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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. 5/5 would support this... Panthers going full tear down. Send em a 2nd for CMC? Paging Sherlock Holmes!
  2. Democrats, Putting the Progress in Progressive one old white guy at a time.
  3. I was playing basketball the other day and after an offensive possession I started backpedaling down the middle of the court to get on defense while keeping an eye out for who was coming from where. At about half court, with nobody around me, my right foot decided that it wanted to be my left foot and my left foot was fine with the arrangement so they decided to switch. Unfortunately, halfway through this swap the two sides differed on the minutia of the deal and decided to fight, with my right foot launching a wild haymaker into my left foot. They eventually made up, but not until I was on my back looking up at the poorly insulated gym ceiling while my former friends stood around me laughing... All that to say, this form of athleticism and fluidity isn't even something my brain can realistically comprehend without getting dizzy...
  4. Yeah, and it probably does come into the mind of the actual decision makers... But the reality is, the NFL went out of their way to make a circus out of the Combine this year (even more than normal) and a lot of Players and their reps were very gunshy about submitting to it. I think that, depeding on behind the scenes factors that we don't know, that could have been the right choice. I still prefer most other WR's over Higgins, but that's more my Clemson bias and my hesitation about WR's from big schools with great teams around them and great QB's throwing them the ball (see also, Justin Jefferson).
  5. I think they would take him back, but they can't afford him as it is now.
  6. Definitely. Just a curious thought train on what all goes on in back door meetings such as that one...
  7. Bills give: 22 54 2021 4th Jaguars Give: 9 Nick Foles Yannick Ngakoue ?
  8. Yep. And Foles is still a top 5 backup QB in the league and we could definitely use the improvement there.
  9. So there's no reason to think it's us over any of the 7 other teams they host? Will be interesting to see who it is, but we've also been rumored for London and I don't know that they'd do both. My biggest reason for disliking the idea (as one who doesn't care about the location as I don't attend games) is the player safety element. They cancelled the MC game last year cause of field conditions, so that's something to be weary about. Also, the altitude is a B word there. I know Smoke has sickle cell anemia, but I'm not sure if altitude has ever bothered him like it has others. This is a really intriguing part of the article: I never thought about the League leveraging SB location like this, but it makes sense...
  10. The idea of Foles and Ngakoue for a 5th and eating the $ of Foles' contract is not a bad thing to me... I don't think it'll happen, but it makes a ton of sense.. Oh good! Then we definitely won that!
  11. We won that trade, but then used the pick to get an obese WR...
  12. I think that’s a false equivalency. The only person beholden to his combine performance is himself. He can make that decision for himself and err on the side of caution. In a game situation he’s got 52 other guys counting on him and it’s a very different thing. I’m not sure why Chase Young gets off without question when he straight up said that the combine wasn’t worth his time, but Higgins gets railed because his body didn’t feel right that day. Don’t get me wrong, Higgins is pretty low on my list of desired players and I don’t care for him much, but I don’t think it’s honest or fair to take a DNP at the combine and use it for character assassination.
  13. This is an interesting situation because it could, potentially, really shine a light on the misuse of the franchise tag. I don’t remember many situations where guys have straight up said “I don’t want to be here, and I’m not signing” only to have the team slap the tag on them anyways. The tag was meant to be a bridge to a long term deal, but that’s clearly not the case here.
  14. it could be, but he also may have woken up that day and not felt right. This is a level of athletic performance that I think few of us have ever had to prepare for. If he wakes up and his body isn’t gonna be in its best possible position to succeed, it makes sense to sit. Bad argument. Hopkins is a douche. ?
  15. I saw someone compare him to Milano.
  16. It happened a lot this year. I heard, and who knows if it’s worth anything, that many agents were hesitant to let their top guys perform at the combine with the new platform the NFL had built. Said they’d rather let B level players figure it out this year, and then the agents would know how to handle it for A level players next. I don’t know if this is accurate, nor if Higgins and his camp believe he can take such a risk, but it’s possible. I don’t think passing on the workouts hurt him that much as far as his stock goes, as he’ll be able to do everything at his pro-day and make up for that. I think the bigger issue is where other WR’s had great combines (Jefferson, Mims, Claypool, etc) and took a lot of momentum. That’s going to be hard to get back, but If he had reason to believe that he wasn’t ready to perform, no performance is better than a bad one.
  17. I don’t love Higgins, but this doesn’t feel like a fair take. The reality is that if his body wasn’t right, there’s no point risking money and draft value to workout when he can wait and do it at his pro day. I don’t think it’s a direct sign that he’s soft.
  18. shoot, yep. My brain got messed up there.
  19. I have a hard time believing Mims would last past the Giants at 36 due to his College coach being there. I don’t hate him at 22. Think he’ll be good!
  20. I think they extended him too early. They should have waited and seen if he’d build on his success, or regress... like he did. That comment shows you that you haven’t been paying attention. If the Bills go to the 2020 super bowl and lose, they will be failures, as they will have failed the #1 goal of NFL teams. It will mean they are on the right track, but have more room to improve. This isn’t a hard concept and I’m sorry it’s so difficult for you to understand. Couple of real stunning intellects floating around this thread.
  21. And with that all, there were still plenty of people- myself included, who knew he wasn’t worth the money. He’s shown that now. Thats why people don’t pay running backs that. It’s not at all surprising that he ended up becoming a shell or himself- running backs don’t last. People have known that for years. Before Gurley, teams stopped paying RB’s the Rams said “look guys it’s okay, we can start paying RB’s again.” And then the exact reason people don’t pay RB’s was proven. My main point, and one you refuse to accept, is that team building that focuses entirely on selling off future assets is not sustainable and leads to issues. The rams are the example of that and If you disagree, that’s fine. But you’re wrong. Bookmark. They won’t be.
  22. Can you read?... I’m having a conversation with another poster. Same. I love and I’ve developed a bit of a crush on Kyle Duggar. But that’s a luxury pick.
  23. And need to pay Jaylon Ramsey top Money, are losing their Kicker and one of their better defensive players (Fowler). If you’re going to argue that Gurley and Goff contracts are justifiable, we’re just not on the same page and I’m not sure you know what you’re talking about. They are failures. They failed to win the super bowl, which is the number 1 goal of every NFL team. Duh!!! They’re universally laughed at for it all these years later. Getting there was an impressive feat, but never winning is a blemish and an asterisk on their success. The Rams not being able to win a Superbowl after doing what they’ve done from a team building standpoint is failure. Yes. And I am confident in saying that as they have set themselves up, they won’t be able to contend consistently for several years until these issues fade into the past. The whole point of it is this- you create a window of contention- not one year.
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