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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. I mean, isn't it right there in the descriptions? Government force to impose quarantines (on healthy, innocent populations): ? Government force to restrict hours on private enterprises (that are obeying the law and not engaging in any criminal activity): ? Military force to enforce curfews, dispel assembly, and put down looting/civil unrest (against populations that are engaged in widespread criminality and illegality): ? Seems pretty straightforward to me, though I don't like city wide curfews as a general rule.
  2. They can't help but embarrass themselves.
  3. lol. I got really into it only (and still play occasional) but I plateaued at like a 1200 rating where 3000 is grand master, or something like that. Put into perspective that I'm not the amazing genius I feel like after embarrassing friends and family around the holidays... The idea of those parks scares the crap out of me and my marginal skills.
  4. You any good? (aside from losing to the professional hustlers )
  5. You're literally describing football media twitter right now... Absolutely unbearable.
  6. I’m not someone in the know on these things either, but it seems natural to see an overreaction and condemnation of practices that are in of themselves not bad (as tasker has pointed out) because they were misused. I don’t think anyone who knows how to properly restrain someone in that manner considers this incident a proper implementation. Our police have handcuffs/restraints for a reason. This cop was just a murdering dick.
  7. Same reason children hide when they hear dads footsteps when they’ve been breaking stuff. The fear of god is useful tool for encouraging civility.
  8. Kuddos to the demonstrators, they heard protesting was a non-essential activity and skipped strait to rioting, pillaging, burning, and looting.
  9. ironic username for the win. there needs to be a line in the sand: protesting good, let’s talk about xyz. criminal activity bad, go to jail.
  10. Great show, one of the best (and hardest to watch) I‘ve ever seen.
  11. That or he respects the constitutional order of authority?...
  12. Trump demonstrated the same respect for the flowchart of government order with regards to Covid- I appreciate that about his admin. This is a great post!
  13. Love the brilliant videographer freaking out and losing her ***** as she goes around the vehicle to try and find the body of the woman just shot with pepper balls. Some people are just born dumb.
  14. I don’t know that we’ve seen something like this in a long time. Im fine with those measures as long as police are allowed to defend themselves when The chips are down.
  15. I understand that, but the problem is that I don’t know if it burns out on it’s own. We’ve seen it escalate each night without there being steps being taken to curb it and now violence is the natural next step. I think one city coming down hard, incarcerating, cracking skulls, etc. would do a lot to damper the overall wave, although the media will continue to fan the flames like the ***** they are.
  16. good! We probably all should take more time with our family. Your last post before returning looked like a “I’m leaving this conversation because it’s beneath me.” Not a “I gotta go make waffles.” ? I don’t care who outnumbers who. If the majority is peaceful they’re doing a ***** job being the majority. Disassociate with the fanatics. Leave. Report the criminals to the police. Be peaceful. If I’m in a group of 25 people and 5 start burning ***** down me and 19 others either have to disavow that group (by leaving) and making it clear they’re not our group, or else we gotta stand there and watch it happen and all the sudden our group or 25 is the group who burns ***** down.
  17. This is fine, and I don’t disagree with you at all! Where you jumped in was my statement that in extreme danger, Leo’s have the right to use deadly force to defend themselves. I definitely agree that it should be the last resort and it will likely make the ***** show worse, but I also have no doubt that these Dem. governors will continue to do everything In their power to neuter the police- that’s what I’m speaking against. i get and understand your point about how it would make the situation worse, and maybe I missed it, but I didn’t get that from what you were saying. It sounded more as If you were arguing the police don’t have the right to deadly force to counter deadly force. The FBI thing was cause I skimmed the article and misread. ?
  18. The cops form was terrible, but it got the job done.
  19. I see your "I'm outtie" only lasted a couple hours. I am saying that anyone associated with any protest that involves looting, rioting, assaulting peace officers, burning buildings to the ground, vandalizing, etc. Is staking their reputation and their opinion on those things as well... If you want to peacefully protest, go to peaceful protest- not a riot. If at the peaceful protest a riot breaks out among the majority of the protestors, leave because their agenda no-longer matches yours. It's quite simple. Anyone in the street partaking in criminal activity is a criminal. Period.
  20. That uncle tom police officer hitting a black woman standing there mindin her own business.. Quick! burn down a target!
  21. Unarmed doesn't mean ***** when they're posing a physical threat to the boots on the ground. Go back and look at where you began engaging me: My post: Your post: Since you refuse to do anything other than deflect, let me ask a yes or no question: Do you believe that law enforcement officers sent to squash a riot have the right to use deadly force if they fear for their lives? It's really this simple. Either you do, and you've spent the past two pages arguing for nothing because we agree, or you don't and you're arguing what I believe to be an untenable point. As for the case in Oakland, he was shot dead while doing his job- I assume the part you are referring to is that it wasn't a riot, but rather individual actors. Either way, did he have a right to defend himself?
  22. You’re completely ignoring the context of what I said in order to push your idea of what I said. The. Last. Option. I clearly do not want to see them shooting people dead from 50 yards to end the riot. But I also don’t want to see our LEO’s muzzled to the point that they are in danger and unable to counter deadly force with deadly force. Furthermore, these deadly riots won’t be squashed unless the police are allowed to stand their ground up to the point of meeting deadly force with deadly force. You’ve gone out of your way to ignore the fact that an FBI agent was murdered by your so-called “protestors” last night... do you think the moment before he was shot to death that he had the right to end the life of those trying to end his? Answer this question.
  23. I think he was engaging a separate post of yours, unrelated to the businessmen conversation.
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