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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. Momma says stupid is as stupid does. Good job engaging the conversation instead of hiding behind your perceived superiority. idiot.
  2. I don’t unless it leads to bad press. Don’t forget, in a lot of ways the guys who opt out are being held up as some form of hero or wise sacrificial lamb. So to have a player on the path to becoming that and then be “tempted to stay” by money and corporate greed could lead to some negative press.
  3. Man, this is nerve wracking as some of those FA watch threads. I think the GF/wife angle that others have mentioned seems to make the most sense to me. I struggle to believe that he would have even reported if he was personally very worried about it.
  4. I wonder how it goes if he starts talking about opting and Beane calls him up about contract stuff.... is that something the NFLPA would frown at?
  5. I get it. I meant more so for those who aren’t personally impacted by a development, but because something happened with the virus at large, they want to opt out.
  6. Right, but that’s not voluntary opt outs, and it’s included in the current opt out process. Essentially after today players can’t just decide its too risky now and leave. Doing so would be fine worthy.
  7. And be fined accordingly. At that point it’s merely a holdout and unexcused absence. The opt out window is agreed upon by the NFL and the Players Union to give the players enough time to make their decision while also not leaving it open ended to ruin any chance a team has to focus on the season/plan accordingly. There isn’t going to be any new revelation or development about this virus that would affect the individual and not the league as a whole.
  8. I mean, if it’s strictly about child care, he could buy 100 nannies. I get not wanting to be away from your kids (though he wouldn’t even have to be) but to come out and play, earn them 20+ mil a year deal that’s waiting for him, and be able to ensure the financial freedom or his family forever, that’s hard to pass up even if it meant 5 months away from them. Not saying that’s what it is, but even at the most drastic measures that’s what we’re talking about. And I get that he could theoretically get that money next year, but what happens if he opts out and then tears his ACL at the beginning of the 2021 season. Now he’s 27/28 with 2 years of tape missing. He’s not getting top 5 corner money at that point.
  9. Now do serology testing! It’s crazy to me that teams aren’t (and maybe they are and keeping it under wraps) doing antibody testing to see who may have had it and may then be at lesser risk now.
  10. This is a stupid post. These men have worked hard for their career, as have most all of us. The fact that they get paid millions for their career versus xamount that the general population gets paid to do their job well doesn’t make them any harder workers. I would wager a significant amount of money that Tre can’t formulate a medicine that can save lives, or restore power to a hurricane scarred landscape. He has his talents and gifting, others have theirs. Don’t presume that their effort is worth more than anyone else’s because ignorant fans like yourself see them on TV. Celebrity does not = Societal value.
  11. Ah yes, nothing says “I’m being a mature adult thinking through the difficult implications of an unprecedented career situation” quite as well as a twitter outburst. He and Diggs must be hanging out already.
  12. Good point. Also implies that Joe at the factory, who doesn’t have the luxury of calling in for a year and 150g’s is somehow less dedicated to his family cause he goes back to work when his boss calls to work his twelves and make his $13 an hour.
  13. “While initially the NFLPA states that all complaints would be filed under anonymous, they have now made it clear that each complaint will be listed under Karen Doe.”
  14. I mean, VP selection is literally always just grabbing whoever helps with whatever demographic the candidate is weak in. It’s stupid. Go back to the loser being the VP- it’d make it much more interesting! Imagine Hillary as VP right now!! Put that on cable tv.
  15. Beal and Baker were the future at CB for the giants... yikes.
  16. Risk exposure to find out if you’re going to get exposed? I don’t begrudge anyone their right to opt, but that seems silly to go and expose yourself to hundreds of potential carriers and then decide you don’t want to be exposed. I also think (while completely respecting his right and wisdom to choose for his family) that the “young kids at home” reasoning is questionable just because they’re such a limited at risk demo (unless there are other factors, which could be the case here)
  17. Im not expecting any “big name” in the sense of a player whose absence greatly hurts his team.
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