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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. This definitely feels like a super legit report and not pot stirring at all!
  2. I know. ? as I explained to Logic, b team for me is just a team with some things going for them that make me more inclined to be interested in them. Usually it’ll determine which game I flip to on a Sunday afternoon, but it’s obviously a far cry from my bills fandom. I do openly root for anyone playing the pats.
  3. So glad to hear you only watch the bills and never any other team.
  4. B team for me isn’t like I’m buying merch or skipping social events to watch games, it’s more just a team that I’m interested in/like some of their players any given year. A couple years ago it was the Eagles in the SB year- I went into the season having a special interest in them and it was fun as they were on national tv quite a bit. This year the broncos just interest me as I think Lock could be good, and that offense should be fun. We’ll see.
  5. I mean, maybe Bills fans not compensating with rabid, unrealistic perceptions of what being a fan is? Yeah, I can appreciate other teams while also having a Bills first mentality, I have the intellectual flexibility for it.
  6. Broncos are my B team this year. So that sucks.
  7. Ohio Board of medicine literally just forbade the prescription of Hydroxychloroquine.
  8. the virus can be very much real and yet the narrative and information be very much impacted by the election cycle.
  9. I would be very interested to see them do serology testing (am I getting that word right?) along with the COVID testing so we can get a sense for how much of the NFL demo has been impacted already without knowing it. I would imagine it would be a decently high rate which I think would ease many fears over each positive case result that we get.
  10. Appreciate it. My dad has lost his 3 closest friends (one being a brother in law) to a move and two deaths in the past 3 years and I’m worried about him as he already has some depression issues.
  11. Had a close friend pass away overnight of complications from a stroke (he had previously been permanently disabled by a stroke and this one was too much for his body). He was one of my dads best friends and a great friend of mine. Really wondering if we’ll be allowed to have a funeral for him (in Virginia) or if only the elites (and criminals killed by cops) are allowed those these-a-days.
  12. I could see that, but the NFL has worked hard to have rules and things in order even in this chaos. I could see as much PR disaster if they allow people to jump ship when the season gets tough. Plus, the logistics of : “okay, you played 12 games but now want out, season doesn’t count.” Seems to be a problem... all weird angles we will have to wait and see on. Either way, my take is that the risk is pretty well known right now, if you show up to camp it’s cause you’re willing to take the risk. Not sure much could happen to justify changing that willingness that wouldn’t be dramatic enough to call the season.
  13. I would imagine that leaving without “opting out” would be something akin to a holdout, and unexcused absence that would result in fines and the season not counting?
  14. Am I wrong in thinking guys would be unlikely to opt out if they have reported? I can understand opting out, but if you report and then opt out it feels kinda silly to me...
  15. Really wish China would stop sending us *****....
  16. Most elective surgeries are still being postponed or backlogged, might take some time to get a doctor in the states, though I hear there are some great options in Southeast Asia.... For what? Correct me if I’m wrong, but the majority of our guys have already reported? Jets gonna jet, even when it comes to stuff out of their control.... you really have to wonder if guys opt out at the same rate for teams/coaches they believe in...
  17. I mean, he played in two games for them. In one of them, the other teams offense was asleep (us) and in the other they got beat like they stole something. Mosley might be a good player, but I don’t think it’s logical to say his absence is the reason their defense sucked. ? ^ things you hate to see. look on the bright side Jets fans, your excuse for the season is already ready made.
  18. Very good points all. I think the unfortunate truth is that at this point it’s being used as a weapon to try and impact the election. My hope is the general populace won’t fall for it and will vote for the candidate they believe in, not the one most adept at using a crisis/being helped by media and others to use a crisis. History says I’m likely to be disappointed. Achhhtsssshhhuallly, the real reason is because white people kill so many black people just by being white that there’s nobody left in Kenya to die of the virus.
  19. That’s because it doesn’t. Anything that goes against the initial constitution and the bill or rights either explicitly or implicitly is a badterdization of law that’s been slipped in over the years by corrupt officials. No secondary law can counter the highest law of the land. You’re arguing that one freedom protected can be revoked and limited as needed, but the other can’t. besides, your entire argument started with the “the government can’t limit” protests which you immediately backtracked on and said they can limit them, just not to the extent that they can limit religious expression cause mah precedent.
  20. @Crayola64 the First amendment is built upon itself as a whole unit: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Remove part and you invalidate all. Your belief that certain things can be limited based on precedent is the same mentality that led to Dred Scott and a billion other horrible decisions by SCOTUS overreaching and writing law instead of interpreting it. But by all means, burry your head and continue in your ignorance.
  21. And I’m saying, your argument is based on years of abuse of the constitution, and not the constitution itself. The first Amendment provides equal protection for the exercise is religion as it does the freedom of speech. Let’s only go on what SCOTUS says- black people aren’t humans, and your argument is valid. Appealing to the difficulty of an argument is a fools way out. You’re a fool. But we knew that already.
  22. I can’t understand him having A funeral attended by the same people saying “regular people” can’t have equal funerals. We don’t have classes in America. (At least we’re not supposed to)
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