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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. Playoff football when the Patriots cannot go to the superbowl is a beautiful, exciting thing.
  2. Baker Mayfield spends more time on national TV Commercials than he does on National TV Games....
  3. No. We're off topic talking about the Bills game cause people with more fingers for typing than brains for thinking have descended on this thread to take pot shots.
  4. Ugh. Collinsworth is disgusting even when it's not the Bills...
  5. It wasn't a blitz. It was a 4 man rush: The line blocked nobody! The clock stops on a turnover either way.
  6. To borrow the words of a great philosopher: You're an idiot.
  7. I don't even know what you do if you're a Saints fan at this point...
  8. This is idiotic. Seriously. You're begrudging the Qb extending the play on 4th down on the last drive when the entire offensive line failed to block? You are an american treasure.
  9. On 4th down, the last drive of the game, and your suggestion is to take the sack? You should see if they'll put you in the booth with Booger.
  10. That's some really efficient account switching up thread... 2 minutes? Well done!
  11. I mean, I think there's a lot of people, myself included, that see him as a decent role player who made some good plays but had some costly drops. In other words, a fringe roster player... As he's been since being signed.
  12. Wow. I've seen people hold onto drowning takes, but this is really well done.
  13. Here's something I wonder about... Do teams have guys go through all 22, make highlights of missed calls, bad calls, etc., and then send it to the league? I feel like this needs to happen.
  14. Of course! Because the winner of the Superbowl is considered the best team in the league, and therefore they get the last pick.
  15. This is a meh situation up until the refs banged us in overtime by applying the letter of the law to that Ford block. No common sense there when our chance to win was taken from us. The league is becoming a massive joke with officiating.
  16. I have mixed feelings about all this... on the one hand, I doubt he’ll get it and I wouldn’t hate him being back, on the other, I wouldn’t hate him leaving. i think the first half earned him a HC job, and the second half lost it. Unless it’s clear in league circles that McD was the one setting the tone of the second half and OT, I don’t see how a play caller who doesn’t feed the ball to his best playmaker can possibly get a HC job.
  17. I’m Whatdrought, and I support this message. Seriously, send this to Beane in an email. My only thoughts: - I think Levi is a nice player and better than Johnson. That being said, I agree they need to look at bringing in competition. - I’d be fine keeping star and Murphy on reduced pay as rotational pieces. - love the part about being all in on josh Allen. This is really it. It doesn’t matter what us fans think about him becoming a franchise QB. What matters is the staff says he is. Now get the job done to help him become that.
  18. He’s just a swing tackle who can play either side in a pinch. I think he’s valuable depth for us, but my real liking for him is that he seems to have really bought into the culture and bills mafia. His vet presence on the line is valuable, but I don’t think it’s a huge issue if we lose him.
  19. The Bills and Pats are ships passing in the night going drastically different directions. Im excited about the future, and upset about that loss.
  20. My top 4 are Spain, Phillips, Lawson, and Waddle. No specific order, though I think Spain has been our most consistent lineman this year... not a world beater, but a solid top 20 G.
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