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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. Best Bills weekend. Period. Bills get the best win in years. Get help with WC situation. Jets get abused. Dolphins hurt their draft stock. Bills get flexed to SNF. Pats get the ***** kicked out of them.
  2. I’m more worried about the Texans in the WC round than I am about th Patriots in the Divisional...
  3. The fug was that?... How did that make sense?
  4. The sound of relief in Collinsworth's voice. idiot.
  5. If this game ends as it looks, this could potentially be the best 4 day stretch for the Bills since the 90s.
  6. Lets go! ***** you Brady, Bill, and the Refs.
  7. No woman is ever happy about exercise equipment for Christmas... That company is looking to cause divorce.
  8. Define ball in flight.... ref blindness doesn't leave when retired.
  9. My post may have missed the mark. I don't at all mean that we shouldn't try, but rather that the extreme worry that is normal when we're "in the hunt" is not there- from the fan perspective.
  10. They played the Eagles in crap weather, and the Eagles offense has imploded anyways, then they played the Cowboys in bad weather and the Cowboys offense is crap as well... Aside from that, who have the Pats dominated?
  11. The SNF broadcast translator: Tom is noted for wearing his emotion on his sleeve = tom is known for being a crybaby B word.
  12. He's already slurping with that cheshire cat smile. Have some dignity you shill!
  13. I also just cannot root for anything but the patriots getting obliterated. It could be the Patriots winning to put us in the playoffs or something and it would still leave a bad taste in my mouth.
  14. Honestly, if we can't get 11 wins and the #5 seed, I don't even care. We're 9-3 with 4 games left (including two very winnable games). That being said, I'm not worried about the other WC teams. I want the Pats to lose home-field and the bye.
  15. Do we think the Texans stand a chance? Desaun needs a big day to stay alive in the MVP race.
  16. This is probably the best argument for it not being on SNF. However, without Brady on the other side, it might not be too bad...
  17. Shoot him! Shoot him! I understand those who say they don't want the later game, I personally would be happy with this- especially since I think we'll likely win that game. Another reason for people to see the truth. Plus, JA is a primetime ass kicker. Woah- I didn't even see who was posting this. This is a serious source.
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