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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. Lot of blame to go around, but overall just ***** offensive playcalling. Whose idea was it to play for the long field goal on that last drive?
  2. Our offense is completely predictable. I started watching in the third, and I didn't see anything wrong from Allen that didn't clearly have to do with Daboll's playcalling being 100% transparent.
  3. Those plays exist for that very reason, but they’re stupid
  4. I feel nervous about this game, but I have a feeling we’ll get the job done.
  5. “You’re saying the brown thing I just stepped in isn’t ‘The Browns’ we came for?”
  6. Is the only thing more trappy than a trap game a game that everyone is calling a trap game?
  7. Tua isn't bad at all, but Burrow has looked better today...
  8. I wouldn't be shocked to see Kelly play this sunday.. The odds of Hoyer either A, getting hurt, or B, playing poorly enough to be benched, aren't small.
  9. Yes, when I honestly could not tell what you were missing. Your introduction to this conversation was you asking for validation to my point, which I provided, which you missed. Reading errors are perfectly acceptable.
  10. This has been a fun conversation. Let's do it again sometime.
  11. I’m sorry, did you slip and fall and hit your head? Or maybe your forgot to take your medicine? Maybe you just need a snickers. I said that I don’t understand the amount of takes declaring the bills are likely to lose, and or get blown out by the Browns. It’s slightly confusing given the fact that the Bills are 6-2, and the Browns are 2-6. The Bills outplaying expectations, and the Browns pooping all over their expectations. So I posted that the assumption that the bills would lose, let along lose badly, was idiotic, and I hope that we prove them wrong. You then asked for one example of such takes. I gave you one definite one, and one that seems to imply a bad day for the Bills. There was also a long conversation on the ATN podcast where several of the pundits predicting the Browns winning. I didn’t mention those because you asked for one. I provided one, you showed a stunning lack of reading comprehension, and now are somehow considering me to be making up the negative takes directed at Buffalo? It’s not tough that there are people saying the bills will get blown out, I don’t care about their opinions cause they’re idiotic and I assume they will be proven quite wrong. That being said, I am sure it is tough being you. I’m sorry you have to deal with that.
  12. Can't tell if being silly, or just dense?... "The Browns' offense and defense step up in this one to help flip the trends. Cleveland gives the Dawg Pound something to cheer about, as it blows out the bills by at least 21 points."
  13. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000001074363/article/week-10-bold-predictions-richard-sherman-picks-russell-wilson-twice
  14. The amount of takes saying the browns are going to kill us is just idiotic. I really hope we deal with them and win big.
  15. Does this game push Burrow ahead of Tua on draft boards?
  16. I got my toes in the water, ass in the sand, not a care in the world a cold beer in my hand, life is good today... life is good today...
  17. Agreed. It isn’t enough to verbally shame idiots, I want a tangible demonstration. Beat me to it... We were too busy ignoring you to tell you about it...
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