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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. Below is more of explanation on why I said that about Breer's comments. I was probably overly critical on what he said, but the mentality that percieved to be behind it (whether or not that's Breer's mentality) was what bothered me- in short, I reacted to my perception and not what he actually said, which is unfair of me. As for Rosen's attitude, there have been some whispers (specifically around draft time last year) that he had a bad attitude. That isn't concrete, but it could be part of the reason teams are quick to put him in the "ex" column. He also wasn't known to have a shining attitude in college, and his comments after the draft rubbed me the wrong way. I get hot and bothered about Rosen because there was a tangible majority on this board who believed that Right Josh was Right, and anyone who wanted Wrong Josh was an idiot. As someone who really didn't like Rosen, it seemed to me that this went past the normal "prospect a is better than prospect b" type of dialogue and got into a real schism around here wherein those on the Rosen side of the aisle (and probably some on the allen side as well) were truly considering the dissenting opinion as ignorant and foolish. Anyways, all that to say, now that Rosen's career arch has gone in a direction consistent with what some of us (the minority) thought it would, it's easy to get flustered when most people still wont take the L. But I have self-confidence issues so I'll cling to my "Wrong Josh" win like a drowning cat.
  2. I actually don't hate him. He's 5th on my thoroughly researched, well documented, expert WR big board (chuckles at how much I amuse myself). I think he's going to struggle to separate at the next level, and I think guys from big colleges with good QB's need to be taken with a grain of salt. Shenault is my guy. I love the versatility that he brings, and the toughness.
  3. Packaging a deal to get up and get Love in the 20's would be a good call. Hey @Virgil - for the above discussion, when might we know if we're doing two rounds? Will affect the way people handle things down the stretch.
  4. Ugh. Not Higgins to the Bills! Shenault all day long!
  5. That honestly almost made it into my post, but I didn't want to muddy the waters... Pun definitively intended.
  6. That's not a bad pick at all, but I really think Jordan Love is the pick there.
  7. And they likely will.. Because he's overpaid. No matter what he did in the Superbowl. Let me put this in an illustration that some of you people might understand. You're walking down the street and decide you'd like a taco for lunch. You look around and see a Mighty Taco. Ecstatic, you run in and buy a jumbo taco for $3. You eat the taco and are satisfied. You continue walking down the street and 2 minutes later you pass another Mighty Taco. You look in the window and see a sign advertising the same jumbo taco you just bought. This store is running a sale- they sell this taco for $1.50! You're taken aback. Though you're now full and satisfied with the taco you just ate, you realize that you've overpaid for the taco and that leaves you regretful. Even though you're still happy with the way the taco that you consumed performed (as far as tacos go), you wish you hadn't overpaid for it.
  8. There was once this doctor named Sigmund...
  9. Funny you should mention this... Due to a conversation in another thread, I am (not for the first time in the past couple years, mind you) reading through the 2018 draft night thread... The amount of Allen haters is still surprising to me.
  10. Not sure how you define technically sound? Either way, I put an asterisk on my post to make it clear I hadn't blown past your actual point. I just went ranty on Rosen cause it bothers me.
  11. In his response regarding Roesn: I find it to be the same company line we've been hearing about Rosen since his rookie year- he's a victim of circumstance. If he hadn't been on a bad team, if he hadn't been given up on immediately, if he hadn't been benched in Miami, blah blah blah. But there's no willingness from those who were completely positive that Rosen was a sure thing coming out to admit that, i dunno... maybe he's just not good? Undoubtedly he's had a hard row to hoe, but what's happening behind the scenes that has two teams invested in him (and a second round pick isn't the no investment that he argues) are done with him so soon. He hasn't done anything to earn development from two teams that had a stake in his future. Could be they're missing out on his potential, or it could be that he's just not good and he's got a bad tude. Meanwhile, Allen, who the "educated" knew would be terrible, cannot do anything good without an asterisk beside it. ** But you're right- he doesn't say anything truly positive about Rosen, and what he says about his circumstances is right. He could rebound, but I don't expect it.
  12. I'm meh on this... I don't love the idea, but I don't hate it either. I prefer we take advantage of the deep WR class. If he wants to sign someone I think there are more economic options, but it isn't my money. This surprised me though, and was quite fun to read!
  13. In a hurry to get ready for another depressing playoff exit?
  14. I'll give you 3 tooth picks for Jenkins. The good green kind with the pick on one side and the floss on the other. I carry those suckers everywhere. Bonus mint flavor, free of charge. Yeah. I'd have flipped Stafford for a second and taken a QB by now if that was legal. I think we did it last year, but it was players that were actively being shopped in the real world so there was some level of framework. There was also, I think, a committee to approve trades which added accountability.
  15. Check the front page OP where @Virgil has the order listed, the member representing the team as GM, and the current pick/previous picks.
  16. He read the question as the Colts who also need WR, DE, and QB. Kind of a stupid mistake to make, but not a huge deal. Also, his take on Rosen is laughable. These main stream guys still refuse to admit that Rosen's just not good, and has a bad attitude.
  17. This is technology used right. Also, no way that kid isn't the next Luke Keuchly.
  18. Yeah.. that's a rough situation to be in. Depending on your thoughts on Eason and Love, maybe worth it, but not worth the risk if you have Herbert much higher than those guys.
  19. I did some digging and just couldn't find anyone talking about Simmons to the Lions. It's pretty much Okudah, or Brown. I like Simmons but I think Brown is a better fit for what we need.
  20. Great pick. When I put in the Brown pick I knew you'd be thrilled to have Simmons fall in your lap.
  21. Commish asleep at the wheel. High profile business meetings and such. ?
  22. I gotcha. I think they do regret paying him, in that they're going to be cutting him or re-doing his contract. If they didn't regret it, they wouldn't change anything. They should have paid him about 10 million a year instead of the close to 20 or whatever it is that he got because he just isn't worth that contract. Just because he played well down the stretch doesn't mean they wouldn't rather be paying him what he's actually worth.
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