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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. Careful... Logic makes some truly compelling emotional arguments.
  2. Based on a lottery system? I think the bigger issue is the fact that you're gonna have a complete cluster you know what from the college ranks.
  3. Ravens told him If he’s going to play pickup he has to throw outside the numbers. Retirement papers pending.
  4. Stupidest opposing team in pickup ever. Why the hell would you blitz him?
  5. You make a valid point that we can’t throw the baby out with the bath water. The problem is that in this case, with Polls being the baby, and bath water being inaccurate results, the Democrat leaning media drowned the baby in the bathtub for the sake of pushing their narrative. It’s not that there’s no margin of error in polls, it’s that the media and pollsters alike proved in 2016 that they would do whatever was necessary to only present poll results that would validate what they wanted, thus invalidating polls altogether. And they were wrong. So very wrong. Historically wrong. So when we see “Biden running away with election” we’re reminded of 2016 “Hillary running away with election” narratives when the only thing she was running away with was the nomination for best (albeit delayed) concession speech.
  6. It's idiotic. Those on the left who push this bull#### don't realize how much examples like this hurt their argument. This guy sealed his own death warrant and was in no way a "victim." Also, I read that he had already been given the breathalyzer and failed before they tried to arrest him.
  7. This guy had two options for his free time: Make this video, or go to target... So here we are.
  8. I care less about the kneeling and more about the drama and constant storyline that is the kneeling. Kickoff will be unbearable between Covid-19 and social justice storylines. Just give me football!
  9. May I ask what specifically in the last few weeks has changed your perspective on that?
  10. Sometimes it’s the same side of the coin. They have some pieces on that team and if they get things moved around they can be pretty good
  11. I think that’s kinda the point. They seem to be rebuilding, and honestly, this is a pretty good year to do it.
  12. Dude. It’s practically Ebola. Keep up. If they don’t do these little things, everyone will die.
  13. You didn’t know how to spell brisket four hours ago. Questioning spelling to avoid losing an argument is a tough row to hoe if you also don’t know how to spell.
  14. I hear the cover charge is way more at PP. Might have better luck in China or the like.
  15. Keep up. Pedophilia is a disorder, not a crime.
  16. @GregPersons No, her boyfriend did. From the dark house that she was standing in. I see you haven’t invested in those meds yet. You’re mentally dysfunctional.
  17. Police shooting back at people shooting at them is 100% not racist. Outrage about this situation should be directed at whatever policies and procedures encourage a no-knock warrant to be served by plain clothe officers.
  18. You know they make medication for your ailments now, right? Get help bud.
  19. Since OP cares so much about what PPP stands against, would he submit to a poll asking if PPP stands against him and then leave if the majority does?
  20. Because in the absence of logical reason, arguments are won and lost in the trenches of identity warfare.
  21. They got their farming degree from Farmville University.
  22. Throw it away, go buy chicken, marinate it in Italian dressing and grill it.
  23. I can understand that. If you can make it to episode three it starts to loosen up and then the rest of the season is relatively enjoyable. Episode two is unbearable, fair warning. See my above post. The wife and I quit after episode two or whatever one the dog and monkey are in. We tried again a few days later and episode 3 forward was pretty good. Much better than episode two, which is terrible.
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