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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. Nope. He’ll flirt with the 12-13 million. I don’t think he’s as good as David, but he’s younger and his price tag will be up there.
  2. Miami is definitely a place a guy can get his head right after being surrounded by the party scene in Nashville...
  3. Every once in a great while I think about how nice it could be to convert John Brown, Isaiah McKenzie, and Andre Roberts into Curtis Samuel....
  4. Milano is a better player, OT is worth more than LB. that being said, over 10m AAV for either feels foolish for us at this point. I’d prefer Williams at sub 10, but I doubt that’s happening.
  5. Chaz is a risk cause he’s so green at the position. Love his physical side, but he might take time to adjust in instincts and knowledge. That being said, I like him, but I could see pairing him with a guy like Edmunds who has similar weaknesses may be a bad play. Sage is someone I’ve loved for a while, but I don’t know if he would be considered duplicative of Gabe’s skill set?
  6. Hadn’t thought of that either.... so they drafted 3 of the 10 on this list... that’s insane.
  7. I hadn’t thought of him! Was he a guy who people saw coming for multiple years and were like “that guy is gonna be the *****!” It’s crazy to me that they got Manning and Luck who were each shoe ins for #1 overall for years.
  8. it’s something crazy like 11m if we cut him vs the 7m he’s owed if on the team. A restructure just pushes that money down the road and I’m not sure that’s beneficial.
  9. It would have been pretty crazy if the Colts had somehow gotten Trevor Lawrence...
  10. Didn’t see a thread on this but thought it was interesting. Marshall got this setup for some guys to get a chance to show their stuff (only 16 players) in the no combine world. Not sure if scouts will view it as valuable, or if it’s essentially just a pro-day, but an former player using his platform to help guys in this climate is nice. also, give me either (or Both) of the Surrat brothers in Bills uniforms. Here’s more info about this: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.sun-sentinel.com/sports/miami-dolphins/fl-sp-dolphins-brandon-marshall-combine-20210305-ltqc2kihnvh6xnxwy7cgjpg54i-story.html%3FoutputType%3Damp 4.24 40 by Georgia CB Eric Stokes.... not gonna carry the same weight as that number in Indy, but still impressive.
  11. Surprised they didn’t use this as a chance to alter this years $$.
  12. A name that I don’t hear much about but would like is Solomon Thomas. Kind of a redemption project, but someone with a whole lot of talent.
  13. concur. Im curious, are they able to use recorded testimony in some cases? I get the “facing your accuser in court thing” but for some situations there should be some version of a digital equivalent.
  14. Yep. And Dyami might be a guy that if he’s there in the late third when we pick they can’t say no. Beane and co. know how they value guys and they stick to that, which I like. I could see a small trade out of the first netting us a 4 and then also swinging back into the 4th. He has 7 picks right now, if he trades back he’ll have 8 or 9. I could see him wanting to draft under 7. Moving around seems likely.
  15. In a vacuum I prefer his running mate Dyami Brown, but unless we cut Smoke Brown, I don’t see us taking a top 100 WR. Newsome could be a good value later who helps in the return game as well.
  16. ugh. That would be reminiscent of Karl is Williams.
  17. yes. Foolish to cut your best interior offensive lineman to save 4 million dollars. Foolish to think that a replacement level guard is better at center than Morse. Foolish to think that you improve your offensive line by gutting it. Foolish.
  18. Morse isn’t getting cut. It would be foolish and it isn’t happening.
  19. I hate this. Every part of it. Every single time someone tries to argue that one matters and the other doesn’t we get a brand new example of why that’s not true. The Chiefs lost because the Bucs defense shellacked them. The 49ers lost because their defense wasn’t enough vs the Chiefs offense. It’s not either or. It’s both. It always has been and always will be.
  20. For sure. But I don’t think they are “contenders” as far as the statement “he is wanting to play for a contender” goes. Murray was okay last year, but he also struggled consistently throughout the year.
  21. They’re contenders to make the playoffs.... they don’t crack a list of 10 most likely to play in the SB.
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