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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. I mean, I respect the mods ability to mod and enforce the COC, as we all agreed to that. But that feels like a double standard, unless I missed something else that was said. They turned a blind eye for weeks while that psych ward patient spammed the board, but poor baby gets his feel feels hurt after deleting deleting a thread that made him look bad and here come the mods to enforce rules that they’ve specifically said don’t apply down here?
  2. That was deleted. So I suppose the reality is that the mods let ppp deal with itself until the children cry for mommy enough?
  3. Seems like Mods found their way down here? Did I miss something?
  4. One of the idiots. Has this narrowed it down at all?
  5. Where? Show me! Oh wait... you can’t. Because you took your ball and went home. Like a 3 year old. Anyone who finds his avatar offensive should start a support group with Bubba.
  6. Poster who deletes threads that don’t go his way judges forum. Story at 11.
  7. They were educated in the public school system. Most of these idiots probably couldn’t spell their own names if it wasn’t pre-printed on the SOL’s.
  8. https://twitter.com/KatiePavlich/status/1275505924971651073/photo/1 Suprise Suprise, twitter is still a ***** platform.
  9. Whether or not hospitals would lie, it definitely benefits them at this end having extra people with covid. Especially if they're not actually needing intensive care.
  10. Seeing as you're one of the more informed on this board with this topic, have you heard anything / seen anything credible about hospitals getting compensated differently for Covid Patients? I would imagine if that were true, they would want as many patients as possible, even if they're coming in with other issues and non-symptoms.
  11. Good to know. Either way, here is the important snapshot: Yellow trending up, grey trending down. Also, there's that pesky wording on the bottom which pretty much ensures that these deaths are accounting for co-morbidity (unless I'm missing something)
  12. A one day spike on a Tuesday which are always the hot days from weekend catch up.
  13. You bring a unique and needed talent to this board. Thank you for doing the lords work.
  14. What? Could you explain this in more detail, I don't understand... ?
  15. Not necessarily with regard to this specific topic and poster, but at what point in human development did it become normal for the dissenter/disagree to demand proof and evidence from the one with whom he disagrees, rather than providing his own evidence to disprove the opinion? I hate that about the internet.
  16. Are you implying that there isn't hunger and danger at home for kids in America?
  17. Do you want any part of TBD on your resume or linked to your professional career? Seems like a career killer... In taking her initial advice, to think like an epidemiologist, I'm gonna go ahead and just assume that this data indicates that 2 million people will die. My work here is done.
  18. Words from Theodore Roosevelt, firmly attached to a wall near the entrance of the Museum of Natural History, dug up this morning on the occasion of the news that the TR statue will be removed from its sublime place of prominence in front of the museum. No wonder he's offensive to this generation...
  19. But he is a public health EXPERT! His flipping is so educated. Plus, what reason would an epidemiologist ever have for making an epidemic seem worse than it is? I mean, clearly all epidemiologists just want all epidemics to go away so they never have to bother being the center of attention for months at a time....
  20. lol. You’re so clearly a genius, it shows in spades. You want grandma to die? You’re questioning the government when they’ve clearly explained that if you don’t stop your life until they give you permission to resume it that you’re literally killing grandma! You monster!
  21. They did. They rallied to burn down target and Wendy’s and other businesses. Don’t worry Tibs, you’re still the OG mental hospital escapee on this board. You were ######ed before it was cool- all these other idiot libs are following your example.
  22. They really have done a fantastic job killing old people, dictating the lives of innocent people, arresting dissenters, ruining the economy, having a “them, not us” mentality, and being wildly inconsistent to fit their political bull####. Honestly, I’ve been inspired at just how communistic and totalitarian they’ve been. Well done Comrades. As the Beatles sing: “Back in the USSR!” Also, you’re an idiot.
  23. This is the most actual look at me post of all the look at me posts.
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