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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. I expect Pittsburgh to drop at least one to Cleveland, and I expect us to beat either Dallas or Baltimore.
  2. Looking at drafting alone is stupid. You have to look at the entire team building record. He’s doing well on that front.
  3. I personally wouldn’t hate it, but I wouldn’t love it. My gut says no because I think he’s going to f up anywhere he goes, and we’re a young team facing adversity- not a good pairing. if he plays this year, I expect it to be for the other Pennsylvania team.
  4. Well he’s not wrong that it looked like Allen threw Brown a jumper, which would be a terrible call in that situation. But what Brown said really changes that play- the ball was righ where it was supposed to if Brown was able to come back for it.
  5. It’s not about using one to set up the other, it’s about balance. It’s about running and passing throughout the game from identitical formations and in identitical situations. It’s about not letting the defense key on any one aspect of what you do. Our offense feels completely transparent.
  6. You didn’t address a single one of my points. Proving again, that your anti-Allen narrative is all you can see. Have fun in the echo chamber bud.
  7. You’re seeing what you want to see. Allen played a good game yesterday and was let down by a lack of balance in play calling and a lack of protection in the line. There were several 3rd and short plays where the entire offense was running 10+ yard routes and the line wasn’t protecting long enough to give him room. Everyone knows you’re a bitter JA hater, and that’s fine. You’re entitled to your opinion. But blaming the offensive issues of yesterday on Allen reveals just how devoid of football knowledge you are.
  8. I disagree about QB. Allen has done well when given chances. The Offense has no rhythm, and no identity. There’s no plan and no adjustments. Allen is making plays when anything is schemed up for him, it’s just rarely done.
  9. It seems like a regression... I don’t understand why Beasly isn’t featured anymore.
  10. I’ve seen us as an 11 win team, and I think that’s still possible... that being said, we’re going to have to get out of our own way to do that. The hope for the season for me is that we wake up and start playing balanced football, letting Allen play loose (not too loose) and that our defense remembers how to be the elite squad they were before the Bye.
  11. Back shoulder come backs, yes. Because that’s not about size and is rather about getting the corner going one way fast, and then breaking the route. It looked like it was supposed to be a jump ball in real time because Brown hadn’t created separation due to running the wrong route. If he had broken back as he was supposed to, he’d have had space to make the catch and turn up field/out of bounds.
  12. A loss to the Browns means nothing in the grand scheme of things, and could very well be a positive thing for us. We have played good football on both sides of the ball at times this year, we just need to put it together. Time to become who we are.
  13. Hard to know what read Beas is on that play, and Allen definitely doesn’t have time to cycle through them right there. It could definitely be on Allen, but hard to say one way or another without context. While in the first half of the season, Beasley was the first read on a lot of passes, it doesn’t seem like that’s happening anymore... that’s a huge question mark for me. The back shoulder come back to brown has been amazing this year. The problem, according to Smokey during his postgame presser, is that he didn’t get where he needed to be.
  14. Pat Tillman was KIA. Which means Killed in Action. I don’t think Klos was trying to be flippant or unpatriotic. Technically Vets day is more for vets still alive, while Memorial Day is for those who perished fighting for the country. Not that it can’t be both, but as many have said, they highlighted bigger, well known names. Many were left off the memorial just for want of room. I’m sure NFL.com has some form of memorial that Kalsu is a part of.
  15. Ticky tack holding call to bail out the Girls in a bad spot?... shocking.
  16. Not sure which catch was better- Cobb or Diggs!
  17. Dallas and Pittsburgh. Somethings gonna happen and our offense is gonna get on rhythm.
  18. Sure, and then it might be a fact that the Steelers beat the bills. Right now it's your opinion, a *****, negative, worthless opinion. Have a good rest of the day bud.
  19. Dolphins traded a stud for a mid 20's pick cause they didn't know how to use him.
  20. Honestly, if Ben can come back for even a year, Minkah was worth it. Damn he's transformed that D.
  21. You're a delightful poster. I hope you never forget your password and that you're here for a very long time.
  22. Used to be you take that shot hoping for PI. Now PI is stupid.
  23. i get it. I think there's still work to be done there, but I also think that the year to year improvement has been really good on the OL.
  24. Was that a bad no-call, or was that just me?
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