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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. Can you stop a position coach from taking a Coordinator job? Or am I misunderstanding the OP?
  2. Lol. Your argument is that someone, anyone... needs to learn situational coaching from Andy Friggin Reid? You're showing your ignorance.
  3. Trading for Benjamin is another issue. Getting rid of an underperforming head case and getting high value for him was a good move.
  4. There are people calling Watkins better than John Brown.... Hot damn, random playoff game threads are actually as crazy as Bills game day threads...
  5. Yeah... Beane correcting the mistake of the previous guy. Getting value for someone who they weren't going to pay and then got overpaid like crazy.
  6. This is stupid and revisionist history. Watkins is an afterthought in the best offense in the league. A blind squirrel enjoys the occasional nut. Beane won that trade by a large margin.
  7. Thats possible, though If They end up playing football in school next year, it ends up being the same issue. They could return and get their degree while not playing which would prevent injury and allow them to declare next year. They could also wait and return to school after going pro.
  8. Just seems like bad counsel. I get the idea, betting on oneself and whatnot. But it doesn’t seem wise.
  9. What a waste. I would have loved either of those guys... I just don't get the wisdom on going back to school as a RB if you're anywhere near a top 150 pick.
  10. I love this. Yep. See: Bryce Love. Expected second round pick after his junior year, went back and had an injury riddled season and went in the fourth.
  11. How much is James Bradburry gonna get in FA? Carolina connection there, and a decent Corner.
  12. On this side topic: What the heck is being filtered when someone types Patriots? Edit: and why didn't it filter that time?... what the heck? I'm always seeing people whose post includes "Pats*" and never understanding... That's a lot of investment.. Not a problem, necessarily, but I would assume 2 top end investments (top 4 pick/FA), not 3.
  13. I like the idea of spending some money on mid-level FA's to round out our top level and build depth while freeing up the draft to get guys who are going to make a difference. A good FA period to me would look something like this: Vernon Butler, DT AJ Klein, LB Vic Beasley, DE (one year prove it deal, or heavy incentives) Depth at OL Secondary Depth A playmaker (lower level, probably) Then we can go into the draft with freedom to build. I don't think we're likely to see any big splashes (maybe one at DE if Shaq walks) but rather, solid contributors who fit the scheme and the culture. Agreed! It's been a great primer to get the brain thinking. I for one am excited to see what happens. I think realistically, our FO improved our team by at least 50% just by added overall talent and depth on the roster during last years FA. I expect a similar offseason and similar rewards.
  14. 1- great point. 2- I guess we’ll see when we know where Cam will be playing next year... Also, no idea if Isaiah Simmons makes it to where the panthers pick, but that’s a mock draft gimme now.
  15. Does anyone get the feel from the video that this might be more of him being told he can’t play? Medically speaking.
  16. Also, I do wonder if this is somehow the natural evolution of things... when guys are that big of stars, they get that first contract and realistically never have to work another day or their lives (and can be quite comfortable, If wise).. then it’s only the love of the game to keep them going, and it seems like it would be hard to love the game if it’s mostly rehab and feeling like ***** for you.
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