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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. No, it wasn't well worded. I understand when my 1 year old asks for food, it doesn't mean she has a proper grasp on the English language. His upside, is all of the things that are right with him- his raw skill and ability. That's literally how the word is used throughout all scouting and player evaluation. Who he actually turns into, or his ceiling as a player, is his upside minus his shortcomings. I'm saying, and I suppose you could argue, but I doubt anyone would be on your side with that argument, that his raw upside, or potential, is higher than any QB prospect maybe ever- between arm strength and overall athletic gifting. He and JaMarcus have that insane upside in common though Josh is a better athlete. As for his decision making, this is really a lazy, goal post moving argument. For one, I don't think Fumbles are a "decision making" issue as they are more of just a technical thing- he needs to hold the ball better. Some of that is awareness I will grant you. But the argument about Josh's "bad decision making" has always been about his interceptions. Those crazy head-scratching throws that lead to picks. Those have almost entirely been removed from his game. So he has shown he can learn. He has actively demonstrated the thing you're accusing him him incapable of. You're entitled to your opinion if you'd like it, but I just don't buy the premise. Josh is a hard worker and has shown a vast improvement with the cerebral part of his game this year. If you feel that he hasn't, that's fine. You're more than welcome to be wrong. P.s. I'm not predicting the future, I'm stating that he has improved, which is 100% true. I'm further stating that improvement begets improvement and that it would be unlikely (though not impossible) for him to stop improving.
  2. That plus our defense remaining in the top 10 puts us squarely in the SB discussion...
  3. Yup. There are gonna be guys in the later rounds who are as big, a bit faster, and catch better and it’s gonna be hard to ignore them for Duke. I’m sure he’ll be at camp and I wish him the best as he looks for his opportunity.
  4. He’s been the special teams coach in NE for years... that isn’t something to look down on.
  5. This is the kind of hire I’m hesitant to critique cause guys like this can come out of nowhere and be studs (John Harbaugh comes to mind)... that being said, it’s hard to give this franchise the benefit of the doubt as they’ve been a steaming pile of poo lately.... so I don’t know what to think.
  6. Thread over. Congratulations OP, you have created a great thread to prove that Duke dropped that pass. Well done. This is the very play Duke has to make to have value. He doesn’t separate, he doesn’t play special teams, he doesn’t offer a whole lot after the catch. If he wants to be in the NFL he needs to make this play in the biggest game of his life on a perfect pass. He didn’t. That’s not the end of his career, but it’ll take work to overcome. Duke is is exactly what we thought he was- a project WR who is a fringe NFL player. Give him every chance to win a job next year, but if the WR room is upgraded as it should be, it’ll be a pretty tough row to hoe.
  7. I thought He was a shoe in to NYG? Wonder if they didn’t want him, or just missed out...
  8. This is poorly worded. His maximum upside is the best Quarterback to ever play the game. Nobody can debate that. He has the upside to be the best ever on physical talent alone. That’s why he was a first round pick. That’s why he was dang close to being the first pick. Whether he’ll get anywhere near that is anybodies guess, but the talent is for sure there. You can say he’ll only improve 10% from now, but I disagree with that as well.
  9. 3 blockers missing the linebacker. Game winning field goal next play if one of the 3 does their job.
  10. This feels like scapegoating to me... which, now that I think of it, is no stranger for Wade...
  11. I mean, anyone the dolphins draft I will root for to bust. If it's him I'll just root that his hip recovers fully for human function, but not for NFL play.
  12. Yeah.. Same feeling here. There's been a lot made about how he's spent his year off studying how to modernize, but that seems questionable... Either way, I hope he sucks cause screw Dallas.
  13. Did you divide by Pi? If so, what flavor? I'm glad someone appreciated it... I added that on the edit cause I was waiting for someone to roll and and "Achshuallllyy, pff says he regressed"
  14. This is it right here. This seems like an overreaction. Let me re-work the scenario for you. Allen laterals to Knox, who catches it in stride, makes the defender (whose busy wrapping Josh) miss, and rumbles down the sideline for 22 yards. We kick the game tying fg and go to overtime. All the sudden that play is held up with his 4th and 1 play from Dallas as an example of Josh's never say die, winner mentality. Doesn't make it a smart decision, but I guarantee people aren't using it as an example of him losing his mind. Besides, one play where the game was overwhelming him (that is definitely true, no argument there) is not a defining moment. To ignore his consistent growth this year in lieu of that is a mistake, I think.
  15. You're comfortable using one metric to judge the entire season? Okay. Also, I agree about the fumbling. That's such a fluky problem though I expect it to get cleaned up. Not even rounding up. This is true analysis.
  16. Simple question really. Use stats if you're a stat person, use eye test if you're an eye test person, use PFF if you're a moron. What percentage did he improve? For me, I think he improved 30-40% as a whole. From his accuracy (not downfield, but he did improve over the course of the season here) to his pocket presence to his decision making to his overall command of the game. Still lots of growth available, but it feels to me like those ready to quit on him are ignoring the jump he took this year, and assuming that he won't make another jump next year. P.S. - He did improve. If your answer is that he didn't, you're a troll and don't belong on this thread.
  17. Man... Hard to judge this. Feels like a good hire, but also feels very Dallas...
  18. Disagree... We got 7 coverage sacks against Watson who held the ball too long. When the Texans started finding soft spots in the zone our pass rush was neutralized because we didn't have anyone who could win one on one.
  19. Man.. Wentz is the guy whose just never there when you need him. QB version of Bob Sanders.
  20. Laviska Shenault. Big, strong, physical WR who begs to be a gadget player.
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