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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. I was not tagging them in passing discussions, or to notify them that poster x had called me a mean name. I mentioned them In a topic trying to discover why one of the central posters on this forum was banned. We got the answer: no call out threads or you’ll get banned- even in the Wild West of ppp. sure, that’s a fine standards even if It’s a relatively new thing and goes against their own set precedent. So now, one of the more worthless posters who consistently goes out of his way to muzzle conversation and be an idiot creates a call out thread: do the mods care to enforce their own standard? Thus the call. I am all for a PPP that exists without mod interruption. The mods demonstrated that that is not reality when they banned one of the most tenured and consistent posters (love or hate him) here for doing what really is pretty par the course down here. So the question (as I asked in my original comment) is what actual standard are we dealing with here?
  2. 2 things: 1- no, I clearly did not. I mentioned two of them as a part of discussion. A discussion is something where two people have a conversation, engaging in ideas, stating facts and opinions and then responding in kind. I realize that as one of the resident drive by artists down here you’re unfamiliar. 2- as for your belief that you can tell me how to behave while calling me a tattletale and making things up: kindly shove it up your ass.
  3. You’re cute. Give me one other example of me calling the mods for anything on PPP. I’ll wait. It’s being done here because this clown got a good poster banned for the very trash he’s doing here. If mods are going to play one side of the Aisle, they may as well play both.
  4. Hopefully mods see this to judge its validity before it gets deleted.
  5. The reality is that anytime one of these babies starts a thread, someone should spoof the thread and start a new one with the same title and topic making it clear that it won’t be deleted when said babies are made to look like fools.
  6. @SDS does starting a thread and accusing a poster of breaking COC by having a duplicate account count as a ban worthy offense? i.e. a call out thread. As for discussion up thread: my understanding is that DR got a month suspension for making a thread specifically to call out a poster. The poster who made this thread, specifically to call our a poster, ironically enough.
  7. Bills fans getting bent out of shape on this is peak bills fan.
  8. Man. When you fell out of the dumb as ***** tree you managed to hit every branch on the way down, huh? Racism: Oxford: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another. merriam-Webster: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race dictionary.com: a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others. we all know what stupid ***** argument you’re going to spew, but let’s cut to the chase: You’re objectively wrong. You’re an idiot.
  9. Also, it could tell us that they were wrong about everything from the jump.
  10. Why don’t you start it, that way if it hurts your feelings you can delete it!
  11. I checked with several high ranking medical and government officials from two months ago, they all said not to wear a mask. They then said, “who knows, we’ll probably lie about it to give people false senses of security and a belief that we have any idea how to do anything but shove our heads up our asses. And ya know what: they’re so gullible it might just work.”
  12. If there’s a huge hole in anything it’s cause Michael Lombardi ate it.
  13. good! I wondered about that. Glad to see it. Although it was after quite a bit of grace period. Who was that?
  14. But don’t worry. The thread is deleted into the ether so there’s no chance anyone will see it and judge for themselves if what DR did was any worse than the norm on this side of the board. We wouldn’t want people thinking for themselves. How long till the mods realize there are posters in the Covid thread who don’t actually believe the world is ending? Whoooeee, do they have their work cut out for them.
  15. It was a thread calling out a poster for being an idiot and deleting threads when they took turns he didn’t like because it made him look a fool. The mods decided that since it was a “attack thread” it warranted banning. Whereas the idiot last week who made thread after thread calling every poster here a racist is safe cause PPP doesn’t get moderated. Right?
  16. But they do delete their garbage threads when they end up proving they’re idiots. So. That’s nice.
  17. Maybe I missed something, but it definitely seems like an arbitrary application of the rules. Maybe he had been warned. Either way, it’s hard to imagine him getting the boot when others are allowed to roam free.
  18. as you seem to have an inside scoop on it- what was the impetus for the ban? The thread itself seemed pretty par the course for PPP. Well, your opinion is so well respected around here....
  19. I haven’t seen anything about that, but @SDS and @Hapless Bills Fan are both recent visitors of his profile, so I would imagine one of them? Not sure though.
  20. How convenient that they can find their way down to deal with a long time poster whose well respected but disagrees with the mods political leanings after having spent weeks saying “well, sorry y’all got a wild idiot down there ruining every thread and spamming the board with his liberal ravings and garbage. We just can’t seem to find our way down there.”
  21. Lol. Okay bud. There is honest discussion to be found for people who are willing to discuss like adults. Then there’s those who spew verbal diarrhea, then delete their threads when they get made to look a fool.
  22. I’ve used the ignore function one time down here. Last week for that spamming idiot. The reason that PPP has worked is that people who want honest discussion can find it, and those who cant get ostracized. Apparently now calling out trolls for their trolling is no longer allowed. What fun times we live in.
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