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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. Who did you sell your soul to to get a NYS carry permit? A major barrier to me wanting to come up and visit family is that my VA permit isn’t worth jack anywhere north of Richmond. but yeah- there are a lot of hoops to jump through... pretty much the easiest rule to remember is no airports unless you’re checking it, have the TSA papers, and have it locked down. From what’s been reported that doesn’t sound like his situation (not that it matters as he’s surely not allowed to have it in NYS/NYC)
  2. Yep. That will be the conversation that they have. I don’t know what the rules are for possession of a firearm in NY state, but I think in the city it’s completely forbidden? Not sure on all that.
  3. I mean, it sounds like he was in NYC with the gun, which is strike one. He was in the airport with said gun, likely not following expected TSA procedures for airport/air travel with a firearm, strike two. And it even seems to indicate that he was trying to actually board the plane with the gun! That would be strike three, but of course we’ll have to wait to see what comes of it. All that being said, isn’t it nice that stuff like this hasn’t happened since McD came? Correct me If I’m wrong but have any of our important players been in the news for negative things? (I know a couple PS/ training camp guys had issues) —— character matters! Edit: he seems like a good kid, so maybe this isn’t so much character as just really really dumb! Yep. #1 rule of firearm transport, be it plane, train, or automobile: you must be going from place A where it is legal and right for you to possess that firearm, to place B where it is also legal and right for you to possess that firearm.
  4. I have several thoughts about this... 1- I feel bad for whatever stupid lapse of judgment and lack of wise council caused this kid (22yr old) to not realize how much of an idiot he was being here. This will cause him issues- hopefully nothing too serious. 2- We got the better DT in the draft. That was clear in play, but this drives that home some. 3- Anything that makes the Jets look like more of a pile of ***** is good for me!
  5. It's too early to say if it will or not, but my favorites are her and Dan Crenshaw, though they both lack the prerequisite 70+ years of life experience (as if that's a bad thing!) The DNC is going to have to find themselves in the next half a decade if they want to take back the big house after Trump (assuming he wins, which I more-less do) and so far they haven't shown themselves capable. They need a calming, externally moderate candidate to unite the party... Based on how they handled this cycle, that seems unlikely.
  6. Suppose it shakes out that way, how would you rate them? I guess Manning is a wildcard, but I also think that the current iteration of Michaels is held back by Collinsworth which could lead to Peyton rejuvenating his career like Romo did for Nantz.
  7. Hard to say what ESPN/Disney could offer..? This is a good point... If Al wants to leave, NBC might be happy moving to Tirico full time instead of this slow succession thing they're doing now, but even if that was a positive, I can't imagine they want to help the competition become a power house. If Manning is half as good as people expect, he and Michaels would instantly challenge Romo and Nantz for top broadcast duo with Tirico and Collinsworth and Buck and Aikman playing for 3rd and 4th, respectfully.
  8. https://nypost.com/2020/03/05/espn-plotting-dream-monday-night-football-booth-al-michaels-and-peyton-manning/
  9. Confirmation Bias... The only time anyone paid close attention to the Eagles was when they were really good and Peters was hurt.
  10. The last woman dropping out of the race (for all intents and purposes) has made me sit back and dream of how much the Dems are going to lose their ***** when Nicki Haley is the first Female president...
  11. You're talking about the Party of skin pigmentation and genitalia. That's all that they care about. Wouldn't Biden getting Warren as VP pretty much end Sanders?
  12. Wondering where the misogyny used to take down EW ranks on lists of atrocities against Native Americans... My gut says right above wounded knee, but below smallpox.
  13. I mean, this is all well and good, but it still feels like the Chargers are Fleecing the Panthers here... This is good logic for why they want to swap those players, but the positional value doesn't seem to make up for the overall player value disparity... It's strange.
  14. I've been to St. Louis... Your external obsession is understandable. But seriously though, I'm the same way. Just ready for stuff to happen!
  15. That makes sense... but couldn’t they have gotten a pick for for Turner? Why trade him for a much lower quality player who costs more?
  16. The other shoe though is why Carolina made a (seemingly) horrible trade. LA got a much better player so that makes sense for them. I’m wondering if they swapped 1st round picks.
  17. Not a bad list. 2 complaints: 1- I don’t think Antonio Brown will he signing anywhere. Even if he does, he likely won’t play. 2- No way Andy Dalton is worth a 2nd round pick. 4th is more like it.
  18. All good points, and It might be a thing where a team prefers the sure thing over the hope of a good prospect.... Colts and Bears would make sense.
  19. That's the least significant resume list item possible. Especially when directly below it is "lost a superbowl by missing critical throws."
  20. I don't think he'd have any chance to win as an indy... The Dems are going to have enough trouble beating Trump as is, let alone as a fractured party. The only hope whichever of these two gets nominated has is ideological crossover voting - Split the ideologies and Trump takes it in a slide.
  21. Maybe... But he was worth just two when he didn't cost a bunch of money and when the NFL QB landscape was in much worse shape... Maybe just a three right now? Where would be a fit/who would want him? Not a whole lot of open QB spots this year.
  22. He probably has a higher chance of getting elected running on a "resurrect firefly" Platform than anyone from the dem field does on any of their ***** platforms! Hey... If he actually thinks the DNC screwed him (again) it would be the perfect thing to do. Essentially saying "***** the dnc, here's 4 more years of Trump." It's his last rodeo anyways...
  23. For those talking about Milano, look at Jaylon Smith as a ballpark. 6 years, 68.4 Million. 35.4 guaranteed, 11.5 aav. https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/dallas-cowboys/jaylon-smith-18982/
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