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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. Holy *****! You’ve convinced me. The 80 year old white guy whose been in politics for 50 years is definitely the most progressive option who can save this country from the evil old white men who have been running it all these years!!!! So brave!!! Thank you Joe Biden for coming to our rescue! We never ever could have saved the country from rich, old, white men without you!!!!!!!!!! God bless you!
  2. It's an interesting idea... I wonder if it will actually happen given the COVID stuff... More bodies in buildings for that purpose seems hypocritical?
  3. She looks like she should be a male Russian villain in a Die Hard movie.
  4. Between the traffic, the smell, and the heat it's pretty worthless in general.
  5. Of all the cities I've been to, this is the one I am most in favor of turning to ash. Hate that place.
  6. On today’s “what a piece of *****” nomination show....
  7. I think Shepherd and Hughes is better because we traded someone who was out of the league quickly for a long time above average player for us. That being said, the argument for the Alonso McCoy trade makes sense just because it was less about the luck of the draw. We obviously got someone who we saw something in with Hughes, but so much of that is the little unpredictable things that cause someone to turn their career around. It just as easily could have gone the other way with Shepherd becoming the stud and Hughes being nobody. With McCoy, there was no doubt we were getting an amazing player for a moderately good player. So that was a coup.
  8. I’m in love. What district do I have to move to to vote for him?
  9. But don’t ya know, the taser was empty: “My good sir, would you mind holding off on your deadly weapon while I run away, now that I have expelled all of my deadly weapons in an attempt to do you harm?” “Righto good chap! Run along! Ta-ta! Do remember to turn yourself in to the constabulary at your earliest convenience.”
  10. He broke the law. Multiple laws. He committed a violent crime. He was armed. Let him go? You’ve got to be kidding with this *****.
  11. The many examples of black people resisting lawful arrest and fighting police increases the risk of black people getting shot by police. This guy in Atlanta is dead because he was under the influence and decided to be an idiot. It’s his fault that he’s dead. The cop was justified in killing him. No other case or cause dictates the particulars in that situation.
  12. Don’t drive drunk, pass out in the Wendy’s drive through, resist arrest, fight cops, steal a “deadly” weapon (the DA’s words, not mine) from the police, and then aim it at them while running away and you won’t get shot in the back of the head.
  13. this is pretty rich coming from the group that ranted about how trump wouldn't accept the election results the first go round, only to spend 3 years crying to mommy about Russians.
  14. That’s much better. Thank you. Also, that woman took it way better than that #######.
  15. Holy hell man. I know Darnold sucks and Gase can drive a man to drink, but put the sauce down! Do it for your family!
  16. Lay out all of your facts and evidence as presented to prove your point.* Not to say they’re wrong, and I appreciate the effort and will take another look when I have more time to actually watch the clips, but don’t assume that your 500 word post with 3 sources has cured an intense debate that is raging within our society and then accuse people of racism when they aren’t willing to swallow it hook line and sinker. Especially not when your OP is has a pretty strong attitude of “us versus them.”: “most white people wont even read this.” “My people.” And your last line insinuating that those who don’t agree or give some credence to what you’ve posted are the “worst kind of racist there is. Furthermore, don’t be surprised if people don’t jump to agree with your post when it’s very slanted to your side of the coin without acknowledging the counter argument and view point or engaging it at all. And it really seems like you are calling him racist: “I’m not saying you’re a racist, but everything you just said is exactly what a racist would say.” Be honest. If you think he’s racist, say it. As you say, call a spade a spade.
  17. I'm sure you don't need the tip, but be super careful about transport if you travel into DC. I've heard of people getting banged for having magazines and single rounds loose in their vehicles. 92fs is a good gun but not very concealable. I have an M&P Shield in 9 that is quite concealable and i like that (though I switched to Glock for carry) but haven't any experience with the larger frame Smiths.
  18. Good news, Big brother has stepped in to remove any non-approved covid talk or points in that thread.
  19. Alright guys, the riots and looting and other such peaceful protests are winding down... Let's throw some gas on the Covid fire, see if we can get that ***** back up.
  20. I'm all about this, but how the heck are there so many people on both sides of the fence before the lock gets cut? ?
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