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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. I think the Ravens take a step back, but I’m not sure whose the bigger threat- Browns or Steelers.
  2. Not great. I think we’ll be fine with Butler and Jefferson, though losing him will hurt. I’m more concerned about what it could do to derail his career. Hopefully he can get back to himself and stay out of trouble.
  3. Not sure you meant it as a joke, but I really am looking forward to seeing if Gilliam can beat Dimarco.
  4. I can agree with much of this, and I don’t hate your idea of having a list, though I’m not sure how practical it is in reality. Piggybacking off of that, I wonder if there would be a way for the NFL to create a better networking process instead of relying on the current set up? Maybe a database of resumes, videos, etc. that would give decision makers a place of reference other than just calling the same 5 old hands to find who the hot candidate is. The database for minorities and non, or course. I get that those not getting opportunity are also hurting, but at the end of the day, winning is the only motivator that works in the NFL. Pegs hired a garbage retread, got a garbage product, wised up and found someone off the beaten path (a non-sexy pick) who has brought a winning product to hear. The cardinals went off the map and got something working better for them. The panthers are trying that this time. We’ll see. I think the changes are happening, but it is a slow process.
  5. It sounds like your issue has more to do with bad hiring practices, and not specifically racism. That I can definitely see. I wouldn’t be sure there aren’t those within this discussion who genuinely believe that NFL staffing decisions are made based solely because of race. Maybe not on this board, but definitely In the world at large. I personally agree that those stale hiring practices exist, but we’re seeing teams win because of going outside of that, while others hold onto it and lose. I think that is the natural correction. I also think the NFL would be better served if it was better at making sure new buyers actually care to own a successful sports franchise, instead of a boring money-maker.
  6. Well, just like you won't call those who you deem "less empathetic" right or wrong, I won't call anyone who sits with their perceived moral superiority and heightened view of self right or wrong. I'll let their posting do it for them. ?
  7. So which minorities deserved a second shot and didn't get it? Also, are you saying it's not about race, but about whose known versus not? "I'm not making a comment about people's philosophy, but I'm agreeing that there's a certain philosophy here."
  8. I think so as well... I don't see Norman taking CB2, and I doubt they will count on Gaines for anything. Williams has a real shot at RT if Ford flounders I think, but I don't expect that. Good competition either way, which I like.
  9. I feel like these are actually two positions where a true starter won’t exist. Maybe more snaps, but I think we’ll see that fluctuate over the course of the season. Now, ask me about RT or CB2... those are the real position battles.
  10. Right, and we as fans often see guys as overrated candidates. It doesn’t change the fact that regardless of race, those guys were hired because they were seen as the best candidates at the time (white or black) They’re not examples of racist intent as biscuit tries to make them. Which black coordinators fall under that setup or having a HC position and not being able to get back to that after excelling as a coordinator? I supposed Frazier is an example, but it seems like defensive re-treads are less prevalent. Todd Bowles is on his way to that, but same situation there. I know Lovie Smith got another shot and so did Dungy, but neither of those are comparable to a Shumur situation. Jim Caldwell got two chances as a HC as a minority after rebuilding his reputation. Am I missing anyone else?
  11. "Small minded people" was not directed at me? As for your initial comment, it seems to me, based on the meta-narrative of the thread that your idea of closeted racists would be those who disagree with this rule, or have any problem with similar such rules and measures. Mayhaps I was wrong in assuming that, but I did give you the opportunity to specify what you meant as you accused unknown members of this thread of being racists (closeted or not). Members, who in actuality have been quite civil and understanding in this thread (at least the strong majority). Either way, you didn't want to comment on that, preferring to take pot-shots from the sidelines. At that point you then used the above small minded comment, again, presumably aimed at me. Either way, you've offered nothing of substance and you have not in fact engaged the conversation. You've sequestered yourself to the sideline with your moral superiority and have shown no interest to dialogue about the OP, or the content within this thread. Thus, you are a wholly valueless addition to this already jammed packed thread. But, therein lies the beauty of this forum, you're free to do that. Just like I'm free to say I find your casting of aspersions and lack of explanation both tasteless and idiotic, but that is my opinion. Have a good one.
  12. You seem the be the only person on this thread feeling the need to throw insults, which really is interesting since you haven’t actually engaged the conversation at all. But it’s all good. You do what you need to do. Why thank you. I try very hard to stay civil while being indirectly accused of one of the most offensive things humanity has ever conjured.
  13. But to argue that there are less black coaches then there should be because of race means that there are black candidates being judged on race, not merit. Do you believe that? I do think there’s a lot to be done to encourage minorities at lower levels to pursue coaching, but that’s not what this rule about. And if they’re qualified, more power to him and them! But Arians also just replaced a black QB with a white guy which shows that he cares as much about winning as he does about racial makeup.
  14. No, the definition of racist is acting positively or negatively towards one class based on their skin color. The very thing this rule seeks to do. Regardless of white or black.
  15. You’re arguing that the league is driven by merit until it’s not. You’re being inconsistent. If merit based judgment can lead to 100% black Cornerbacks, why can’t merit based judgment lead to 80% white coaches? Now we’re back to square one and needing direct examples of minority coaches passed over, which you’ve not offered. Do you think Daboll should be fired? If so, I think you’re in the minority (no pun intended).
  16. And they were hired without merit? I’m asking if it would be racist if directed towards whites. Pointing to a logical fallacy in the NFL rule proposition? Why is racial inequality acceptable at CB but not at Head coach?
  17. I do wonder, for the sake of the conversation, would those who support (or lean that way at least) this proposition find the inverse to be racist? As in, teams getting a boost for hiring white candidates?
  18. Excuse me, that was a typo on my part. replace what I said with Merit instead of race.
  19. So apply that to specifics of this conversation. Which NFL coach was or was not hired on the basis of race?
  20. Shhhh. Don’t talk about that one. Let the Jets keep thinking they have a genius.
  21. Yep, and he was a bad HC. But still, when he was hired by the giants he was seen as a top candidate. If he gets another shot, come back to me and argue that any black person on the earth was a better option and I’ll concede that one.
  22. But at the time, he was seen as a top candidate because he’s restored his reputation and put the Browns thing behind him. Come on. Don’t be dishonest in how you approach this. Didn’t Smith walk away cause of a sick wife? Though I won’t fight you that BOB is terrible. I mean, on a whole those giant teams were marginal playoff teams that coughlin coached into SB teams, but I guess that’s a perspective thing. if you want to talk about lack of opportunities down the line that’s another conversation I’m less familiar with, but it’s not what this rule is about.
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