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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. It’s called an equal application of the law. You can’t draw arbitrary distinction for one groups right to assembly and another's. Thinking you can make such arbitrary decisions is what makes you a liberal and someone who doesn’t understand the basic idea of the constitution. As I said, full of *****. so precedent is king, huh? I’m sure glad there’s no black marks on the SCOTUS record.... I Dred the thought.
  2. You’re so full of *****! This is literally the exact opposite of how it works.
  3. And they can force social distancing, and masks, and limit number of participants because that’s what they’re doing with churches. And for those who don’t comply they can arrest and fine as needed. That’s the precident or removed rights that we’re seeing with freedom of religion and assembly and it doesn’t change because it’s a protest. Your continued attempt to draw an imaginary distinction is idiotic.
  4. It is. If you’re arguing that the government can restrict constitutional rights in one way, they can do it in any way.
  5. Your initial post said the government can’t limit protests. Which is it?
  6. They’re protected under the same Constitutional amendment guaranteeing both.
  7. I guess my wondering is if it’s better to defer that money now, focus on getting healthy and come back next year to earn that contract. I see your point though.
  8. If it is a pec, or something that could risk half The season for him, he would be wise to take the opt out, wouldn’t he? JJ Watt tore his pec in late October and came back in time for the playoffs. We’re still a month and a half from the season, he could play depending on the timeline of recovery. not saying it’s likely, but it’s not impossible.
  9. You can’t possibly be this bad at reasoning so as to not understand the difference between the two. In the Cain thread you had posters openly celebrating a mans death because they thought it bolstered their point... Thats despicable and deserves condemnation. In the discussion by Walsh that DR shared, the focus Is not about Lewis, about his death, or about why he died. The entire point is about the double standard bull#### demonstrated by the left and the other elite ruling class in this country. Let me break this down for you like you’re five: - Politicizing someone’s death = bad. - Calling out living politicians actions when they’re blatantly hypocritical = normal reaction to tyranny. My post in response to you got so many likes because (with the exception of those around here with intellectual diarrhea) people see exactly what point you missed and how dumb you looked while missing it. Go back to pushing fear and panic, you’re better at that.
  10. What a colossally great example of burying the lead and missing the point. The elites who are telling people they. can’t gather for church, or weddings, or to bury their loved ones are gathered together to see off one of their ruling class. It’s hypocrisy at its finest and the type of blatant elitist, classist, do as we say not as we do bull#### tyranny that has been all over the place during the past 4 months. Don’t be obtuse.
  11. Let's make sure we're on the same page here... Are you saying that the science on the novel coronavirus is proven? Furthermore, are you saying "catastrophic" deaths? Or "catastrophic" cases without the shutdown? Two different things and the distinction is important here as you can't say the science is proven on deaths when we still don't have a realistic picture of the death rate of this thing. If it had gone unchecked in society we would have seen it spread, obviously, but we don't know what the death picture would look like because even now we're seeing studies that show the death rate is substantially lower than what is being reported due to unreported cases.
  12. Criticizing the source without engaging the content or pointing to why it’s wrong is a classic deflection of those without an argument. two problems: 1- are you arguing that their source of the video of the woman talking is biased in a slanted way? 2- your link has the same information as what I’ve just posted.
  13. You haven’t met my ex wife Tammy. “yes, I have two ex wives named Tammy. Both *****.”
  14. Totally spot on with this. For instance: Here’s a video of this random black lady accusing 2/3 of the BLM founders of being Marxists. https://nypost.com/2020/06/25/blm-co-founder-describes-herself-as-trained-marxist/
  15. Seems strange to love Lebron and hate Marcia.
  16. So this isn’t really the thread for keeping track of voluntary opt outs, I see....
  17. Pretty consistent with the rest of his career.
  18. What I want to know is what happens if a team doesn’t want them back next year at this years cap hit? As has been stated on here, Star was no lock to make the roster, and even if he did, it wouldn’t have been a shock to see him get outplayed/replaced in season. Now we’re stuck with him at 8 million next year? How does that work if our other guys show out and we realize we have no use for him?
  19. I know the virus is serious and these guys have decisions to make for them and their family, but I’m officially in the “Patriots exodus is cause of Brady leaving” camp.
  20. Makes sense. Lot of drama gonna happen this year. Worth asking if it’s worth it. If you don’t need it, that is. The issue i see, is what a year of not playing does to someone (especially a trench player)... feels like some of these guys won’t be back in the league. Star wouldn’t surprise me.
  21. I wonder if that’s part of the thought process... don’t risk it in a crazy offseason and where you might not make the team. Take a seat for a year and reassess. I hope Harry is good to go!
  22. Are there any that we’re expecting based on health/family members health? Also, I can’t help but wonder about what others have said..... are these guys going to avoid going anywhere and self quarantine and get tested for the duration of the season? It almost seems like being in the facility has its advantages for avoiding this.
  23. Would make sense for him to get out of Gase’s sphere of influence... maybe the jets suck and fire Gase and he can try to re-set with the new guy.
  24. What’s the deadline for opt outs? Also, how would voluntary opt out effect franchise tag? Re-tagged the following year?
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