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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. Tell that to the widow of the FBI agent killed on the streets of Oakland last night. I have made it abundantly clear that deadly force should be the last option for the protection of the men and women sent to end the riot. Clearly the opposition is not against deadly force.
  2. Let’s work on a couple things here: 1- they’re not protestors when they begin engaging in criminal activity such as theft, vandalism, assault, etc. They’re criminals and anarchists. I appreciate their right to rebel against authority, but as with every revolution, the authority is expected and in their rights to use whatever means necessary to squash it- if they’re able. 2- unarmed does not mean ***** when we’re talking about 200 to 1 numbers. As with any situation involving law enforcement, a criminal refusing to listen to the law officers and approaching the officers with intent to do harm, deadly action is the officers right when it’s the last choice. 3- they literally killed a federal agent in Oakland last night. In the middle of the ***** street. 4- yes, under the circumstances wherein the men and women sent to stop the criminal rioting are in direct fear of their lives, I 100% respect and encourage the use of deadly force when no other option is present. 5- extreme would be a logical person not understanding that and instead believing that our enforcement officers should be sent like sheep to the wolves.
  3. This is your last post because you rolled in with a chip on your shoulder spouting non-sense, got slapped down with logic and reason and you can’t handle the heat. Fair thee well felecia.
  4. Absolutely shot dead. If they resist and pose a direct threat to the lives of law enforcement? Yes. And in case you’re wondering if it could get that bad, check out Oakland, where a fed was killed last night.
  5. Great! So now any protestors left are criminals. Any protest that composed of rioting, looting, theft, vandalism, attacking bystanders, burning building and cars, etc etc. is criminal and needs to be stopped with the full weight of the law and if they refuse to disperse/they attempt to cause physical harm to the lawmen, they should be shot dead in the streets. Protests without criminal activity are absolutely fine by me and I encourage them to continue.
  6. Where is it being denounced? If there are any protestors who aren’t looting and burning, are they still going out to the protests that are now driven by looting and burning? If so, that’s their identity. You can’t say “we’re together, but only have of our group are anarchists.”
  7. No you dipshit. We’re advocating violence against those burning and looting American cities to the ground.
  8. I don’t need to know what every protestor is thinking to know that their entire movement is now defined by the looting and pillaging. Don’t be obtuse. If there are people who are honestly seeking to promote justice and stand up for the innocent, they aren’t being represented by the looters and burners and they need to renounce those actions. I have yet to see that. As for the college HOF, someone else posted it.
  9. My Twitter, which is predominately comprised of football and sports media members, is a worthless assembly of white people pandering to the black people who are looting liquor stores and target to show how woke and enlightened they are.
  10. They destroyed the College football hall of fame.... what % of that facility is set up to honor the achievements of black athletes? Bunch of worthless pieces of *****.
  11. I really do encourage this batch of asswipes to start throwing stuff at this protest. Let’s see how that goes for them. dude, they’re stealing tv’s and boxed whine. This is not and has never been about protesting injustice. It’s a nationwide tantrum of small minded, entitled pieces of trash that are fanned on and encouraged by the media and passive leaders in the cities they’re burning to the ground. According to you, those on this site are all just lines of words. Well, your lines of word are rather idiotic.
  12. I know this is all unprecedented, but I absolutely love seeing how many guys are coming together to take advantage of the downtime. This team is going to be special. From our Star QB and Star WR, to the practice squad TE. It’s amazing.
  13. Concur. In a lot of these cases that th e media run with it’s important to know the context cause usually it’s ass backwards of what they’re saying (I.e. poor innocent black boy shot by cops while volunteering for charity typically turns into banger who just robbed a 7/11 with a gun ran from police and tried to fight.) but this one is clear regardless of what he did. He was properly restrained and not resisting at the point that the officer continued to use force that led to his death. Coulda been Ted Bundy under that knee and it’d still be murder/manslaughter. That being said, I will be curious to see what the heck the cop was thinking...
  14. Agreed. That being said, it’s a bad idea to let public outrage dictate any investigation or the timeline therein. I find the fact that he knew the guy to really open layers to this- if you were investigating this and discovered that, all the sudden you go from looking at a probably police brutality/whatever form of manslaughter that is, to “wait, could this be pre-meditated?” Im sure the reality is not as cut and dry as it’s been said, but he definitely needs to go away. Agreed. I think you nailed it when you said “process may be more difficult.” Maybe someone can help whose served on a force before, but I imagine there is some form of review that would happen leading to his firing (which was almost immediate) and then the DA would get involved and investigate criminality?
  15. For those talking about white people starting or influencing the riots: 1- I don’t care! Whoever it is that’s starting this and partaking in it are worthless idiots who need to be punished. Regardless of any factors. 2- the problem with the “started by the white guy” theory is that it runs counter to the meta-narrative we’re seeing in the media wherein the black people protesting have every right because of injustice. Either that’s true, and we don’t need an excuses based around a white dude starting it, or it’s not true and the entire thing needs to be condemned, stopped, and punished as I mentioned above.
  16. Are you a jets fan? Cause I hear them making this argument all the time. Heres the reality. If a team gift wraps 4 turnovers (including a touchdown) for a team and does nothing on offense in the first half, losing a linebacker is not a valid excuse for winning. In fact, it really never is but definitely not in that context. That was the low part of the Bills season, where they did everything possible to lose and still won. Conversely, having that lead was the high point of the Jets season and they still managed to lose.
  17. Because they’re beta’s who buy into the idea that their masculinity is toxic and they need to identify with their inner woman to be a good person.
  18. I can’t handle another offseason of the Nancy’s on this board quaking in fear about an overrated jets team with a bad QB and a dysfunctional coach. Be better.
  19. I like to see Tommy Sweeney getting plugged in... am I the only one who just randomly thinks he could take a step this year?
  20. The problem is that Tibs and his like minded brethren live in a world of make - belief where there have been hundreds of cases of black people being wrongfully killed by police with no punishment for the police. (hands up don't shoot) So now, where faced with a genuine situation of police brutality where everyone agrees the cop needs to be punished, the outrage machine is set so dang high that they can't not lose their ***** and continue to push the narrative that this is the every day happening in the world and that the police are never punished.
  21. I assume I'm racist for this take, but I don't care when mobs of people get run over while violently attacking vehicles on the road... Based on what I've read, they're both pieces of *****. If the guy wanted her to have her dog on a leash, he should have called the police and not tried to take her dog. Meanwhile she freaked out for what was seemingly not as big a deal as it was made out to be.
  22. Is this like the guy who stole a touchdown from us in Houston?
  23. If BB can wipe his own keister without Brady he’ll win COTY.
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