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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. I don’t hate Higgins, and I agree that his film is most important. I’m hesitant about a WR who played with a great QB, on a great football team. Same with Jefferson, who I’m also not in love with.
  2. Nope. Not at all. That’s my point. I don’t care for Higgins, the fact that there are a lot of questions about him and PFF likes him increases my hesitation. That's what I saw. Just googled him and CBS sports was saying he ran 2x in the mid 45 range. But not great. Guys like Claypool, Mims, and Jefferson are out doing him physically.
  3. Right, but It seemed like people thought both of his runs were over 4.5?
  4. That would be a massive coup and would put us in a great spot to be able to add to the position while keeping Shaq.
  5. The Spain signing says clearly that we have a spot for our guys, but it's gonna be with contracts commiserate with their value. I imagine that that is part of what makes Buffalo appealing to guys- management that is wise, and knows what they're doing. These guys might like GM's that overpay in March, but come September - January, they want to be on a well run team. Culture and process isn't just about players not getting in trouble off the field- it's about a wholistic approach to the business of football that is professional, mature, and wise. I love that about the current decision makers, and I think it's a big factor in what makes Buffalo such a close-knit group of players. I hope Shaq stays if they're offering him a fair and reasonable contract. Even more than that, he had some straight up nasty plays in the run game. His containment at a couple different times specifically stood out. He might not ever be a double digit sack guy, but he can contribute and I hope we keep him. That being said, I don't want to overpay him. I know Beane and McD have a good understanding of what he's worth, and I'm sure they'll offer him that. It's also likely that there are other teams that might offer him significantly more, if that's the case, I wish Shaq well!
  6. PFF likes him, enough said. they also published his 40 time as 4.43 even though nobody else had it above a 4.5
  7. 100% accurate. I have a friend who works labor and delivery and we’re always joking about how 9 months after a snow storm, spring break, and Christmas are their busy seasons.
  8. Interesting. Do you suppose they're calling all confirmed cases those that have been tested? Also, nearly 65% of deaths have occurred in one area of china (presumably where Wuhan/Ground 0 is) is that simply due to the timeline? It seems disproportionate and with China there's always that question of available resources/what the government might be doing (not to mention the overall lack of trust in the statistics reported by the government) Also, for those in the know: The majority of cases seem to be well north of the equator... Is that due to countries in South America and Africa not having as much exposure to foreigners, or is there more to that? I understand a lot of this stuff is unknown, just wondering what others have seen discussed!
  9. Question for those who are more informed. Two themes that I'm picking up as I scroll through different news sources on this: 1- We don't have enough tests, and hardly anyone is getting tested. 2- Cases are rising exponentially across the country. Are these cases presumptive, without an actual test being administered, or am I missing something?
  10. "How dare you Mansplain to me?!!" "Wealth inequality makes it impossible for the lower classes to understand such big numebers." "Math is racist!" "Calculators are practically the same as the gas chambers in the holocaust" "If I was white you wouldn't care about whether or not I had a pre-school education."
  11. Like 5 threads that this felt appropriate to post in, but here it is... If I'm not mistaken, this is the idiot who said that Bloomburg could have used his 500 million dollar campaign expense to give 300 million people 1 million dollars.
  12. Great idea for reduction of man power... Doesn't having 5 dudes walking underneath it kinda defeat the purpose?...
  13. Bernie's got to be as happy as can be. Usually disease and bodies in the street is 4th or even 5th on the to do list of communist utopias, but here it's built in waiting for him to take office!
  14. Except that his only speed time is on the home field, which usually adds a grain of salt.
  15. With 20 extra pounds Claypool got + 9.5 and +.2 on those drills....
  16. Has there been any conclusive data distributed relating to demographics and environmental factors to cases that ended in death? Would be interested to see what % of fatalities are occurring in higher age ranges/what level of treatment is being administered in cases where death occurs.
  17. I fear we will be less appealing due to not seeing him as a feature backer. He can probably get a chance to be a starting Will somewhere which will put him on the field much more.
  18. They really need to do away with these things. It's incentivizing not keeping your home-grown talent to be able to trade them for a free pick. Especially in todays NFL where every player gets overpaid.
  19. Came to post this- seems like it would be a great fit... Only concern is if he wants to get back to being a 3 down backer, that role likely doesn't exist here.
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