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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. Lots of Pat players so far, you really do wonder if questioning the future of the team plays a role at all....
  2. Certain posters on here would sell their left nut for Covid to be half the disaster they claim it is.
  3. My guess would be that the warrant served for Taylor’s premise had more to do with finding and collecting drugs and drug related items, not an attempt to find the specific guy. this is pulled from the courier journal article you linked on page two: ”Records obtained by The Courier Journal show the search warrant, signed by a judge a day before Taylor's death, includes Taylor's address based on police's belief that one of the main narcotics investigation suspects, Jamarcus Glover, used her home to receive mail, keep drugs or stash money earned from the sale of drugs.” Also from the article, it looks like bad actor boyfriend was arrested at midnight or so and Taylor’s house was hit at 2am. That plus the line above about the warrant being signed the day before means he wasn’t in custody before they obtained the warrant, as you said. As for the no-knock warrant, there is some level of sense to it in that (as the officer rationalized) an attempt to find evidence is hindered by having to wait while someone destroys evidence. Also, the conversation about whether or not they did knock is a big part of this- he said she said situation, so we’ll see. Also, from either your article or one posted by someone else in thread, it was determined that the post office inspector or whatever said he didn’t have reason to believe it was illegal items in the shipments, but we don’t know the full extent of what that investigation looked like. Furthermore, the cops supposedly have proof that he went from picking up a package at her place straight to a drug stash house. So whether or not she was privy to it, she was aiding a drug dealer in some way. - obviously she didn’t deserve to die for that, but to take what is known about this situation and have one of the biggest companies in the country affirm the fact that her death was the result of police brutality feels like a jump to me. Not sure if you’ll respond to this or not cause you’ve ignored all my other posts on here after originally calling me out. But there’s my take on the deal!
  4. A valid point on twitter as far as Seattle’s idea goes: Next years draft will likely be a crapshoot if covid jacks up the NCAA season. If it does, and if star players aren’t able to put good film on tape, they will go back to school and enter the draft in 2022 which will increase the depth of that class while decreasing the value of the 2021 class. Theoretically, a late first round pick next year becomes a third any other year and a second round pick in 22 becomes a first round..... Not horrible logic if it plays out that way. Additionally, they are relatively close to being contenders and he helps bridge that gap, supposedly. The biggest defense for Seattle is that they haven’t hit on a first round pick in like 8 years, so this is just leaning into their incompetence and getting a known quality.
  5. What a stupid ass trade for Seattle. You know how many front seven players the jets can draft and let walk after their first contract now??
  6. That’s how he’s saying it while the article is saying full football activity... interested to see what this really looks like.
  7. Yep. The issue, I think, is what led to the events. Not that cops shot back when fired upon and someone tragically got killed in the crossfire.
  8. My thoughts as well, though I can understand if he doesn’t want to risk it. Guys come back from injury all the time and take the risk of re-injuring. I don’t imagine the doctors would allow him to play if he was at a higher risk for injury than anyone else. All that being equal, this would be great for the redskins. Insurance against Haskin not playing well, and maybe a trade piece later in the year.
  9. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/ File me under the shocked category, last I heard there was like a 2% chance he’d see the field again... this article makes it sound plausible.
  10. The fact that you struggle distinguishing between what’s being presented as news vs opinion is really no surprise.
  11. I agree with you that we need to see where he’s getting that info, but if you want to claim partisanship invalidates a source, there are no sources. Especially not MSM.
  12. So what you’re saying is, if he was a good coach people wouldn’t make fun of him for being a bad coach?....
  13. Thanks. Seems like there’s a lot of questions left unanswered about this. The discrepancy in the report feels more like a clerical error to me rather than a lie, because how dumb do you have to be to lie about someone not being injured who died from injuries or the forced entry thing which is pretty easy to prove. I guess we’ll see what happens with that. One thing that I caught was that in this article it says he shot after they breached the door, but in the USA Today article Hap posted it says he fired through the door and then they breached. I’m curious about which is right there. And I think the big crux is whether or not they identified themselves. Obviously we have conflicting reports, but it’s hard to say which is accurate at this time. Either way, not at all a fan of no-knock warrants. That being said still not sure this case is an example of police brutality and should be put on helmets as such.
  14. Can you clarify this? I read through it but not sure what point you’re trying to make with it. Is that something you have a link to? I haven’t seen that. Also, as we discussed before, I’m not sure a bad report after the fact makes that case police brutality, as the league is calling it.
  15. I completely agree. The issue with this situation is the policy that allowed it to happen that way. I get the outrage and I’m there with you on that end, but to say it’s police brutality is burying the lead, I think. Lol. I’m happy to criticize anyone who is pro-communist bull####.
  16. Based on the NBA precedent it’s more likely to be “support China” as opposed to free Hong Kong.
  17. Let me clarify, as I’m not attempting to burry the lead: I think the circumstances that lead to the officers entering the house in the middle of the night are problematic- I also think no-knock warrants are problematic. Whether or not they identified themselves, I can understand the boyfriend shooting at them (assuming he genuinely didn’t know they were cops). If someone kicked in my door in the middle of the night you can bet I would. That being said, it’s a hard sale for me to believe that officers returning fire are committing an act of police brutality. It’s definitely hard to argue that it was a racially motivated situation. The events that led to the interaction were (as far as I have seen) legal, meaning you have officers doing their duty and being shot at. Obviously that results in returning fire. I don’t think there’s a solid argument that Taylor is killed If the boyfriend doesn’t shoot first. As an aside, I question why Taylor is on the list but not someone like Duncan Lemp? https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/mar/14/duncan-socrates-lemp-maryland-shot-police-officer Do the NFL only care about black people killed by police? Not to get into whataboutism, just pointing to some of the issues with the whole idea.
  18. What about that retired officer who was shot trying to stop looters and rioters?
  19. After looking at the article closer I see that the nfl is making a list with players and right away we’re stuck in the issue of what is police brutality. Breaonna Taylor was shot because she was in a house from which officers were taking fire. Michael brown, which is brutality on narrative alone, and not substance and evidence.
  20. Seems problematic for many reasons, not the least of which being the description of police brutality.... Is this going to be vetted at all to cut out ambiguous cases that the media and others push as police brutality, but aren’t?
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