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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. The black hole has to be an insane atmosphere right now...
  2. My goodness... How. How. How. what. How. Why. Who. When. How. Where. How.
  3. The Cardinals helping with the first step of the "worst case scenario" kicking the ass of Faker and Co.
  4. We can disagree on a lot and still find common ground against horrible, terrible, no good takes. This is what makes America great.
  5. I agree with the sentiment, but if it goes that way and we're primed to play on WC weekend, I'll be just as thirsty for a win... maybe not as confident, but I'll be watching and rooting my ass off.
  6. I expect us to win at least two more games, but it's nice that our "worst case" is actually pretty damn reasonable. Rams cowboys = battle of overrated QB's?
  7. That dude completely missed his two teammates waiting for the pitch who would have scored. Stupid.
  8. Personally, I'mma be pissed if we lose out, but that's not at all a hard path if we do.... I love those spread ruining last second TD's.
  9. Would that be the path for us, even if we lose out?
  10. I don't care what you're saying right here- objectively speaking there is not a single person who knows a damn thing about football that would say Marrone is a better coach than McD. Not one.
  11. Bold predix right here: First Defensive TD of the year coming tonight.
  12. Based on the history of the Bengals, he’s got two to three more decades of seasons like this before his seat gets warm.
  13. Who in the hell is wearing #17 for the Titans, cause that ain’t Ryan Tannehill. What the heck.
  14. Jimmy Johnson: "I don't care if it's Bill Belicheck or any other coach, no nfl coach would approve this." What the *****. Are you that old and senile that you have forgotten that it's already happened? You #######.
  15. right, but now the talent level has gone up and the problem persists. Some of that is just normal, but some of it could have something to do with coaching emphasis... Hard to say.
  16. Thought this was amazing. Good luck watching without getting some chills. GO BILLS!!!
  17. Yep. Although, as someone posted in another thread, it looks like the exterior of the Steelers D is better than the interior. (small sliver of a silver lining) I mean, Steelers fans can claim that, but I don't think they have any objective foot to stand on with that... Really on either side.
  18. Completely agree. They need to be better. That's what has me wondering if it's coaching.
  19. good work. Give the ball to Singletary early and often, and then use the short passing game. I will be very disappointed if the "two short runs and a deep pass" offense comes back. Allen needs to hit those throws, yes, but there's no reason to not go with our systemic attack which moves the ball down the field.
  20. Based on the fact that we had this problem last year, and that all four of those guys are new to the team this year- makes you wonder how much of that is on coaching? also, wonder if Allen puts too much heat on the ball. Though I remember a lot of drops that weren’t thrown hard.
  21. Hey- I did pretty well. Pay the debt- who’d a thunk it’d be due with 3 games left! Is this a good time, or should we come back later? Horrible hot take exposed. You were wrong. So wrong. Dyslexia maybe? Yup. Bingo! On both counts. No Phill. No they do not. They rank 31st in Yards per game, and 29th in points per game. Even with the bills offensive struggles for large chunks of the season, they beat them by 10 spots. You started a thread with a question that was obvious to everyone who isn’t a bills hater. Your parroting of horrible ideas is exposed. Take the L.
  22. If we win this week, and lose next, it would make some sense as the division would be out of play.
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