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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. Correct, but they're "cancelling" him in that he isn't allowed to dissent and have a reasonable opinion without being the bad guy. He's just weak for bowing to that culture of intellectual abuse and close-mindedness that is so prevalent in our society. Because we stand for the anthem and and the flag (turning towards the flag, looking at the flag, the anthem is about the flag, etc) as a sign of respect. So the opposite would be disrespect. His intentions are clearly to disrespect the flag in protest. I don't think it's the federal offense some want to make it, but that's exactly what he's doing intentionally. Why not call it what it is?
  2. As someone whose married to someone in the medical field, I feel very confident that the medical field is the single greatest amalgamation of hubris and elitism in the country. It barely edges out the Politicians who know they aren't god, but like to pretend, whereas the vast majority of medical practitioners seem to genuinely believe they're god.
  3. Yup. I never got behind the "he's insulting america!" jargon. I think it's intentionally disrespectful, but I respect his right to do that if he chooses. I also respect the right of a team to tell him no, or to think twice before signing him as the juice may not be worth the squeeze regarding off field concerns.
  4. This is wrong. On many levels. The men and women who join the military do so to act as a shield and sword for the safety and defense of our country. When and where that shield and sword are deployed is decided by the people of the country by proxy of the elected officials (government by the people, for the people). Every soldier who dies in uniform for this country does so for the freedom of American citizens everywhere. If it's done in a way you or I disagree with it's our fault for electing ***** leaders, but that doesn't take anything off of their sacrifice.
  5. Yes. Still then. Teams have a freedom to hold their employees to a reasonable code of conduct, and if the employees dislike it they can get the union involved. The teams lease the buildings making it their "real property" under every version of the law. It's their decision what can and cannot be done with their uniform and their platform.
  6. I actually disagree with you somewhat. I think the men and women who have fought and died for our freedoms did so for America and the principles of American freedom, not for the flag. I don't have a problem with protesting the flag though I disagree with it and I find Kapernick to be a bit of a schmuck for many reasons. That being said, I think it's ridiculous that people are saying Brees was off base to call it disrespectful... Of course it's disrespectful to the flag, that's the very intention of the kneeling. It's meant to be a statement of non-compliance and disrespect to the Anthem and the flag. Let's call a spade a spade.
  7. If companies want to tell their employees not to make political statements in their building, while wearing their uniform, that's their right.
  8. Thanks Hapless- I know you guys struggle to walk the line of what to let ride and what to squash!
  9. What an idiotic example of our society silencing someone who doesn't buy the party line. As far as his comments go.. how exactly is kneeling during the anthem not a sign of disrespect for the flag? We stand in reverence (see, respect) and honor, so kneeling would be the opposite. What am I missing here?
  10. Yep. It's sad that it continues this way year after year where liberals continue to do more harm than good with their polices, and "conservatives" (not that I see many true conservatives left in the political arena) don't actually work to conserve. I have liberal friends who genuinely want to see people helped and believe that the government should be a part of that... I just get so stymied with how anyone can examine any part of our government and think "yes! that's working so well lets give them more power and money to play with." That's the saddest part of the rioting and everything going on is that those in power see this as another chance to take more control and to grow government influence.
  11. CNN at 6: "Adulterer lectures country on things he doesn't understand. Stick to sports Tiger. You're no Kapernick."
  12. I agree with all of this. The thing that seems so obvious to me (and many may disagree) is that these black and minority communities where we see more poverty, less education, and more crime, have been run by Democrats since the 60's and have been the beacons of the welfare state in our country since then. Purely anecdotal here, but In my work I have seen the effects of a generational reliance on the government chit, be it food stamps, cyclical unemployment, wic, disability (without actually being disabled to a point of not being able to work). It kills people's drive to better themselves and improve and it leads to generations of apathy that bleeds into every area of life. That's not just minorities either, but in the inner city areas of our country where welfare was born we see it the worst. Again, that's my 2.4 cents (adjusted for inflation)
  13. @LB3 is right. @plenzmd1 is a good poster who actually engages intelligently and has discussions. Not a "libtard."
  14. More importantly, and this is what the media fights so hard to ignore, you can't determine racist intent without examining the context and in a lot of the situations that they parrot and hold up as an example of racist cops on the anti-black war path, the truth of the situation makes it very difficult to tell if the officer was acting with racist intent. Even in this case with Floyd, has anyone found any real evidence that it was a race thing? I find it more likely it was personal given their history, though I obviously don't know at this time. The media and the left assumes that anytime a cop kills a black person that it's an expression of racism.
  15. This is by no means an exhaustive study on the situation, and I'm sure many would ignore it given the source, but I think he asks some interesting questions while looking at the data.
  16. The problem is that, as with COVID (and I'm not sure the context of what you were discussing with the other poster) numbers in a vacuum without context are useless. A death rate of 2.8% greater is problematic until you adjust for the fact that that same population of 13% nationwide commits over half the murders and a much higher number of violent crimes proportionately. Here's a reference trying damn hard to say it aint so, but who had to admit that crime statistics show blacks are committing more violent crimes: https://www.channel4.com/news/factcheck/factcheck-black-americans-commit-crime As I said in my response to you, where is the evidence that racist cops are hunting black people? As for this comment: The same can be said about the numbers that demonstrate the black community committing so many more violent crimes.
  17. What math is he missing? I agree two things can be true. It can be true that there are other conversations to be had about policing and race relations in America and also true that the “racist police are always killing innocent black people because they’re racist” narrative is completely media driven.
  18. I think he knows how curiously tortured it makes me every time...
  19. Estrogen is a hell of a drug.... Nice effortless deflection of the bottle at the end though.
  20. Mmmm preach it brother! If there ain't freedom then I will be taking this flat screen for sure! You're an idiot.
  21. I play too much absentmindedly or while watching tv and end up killing my rank. I sit about a 1200, but I could probably get close to 1500 if I played intentionally. Can't imagine being a 2100 though. That's impressive.
  22. The scenario the media created for this reminds me of a scene in The Office where Dwight sprays someone with pepper spray to prevent an attack and then everyone in the office end up crying. Can just imagine the cops smugly throwing CS and then waltzing through it only to end up crying "whose laughing now?"
  23. Washington D.C. is a location in America?...
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