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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. I disagree with that only because it’s a contract. A non-contract employee agrees to do xyz on an undefined timeline until either the employee or employer decides to terminate the relationship. So if they want to say, I need a raise or I’m going to leave, that’s fine because they’re free to leave at any time. A contract employee agrees to do xyz for a specifically outlined time, receiving a specifically outlined amount of compensation. They’re saying “I’m gonna stop doing xyz unless you give me a raise” is a breach of contract and I don’t think it’s right. Although I have more sympathy for guys who hold out on the tag, as opposed to those who just hold out for new deals before theirs is over. I realize it’s very different in the sports world, but chalking such things up to “it’s just different” is where we get crap like the franchise tag in the first place. yeah, I get it, and you’re probably right. I just can’t stand it.
  2. Still not a good trade imo. Gimme any one of the receivers ranked 3-7 +Goeddert over Juedy.
  3. You’re probably right... honestly, it might have just been how certain I was about Rosen not being the guy. Usually I’m more ambivalent about prospect a versus prospect b, while that one was one I was really invested in- so maybe just my perception of it. It is interesting to look at the draft thread from 18... there was a ton of people really angry we took Allen over Rosen. More than usual for that kind of thing. Maybe where QB is just that important it creates more friction and more hills to die on.
  4. I get it, and I don’t completely disagree... it’s really just a matter, I think, of pre-draft thoughts on him. If, like me, you saw him as a guy who wasn’t a franchise QB and maybe had some attitude issues (which seems to be up for debate, but there’s plenty of accusations that he does) then this isn’t that surprising and it’s not hard to see it as the natural conclusion - whatever the surrounding cast. But if you thought he’d be a good QB it’s natural to blame the circumstances and wait for him to become that. So I guess time will answer it, but right now it doesn’t look good. I also reject the idea that, if this is how his career ends (as a long term backup/never becoming an effective starter), we can excuse it as his surroundings ruining him. We don’t say that about Ryan Leaf, JP Losman, Blake Bortles, etc etc. Some players are just busts. That’s what Rosen looks like so far to me, and as I posted up thread, the excuses he gets in light of how arrogant people were about their pre-draft takes on him (a lot of people around here) are annoying. Go look at the archives for the week of that draft. Before and after. The way he was talked about does not at all end up consistent with what he’s been so far.
  5. He’s been in bad situations, but two teams that have invested heavily on him have quickly given up on him. He must not be showing too much in practice- or at least that’s how it seems to me.
  6. for sure. And I don’t like guys holding out when on it cause they agreed to it (in a sense). I just think on principle it’s garbage.
  7. Didn't it used to be that you could only use the tag if you intended to pursue a long term deal, and using it for a tag and trade was a faux pas?
  8. This makes sense. There comes a point though, where we only get so much exposure and have to go off of that. There is also a lot of smoke around this topic and it's fair to wonder if there might be fire. I remember specifically that Charlie Casserly reported that his attitude was very bad in Arizona. There have been other things said, and there have been plenty of contradictions on those things so i wont assume to know the answer one way or the other. But as you stated, his personality doesn't come across in the way that some guys do. Maybe not a problem if he's a good player, but that hasn't really been the case to date. This is top notch stuff! Thanks for sharing! I do think Josh has it and I'm glad he's our guy! How do you mean?
  9. You have to wonder if teams are getting to a point where they're wondering if using the tag on someone who is gonna make trouble isn't worth it.
  10. I have felt for some time that Daboll would fall in love with him and make him a top priority.
  11. You shoulda called me in the 3 minutes between when I learned i was the falcons and when I made my pick...
  12. Meh, I take it with a grain of salt at this point. He has posted some things on social media that would indicate that he doesn't want to be there, and his agent may apply pressure. We'll see what happens. Also, I hate the franchise tag. What a stupid, unfair thing.
  13. Huh. Literally just realizing that I am also the falcons. Good thing this is a no-brainer for me. With the (flips back to front page to check which pick this is) 16th pick in the 2020 NFL draft, the Atlanta Falcons select, A.J. Epenesa, DE from Iowa. Two Words. Cameron Jordan. He wrecked a game against us to tune of 4 sacks this past year, and Epenesa looks just like him. We have the pieces on offense, and we have some good pieces on Defense. This guy will help us take the next step and get back to the top. We're very pleased that he's here waiting for us. @GunnerBill and the Cowgirls are on the clock. It really is. I swear I scrolled through the master list looking to see if you gave me a second team, didn't see it and figured you filled all the spots.
  14. I have mixed feelings about him.. Either way, they're riding with him and Ruggs would be a huge benefit. Wait... Am I on the clock?
  15. I get the argument. It's just too Sammy Watkins for me. History shows that at least one of those three guys is gonna bust out/never be a "dude" and that someone from the 3-5th round is gonna be a star. I just don't like blowing resources on one guy that isn't a QB.
  16. A trade back is typically always a good idea, but man... Ruggs opposite Sutton and Fant in the middle? That seems almost too good to be true!
  17. Not okay with the trade at all. Ruggs is a good player, but trading up for a WR in this class is just not a good idea. Thankful @Reed83HOF only uses Beanes likeness as an avatar and isn't really Beane... Unless he is, and he uses this account as some sort of trojan horse to get a bead on what the fans are thinking... In that case. STAHP. Don't trade up for a WR in this class! I aspire one day to be okay enough with this to only be considered disgruntled. As a random side note, where do you live? This question is completely unrelated to anything that has happened in this thread or been discussed previously... Just... curious.
  18. But are disgruntled reactions enough...? Do we need more drastic measures to show our displeasure with whomever he picks, even if we like them?
  19. "***** Karen, I told you not to put the fire sauce on your taco bell."
  20. I could be way off on this, but I expect Shenault will run better than Higgins... That's just my eye scout, so I could be wrong. As for talent level, I get the idea, but I always find that to be a questionable metric. Higgins played against better teams, yes, but he playing on a much better overall team. He was likely seeing the oppositions second best CB more often than Shenault would be. Also you're talking about the difference between a QB who is going to be the first pick next year, and a guy lucky to get drafted this year. Again, I'm not anti-Higgins. I just prefer Shenault.
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