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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. Doesn't this become somewhat circular if they're using their own determination for what's good or bad to begin with?
  2. Short of a SB victory, I'd be surprised if he and Gore aren't back - assuming they want to be. They're both leaders and are still performing well (Gore less so) and likely feel like we're on the cusp of winning it all!
  3. my mistake- I was thinking of this: So a 14 point jump (which, out of 32 is essentially half of the data points) in a two game span... Not saying I understand it all, but that's a whole lot of statistical variance.
  4. No, but I was giving my dad (a lifelong steelers fan) ***** about how they were gonna fall apart sans Bell and Brown and how Tomlin would be fired.
  5. Yep. I honestly don't see why we can't go 3-0 to finish the season. I'm anticipating 2-1 (loss to NE, of course) but I think we've shown at various times that we have the juice, we just don't squeeze it properly. man, I gotta take the L on that... I thought Tomlin was done, that he had wasted years of having one of the best offensive talent groups ever, and that he would be fired this year. Now I'm convinced he's actually a damn good coach and the idiots on the team were holding themselves back.
  6. Can you imagine having 3 coaches over the entire course of your life, and being a good/great football team the entire time? How does that even happen.
  7. Dallas is a house of cards. The weather in that game was horrible. And the Pats got some help from on high (not deity, but good ol Al.) I know that DVOA accounts for quality of opponent, but it's still a joke, in my opinion. Allen went from like 30th to 15th after 1 game. No statistical model should allow for that large of a jump. The problem with all of these rating systems is that they don't just look at raw data... They make jumps. Like PFF's "Turnover worthy plays" they add subjective material into objective analysis. I don't know much about DVOA personally (so maybe they do not do that and I am incorrect) but nothing I've ever seen from them tells me they're a consistently reliable source. Here is some stats that I will bend to fit my narrative, as all do. (though I think these past the eye test) Over the last five games, the Steelers are 4-1 with a score margins of: +5, -14, +6, +7, +6 These 5 opponents are (as of right now) 19th Average yards per game, and 21st average ppg offensively. Only one of them ranks top 15 in both DPPG, and PYPG (The Rams) My take (agree or disagree) - Good defense playing ***** offenses, aided by horrible defenses on the other side = looking like an elite defense. I think this is a argument that transcends these 5 games as well. As for the Patriots. They're 2-3 in the last 5 games against opponents who are, on average, 7th in YPG, and 8th in PPG. It's worth noting here that their two victories came in bad weather and were close games. Before that 5 game stretch, they were 8-0. In those 8 games they faced against offenses with an average rank of 27th YPG, and 26th PPG. All that to say, now that they have faced top end competition, their "best ever" defense has been exposed surrendering 37, 28, and 23 points in losing efforts. (29ppg) I'm not discrediting these two defenses, and I am sure that they will give our offense issues (specifically since our offense has been up and down) but I think both of these units pale in comparison to the Ravens, who have chewed up and spit out some of the best competition the NFL has to offer, and who just gave us fits- yet we moved the ball well after the half and were one play away. It's also worth noting the need to view these games as whole entities- they might have a defense that is as good as ours (maybe), but both of those offenses are playing very poorly lately and our defense will likely handle them well, which will affect how good their defenses can be against us.
  8. They have good defenses, but DVOA is bull####. The patriots havent faces faces a single effective pass team that hasn’t beaten them. The Steelers are coming off a stretch where their biggest opponent was the Rams who were hot garbage. The ravens were the best of the three when you look at what offenses they’ve faced, and we hung with them.
  9. "but apologized. And then apologized for apologizing. Then compared his new boss to slave owners. Then apologized for that. Then apologized for apologizing for that. Then threatened a women accusing him of sexual assault. Then apologized. Then apologized for apologizing for that. Then begged to be let back in the NFL. Then declared that the NFL was racist and slavery. Apology pending." *Cuts to random player tribute* "Antonio is such a great guy, he's too good for all 32 teams. Literally, nobody can have him on their roster. He's that good." *Back to narrator* "Antonio is winning this award due to his bravery in revealing the depth of mental health issues in the NFL. Please welcome to the stage, your 2019 walter peyton man of the year, mr big chest himself." Also, as an aside... What's the over under on AB creating a puppet show wherein he gets awarded the man of the year award?... I think it's gotta be at least 65%
  10. Comedian Host comes to podium: "And the winner of the Walter Peyton man of the year award is... Wait... No. That can't be right. *pulls out different card* .... Okay. That's more like it! that other card said Antonio Brown."
