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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. Sometimes complexity can be used to streamline things... but yeah, I had the same thought. Daboll has done well overall with playing to Allen’s strengths, even if his in game calling has been questionable at times. Hope it turns out well. Also, I’m all aboard the Zach Moss express.
  2. you idiot. I can’t believe you hold this position. So ignorant. Fool. Sheeple. Etc. etc. etc.
  3. It's a delicate balance between being humorous and mocking the idiots on the game day threads. I appreciate this post, but I can't upvote it cause apparently I need to be considering the rankings from here on out.... ?
  4. Also, I’m glad I’m not the only one whose looked at this number before.
  5. I usually can’t stand you, but sometimes you’re pretty damn funny. I laughed.
  6. Including building dams and chewing through tree trunks...
  7. Paging Fat Lady. Fat lady to the stage please. You’re on in 5.
  8. Maybe they can use the year off and the windfall to get lasik. buh dum tsss.
  9. Not horrible. Lot of little things that would need to be changed. Couple obvious ones: Jacksonville is on the Atlantic Coast, while Tampa is on the Gulf coast. As someone else said, no such division as “Rust belt” If it doesn’t include Pittsburgh. The NFC north is the only division that lined up to begin with- just call them the Great Lakes division and you’re good to go.
  10. Adams will get 3 sacks and 2 ints in the only game he produces in.
  11. Not sure I can find 11 receivers worth more than him as a whole player.
  12. Well, I had a friend who tried to convince me that Pitchers are overall the best athletes in sports... I don’t know the answer to this question, but I know that guy was an idiot.
  13. Biden? No way that plumbing is still in operational order.... not enough blue in the world to make those pills.
  14. Just start re-watching sports movies on repeat. We are Marshall Radio Draft Day
  15. Boring QB’s, boring coaches, no real divas (except Ramsey whose just an idiot), no holdouts. HBO must be thanking their lucky stars that they can spend 98% of each episode talking about covid.
  16. If you get a good speaker setup/ have good space for it you can do some movies under the stars as well which is always nice!
  17. I don’t care if the employer is right or wrong in this context. My main issue is that to be excused from work means a certain surrender of privacy.
  18. Valid points, and It makes sense. But if at the end of the day, if Sally is needed in the building and has a medical reason why she can’t be, it makes sense that she needs to validate that claim somehow. I see what you mean, but the missing issue in that conversation is the company as a whole. The NFL corporate offices have run via a group of people working in close proximity. Maybe they could do it as well, or better at home, but to get to that point (with normal, non-pandemic workload and function) would take a lot of investment, or so I would imagine. So the reality is that the employers needs dictate the work relationship and where that happens.
  19. That makes sense, but the general rule is that in office is more productive. Right, but what they're asking for (at least from the context of the snips, as I couldn't see the article) is exemptions from returning to work without any proven reason.
  20. I mean, what do they want? I assume these are employees that have been paid during down time / compensated to work from home (which is traditionally less efficient/valuable to the company) instead of being laid off like many people have. But now they want it taken on faith that when they're not ready to come back to work it's all on the up and up? I mean, this is the real world. I get not wanting to divulge medical information, but there are certain rights you part with for the sake of employment.
  21. Isn’t this the guy who said he was asked a bunch of offensive questions at the combine, but that turned out false?
  22. That is a very good point. “You already had covid, so you could be immune, but we don’t know for sure.” Player in the club with side pieces 3 hours later.
  23. I think we disagree with some of the fundamental levels to this, but I appreciate the civility. I think the problem I have is Marcel’s assumption that Fromm’s personal growth must manifest in an opinion about the current events. That’s pretty clearly what’s happening as he says (paraphrase) “so based on the fact that you’re growing and learning, what do you think about what’s happening in the country right now.” When Fromm chooses not to engage that conversation, Marcel considers that unacceptable... that’s seems pretty clear. My issue, and I’ve said a couple times in the thread, is that I don’t think one necessitates the other. I think Fromm can have a genuine change of heart regarding his mistakes and be growing as an individual, without having to have an opinion on current events. Furthermore, I can appreciate Fromm’s hesitance to get into that loaded question because that interview doesn’t feel like the medium to get into the minutia of the situation. It seems like a spring loaded disaster waiting to happen. Furthermore, I disagree that Fromm’s answer (though short and without a ton of explanation) is unacceptable. He doesn’t want to get political, he says as much- but he gives the rule that he intends to live by. Now, If he does going forward is another question. I disagree regarding Brees, but that’s fine. I appreciate you pointing out your take on it.
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