the Bills do.
  4. Of course criticism of the bills should be allowed. Also, criticism of the irrational over-positive people who don’t view reality properly. Also, criticism of the idiotic trolls who are overly negative because they think they’re shocking/they understand nothin of football. So to answer your question, we’ve got room to critize all types round these parts.
  5. Well, this thread is exactly what I expected... I think he was trying to say find good, hard working guys who love football, have their ***** together, and care about their players. Whether or not that group cross references as clearly with the Christian Conservative group as he implied is probably a matter for a statistician. That being said, there is definitely something for discipline, and dare I say culture. I don't think you have to have any certain faith or political leaning to achieve that, but that's going to be built on the coaches internal compass. However, it's no small thing that many (most really) religions have discipline and "right behavior/being a good person" built into their ethos which can lead to a natural correlation between those who practice those religions and the presence of those positive character traits.
  6. Halfway through the season it makes sense that we'd have caught our tail and are now eating ourselves butt first.... ?
  7. Last weekend was just about perfect in the realm of the NFL. -The Bills won -The Jets stooped to a yet undiscovered ****show depth -The Dolphins soiled their own tank -The Patriots lost and their "85 bears" defense got exposed. Here's what can make this weekend a good follow up. - Bills win convincingly (obviously, it all hinges on this) - Allen looks far superior to Mayfield in their first meeting, making Browns fans wonder if they chose poorly, again. - Jets get blown out by the Giants. Sammy throws 2-5 more interceptions, Danny Dimes looks like a franchise QB and the mouth breathers in green are left wondering if they're about to watch another decade of a NY franchise QB playing in Blue, while they have a joke of a team. - The Dolphins win a back and forth afar against the colts, thus helping our playoff position and screwing their own draft position. - The Bengals lose gaining another step on the phins for #1 pick - The Cowboys get blown out at home against the Vikings (this one has no real affect on us, but I like it when the Cowboys lose) - Different tie-breaker situations go the bills way. (didn't feel like looking this up) That would be a pretty good weekend for me... Did I miss anything?
  8. I get What you’re saying, and I don’t care to defend the post itself, but don’t we do the do the same with male reporters?
  9. Maybe he can start posting in your place? I think I speak for the majority when I say, we'd welcome the change.
  10. I think Daboll has created some fantastic plays and has shown that at any given time, our offense can do 10 different things really well and he successful moving the ball. I think the complaint against Daboll is that within each game, he struggles to build consistancy. From the outside it looks like he’s getting too cute, or that he’s scared to commit to whatever the defense is giving us. We need to be willing to do what works until the other team sells out to stop it- then move to the next thing.
  11. Hot, stupid, steaming pile of takes. Minshew has looked good, but he isn't being replaced because he hasn't looked good. He's being replaced because the Jags need to leverage the value of Foles. Either Foles lights it up and is their franchise QB and they flip Minshew for a pick, or Foles looks just okay and they flip him for a pick, or Foles looks bad and they pivot back to Minshew. This is the right move, and it isn't a benching. And Allen doesn't need to be replaced because he's the franchise QB. Wake up. Pack your stuff. Go find a message board and fan base that better suits your neurotic tendencies.
  12. Allen has a killer mentality that gets the job done when the chips are down so often that it’s hard not to think that #1 is checked... I dunno, I’m sure time will tell; but I don’t think Mitchell Trubisky picks his team up in the 4th quarter like Josh does.
  13. It is plausible, same as it is plausible that people think that drafting Oliver was a bad decision, and that he was benched for his own performance, and not because he got outplayed by Phillips.
  14. Sarcasm is a subtle art... maybe you can audit a class at the Community College?
  15. Also- what I linked is a PDF which is super easy for emailing and or printing. Tell your Son we're grateful for his service, and we're glad to have him repping the Bills while ensuring our freedom to sit here and B word and moan about the bills.
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