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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. Coin flipping is an intrinsic skill that one learns during the important time in life known as Puberty.
  2. Don Lemon on CNN Yesterday: "Today in Iowa the Democrats, also known as the Party of the People, take their first shot at reclaiming this country from the hands of oppression, ignorance, and deplorability. This opening salvo will be but one of many attacks launched between now and November with one central goal: Blowing Donald Trump and his Russian, Redknecked, stupid, ignorant, supporters right out of the White House. He's never belonged there, and he cannot stay. Now. Lets take a live look at the Democrats as they prepare for this historic battle for the fabric of Democracy, and this country" :
  3. There is no way that woman doesn't mix her Chardonnay with some form of illegally obtained uppers...
  4. Climate change = warming trends caused by admission of greenhouse gasses from Democrats brains.
  5. Could the problem stem from the Democrats’ inability to find any state on a map that isn’t bordered by the ocean? Someone should start an email campaign and just send pictures of the Iowa Democrats Logo. Suspiciousness discovered.
  6. I think you’re missing the historical context... the DNC doesn’t want Bernie in the drivers seat of a campaign, and they don’t care if he’s the only horse in their stable with legs. Same song second verse. I think Bernie (though I despise him, personally) has the best chance of beating trump because he invigorates the “ignorant youth” movement. But the powers that be in the DNC won’t have it. Tonight is proof positive of that.
  7. They didn’t even wait for the Convention to implode and screw Bernie? Damn. They’re efficient this go round!
  8. the man confesses he has no life and you rub lemon on his wounds by making him the Browns? Low blow.
  9. I’ve actually come around on this since it first came out that he’d be free... if they see him as a replacement for Kroft, and they don’t want to bring in any big name TE cause they like what they have in Knox and Sweeney, I’d be happy with this. Whether or not you like this specific move- I think it needs to be stated how refreshing it is to be a properly run organization. We’re doing this the day after the Super Bowl... previous FO’s wouldn’t be back from vacation until the week before the combine! Actually just a tour of DC.
  10. Is it just me, or is it unusual to see a team come out and declare that like that?
  11. I'm always likely to vote for more rounds as long as the flow is good and people make their picks in a timely fashion. Got it- so premiums are allowed at the discretion of those doing the dealing? How it should be, imo.
  12. For what it's worth, the Lions phone is charged up and ready to go. We're more than happy to take a blue chip player at three, but we don't hate moving back either. We'll be over here with a pencil in our ear, stuffing whatever refreshments available into our open gullets. HMU. Also, I have two questions: 1- How many rounds is this? 2- How strict is the points gonna be, cause I could see some bidding wars happening and I am all about the free market.
  13. If you got those three in FA I might actually be okay moving up for a WR...
  14. 12-4 and a first round bye. Take it to the bank right now.
  15. "I swear to god Sam, if you lips get anywhere near me I'm torching them."
  16. @Reed83HOF Better not mess this up... It's pretty simple. Next 5 first rounders, allen, Tre, and Ed for the first to pick Chase Young. You know what to do.
  17. sure- whichever. Lions are fine with me. I would love the capital of the Dolphins, but I’d end up finding guys with UDFA grades and taking them- I can’t even fictionally work to improve the fish...
  18. Gimme Colts, Jags, or anyone in the top 10. I’ve edited this like ten times cause I can’t actually decide. Just give me whenever works @Virgil. Lol
  19. Well, Reid breaks his reputation of not being able to win in a big spot, and Shannahan doubles down on his of not being able to close out in a big spot.
  20. I liked the FB one. The audi one made me want to weep and die.
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