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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. Scientific observation to prove metaphysical theory... hmm... I’m convinced.
  2. All valid points. My line of disagreement with what you’re referring to is that I don’t see Fromm’s personal history and pursuit of growth as related to the conversation that Marcel is trying to start. Simpler put, I think he can learn from his mistakes without having to have an opinion on what’s happening in the current culture. Additionally, im perfectly happy with the idea that Fromm can learn not to make stupid jokes, while also not being completely supportive of what’s being done and said right now- and in that context, saying anything in disagreement with the current movement would be fatal. Not saying that’s what happened, but it would explain his feeling like he needed to not come out and make statements. I also don’t think Brees is the archetype of what should be done here. Rather he is an example of how to bow to the crowd and save face after the outrage mob gets on your case, but I suppose that breakdown is a matter of what your personal thoughts about Brees’ original comments are.
  3. Re-read what I wrote and try again. (maybe after a second cup of coffee ? ) There isn’t anything that’s going to happen that will change the foundation of the situation that doesn’t also change how the league reacts. If something huge comes up, the league will change the overall scope of things.
  4. I just need amazon to pickup the streaming rights to all NFL games and include it in prime.... Come on Bezos. Take over the world in a way that benefits me for a change.
  5. That makes sense. I appreciate that! How much would serology testing cost, and is that a difficult procedure? I think if I was a GM I would do it anyways if it isn’t overly expensive or intrusive just to get a feel for it. Maybe that’s fruitless curiosity.
  6. I mean, I thought it was pretty well known that he had some character concerns coming out. Obviously not this extreme, but many thought he was over drafted cause of the risk. That turned out accurate.
  7. I mean, a lot of people said Sam Darnold was better than Josh Allen, and the Jets chose Darnold instead over Allen. But here we are.
  8. I don’t mind the question. I haven’t spent a ton of time with those within the movement myself (except for some interactions with some vocal proponents who may be more on the extreme side.) I personally struggle to support organizations with Marxist roots, and I have some disagreements with their messaging and some of the narratives they push. That being said, I wholeheartedly believe that black lives matter. But it’s hard to say that and not support the organization and movement BLM in today’s world.
  9. What he’s learned in his personal journey is not the same as what is being played out in the world at large right now. It doesn’t have to be related. Fromm is on thin ice, obviously. So to come out and answer a loaded question without any whole hearted support for what is going on would be suicide from a PR point of view. I don’t know that he does or doesn’t agree, but he obviously would rather not get into it. There is a wide faction that would say if you don’t support the BLM movement (not the idea, but the tangible org./movement) that you’re a racist. There’s no middle ground allowed right now, and there’s no room for disagreement with the “movement” as people such as Drew Brees have learned. The error of Marcel in this as I see it (and I haven’t seen the video or the article as I’ve been in and out all day- so this is going solely on the tweet and may be lacking context) is assuming that because he’s grown and matured he necessarily has to have an opinion on deep social issues and be willing and ready to voice them. This is the most overlooked and important part of this.
  10. You’re presuming that his pursuit of his religion and growth are mutually exclusive. It seems to me that he’s showing how he’s grown and the result is that he plans on better practicing his religion.
  11. Those two things have nothing to do with each other is the problem. The part of the conversation regarding his texts and the lesson he learned was over and now Marcel was asking him about this secondary issue which is highly inflammatory. Jake says he’s not going to get into that, but that in that and all things- his goal is to act in the ways outlined by his religion. What is wrong with that? What’s missing? You don’t know Jake Fromm and you don’t know what he does or doesn’t do to love people- not answering a political question isn’t a cop out, it’s wise. Marcels answer and what he thinks about it is what this entire thread is about. I agree it doesn’t matter too much, but here we are. ?
  12. You seem to be assuming that a grown man is responsible for answering a question about the cluster-youknowhat that is the current climate in this country. He gave a general answer for how a lot of issues can be solved- people loving each other. Do you disagree that that would solve problems? Does Marcel? Either Marcel finds that wrong and thus unacceptable, or he finds how fact that Fromm won’t be baited into a no-win conversation as unacceptable. Either way, an back to the point of the thread - bad journalism.
  13. He wasn't asking him about his tweets, he was baiting him into a conversation about a separate issue that he knows from is going to disagree with. Fromm says "I don't plan on answering about that specific situation, but my plan is to live my life by this certain ethos." Marcel says this is an unacceptable response... If he was happy with the ethos that Fromm plans on living with, he wouldn't find his answer unacceptable because it would conform with what Marcel believes Fromm owes society.
  14. Lol. Way to miss the point.. If Marcel believed that what Fromm was saying was acceptable, he wouldn't have said it wasn't. Why else would he take issue with his comments? His entire response is that he's learned from his lesson and he plans to use his faith as the guide to act more appropriately in the future - Marcel is saying that's an unacceptable thing- why? Why else unless he's saying he doesn't agree with the idea of Fromms conviction. Father forgive Jauronimo for being obtuse and not understanding virtue signaling at it's finest. He knows what he does, but that's just his schtick.
  15. You’re missing Fromm’s point. He’s saying he isn’t going to get into details because he’s learned his lesson about speaking without thinking. So he offers a basic answer and a guide by which he aspires to live his life. Marcel doesn’t believe his guide is valid, or else he’d see it as an appropriate response. He’s demanding more. He doesn’t believe that simply seeking to love one another is a good enough response for some stupid mistakes.
  16. so you’re saying Marcel doesn’t believe that loving each other is a proper answer?...
  17. Yep. But hopefully Marcel isn’t headed there- Manish is one of the biggest pieces of crap in sports media. That being said, I do love watching him murder the jets on the regular. ?
  18. I think the issue is that the conversation was one that happened exclusively because of his status as a reporter. So everything gained in the conversation (specifically what’s he commenting on) exists because he was being a reporter and Fromm was being and interviewee. So I don’t see the distinction in that regard. When reporters retweet or tweet or like stuff that I disagree with I don’t care that much because it’s impossible to separate “Reporter Marcel” from “person Marcel” I’m social media. But when he uses his official platform to talk trash about a player simply cause he disagrees, I find it distasteful. My $.02
  19. He’s giving his perspective from his worldview, that’s how that works. If people do as he says, they will end with loving people (note he didn’t classify any specific people group who will or won’t be loved) Marcel is saying his answer is unacceptable because he doesn’t agree with his worldview, which is fine, but goes to the OP’s point that instead of being objective and reporting on the athletes worldview, he’s editorializing and saying it’s an unacceptable view based on his disagreement with it. - thus making his opinion the story.
  20. A lot of that is that they didn't even try to keep their guys in free agency.
  21. Wish McCourtey woulda done it, but either way, our division got worse, which is great.
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