  11. Yep... Not sure who would be the likely winner this year... Not like the year Watt was the obvious choice. Maybe AB?
  12. I was thinking about this very thing earlier while watching some various highlights... why don’t we do play action boots with Brown or Foster streaking the other way to get josh out of the mire and set propels for one of these shots? All of his deep passes come when he’s in the pocket and he rarely has room to step into his throw and plant his feet. It’s hard not to look at Josh’s body of work and be encouraged with how much he has improved and grown, while considering that he can continue to do so. Another offseason with Jordan Palmer and he might be killing the deep shots.
  13. All I can think with JuJu is that he offers just as much chance to drop a critical pass or fumble in a terrible spot as he does to make a back breaking play against us. Especially with Ducky throwing it.
  14. That’s not the same thing at all. A pocket passer is, for the most part, going to take less abuse than a running, read option QB. There are exceptions, and injuries happen all over the place (Joe Theisman was in the pocket when Lawrence Taylor ended his career), but running the ball increases the number of hits a QB takes. Besides, if not for the special treatment Marcia gets, between his line being allowed to hold all damn day, and defensive linemen literally being told not to touch him, his career woulda been over 5 years ago.
  15. Thats what I was saying up thread though. They haven’t done anything to indicate that they want to move away from the heavy run load. They seem happy to get a few years out of him and then move on to the next guy- not sure if that’s their intention or not. But that’s what their actions show.
  16. For them, absolutely. Probably for him as well. I have no problem with it, but his shelf life is like 5 years. In my opinion.
  17. Yeah, but as of yet, being able to consistently throw out of the pocket, go through reads, hit passes on every level of the defense, and move the ball efficiently via the air is the only thing that has stuck for the past 40 years. Every running QB who relies as much, or more, on their legs to create as they do their arms has passed by the wayside. Lamar has a chance to truly create a revolution. So far he is, but we'll see how long it goes. I don't know what you meant by your post, but I think that's an appropriate answer.
  18. Because the majority of his highlights are running highlights. His passing highlights are typically 1 read quick shots where the scheme is opening them up. Nothing wrong with that, but he rarely sits back, goes through progressions, and hits tight window throws. He's winning games and is hard to stop so it's good for him and the ravens. But the argument that he's more of a runningback than a quarterback really isn't far from the truth because he's not playing the quarterback position as it has been done traditionally- No problem with changing traditions, but that's where the distinction comes in. In reality labeling him either position is narrow. Just throw an X up there beside his name and enjoy the ***** that he does which few others ever have.
  19. Also, as a slightly off topic question: Has anyone had a worse season than Mason Rudolph? Step 1: Replace a Hall of Famer but you get no weapons and you also suck as a QB. Step 2: Suck horribly as a QB. Step 3: Get knocked the F out and miss time. Step 4: Come back and almost get murdered on National TV. Step 5: Continue to suck as a QB. Step 6: Get replaced by backup with a comic book name. A lot of suffering right there... Only matched by Chris Trappaso and his historically bad take about Rudolph being the best QB in the 18 class....
  20. I mean, what exactly do they want? Lamar was complaining cause he felt teams were targeting his thighs (specifically his quad, which has been hurt). Thighs are legal targeting areas, and players know better than to try to body tackle him cause he's slippery and will leave them embarrassed. if they drive for his thighs they have a good chance to taking him down. This is just stupid.
  21. Sure pal. If we lose the next three and then win 3 road playoff games and the Superbowl, I will be happy.
  22. If we lose the next three games, we aren't winning a playoff game. It could happen, but it's very unlikely as it will mean that we're more pretender than contender.
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