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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. also, if it works well, it puts a healthy Mongo as the backup IOL with flex at both guards and C which is also huge.
  2. I hope your armpits are infested with the fleas of a thousand camels.
  3. Yep. It hit me all at once a couple days ago. Ramp up has been so weird (and the world as well) and I recently moved so I hadn’t really thought about it. Then I got hit with it coming and now I feel like an addict going through withdrawal.
  4. Yep. There was like a week where the humidity dropped out and made the weather cooler and it had me begging for fall.
  5. Yuck. That is not good news at all. Hopefully it’s on the collection side of things, as some have suggested, and the lab itself isn’t that compromised.
  6. Yeah- I was really hoping the dolphins would get Herbert. I saw him as a lesser player and it is easier to root against him, whereas I really like Tua as a guy. Either way, I can root for him to be a bust.
  7. I agree! With Oliver and Edmunds becoming elite and Tre already there, the bedrock of our Defense will be in place for years to come!
  8. He is. I still think the contract was questionable for where they were as a team, and what he brings to the table.
  9. I know this is the weirdest season any of us have ever seen, and that we're all trying to figure it out and that there's much drama surrounding different conversations about the season and all that's involved with it. But let's just take a moment and appreciate the fact that we're 3 weeks away from watching our first Bills game of the year! No matter where you are or what this year has looked like, just enjoy it!
  10. I'm right here with you on this.. I get giddy thinking about the fact that if this was any other year in the past 5 or so, we'd be freaking out about how GD is going to be our #1 WR and blow the league up... Now we get to sit here and talk about how we're excited he could be a good 4th FOURTH option on a stacked WR chart. Incredible work by Beane and co.
  11. I was thinking the same thing, but it seems like you'd almost have to do three sites in that case as the false negative has more dire potential outcomes than a false positive. False positive, a player misses a game. Sucks for him and the team and leaves a bad taste in the mouth if it reasonably makes a team lose. But a false negative ends up with two teams infected and the season all but canceled. Not sure what the breakdown on how likely you are to get false positive vs. false negative. Maybe something hap could explain, but either way... Preponderance of caution and all that.
  12. Duke is infuriating to me because people point to circus catches in practice and say "look! look what he can do! we have to keep him cause he can do this!" to which rational observers respond "well, that's nice, but he doesn't do much else well..." and the answer is always that his circus catches are all that he needs to do because he does it so dang well... But then you mention the playoff game and how he didn't do it then, and there's 80 excuses.
  13. I'm of the same mind on this. Davis is all but a lock and I would imagine a draft pick would give Hodgins the boost over Duke if they're relatively close. I remember a couple years ago when Austin Prohl couldn't catch a cold in Alaska and the prevailing thought was that it was harder to cut him over some of the undrafted / less invested guys cause he was a draft pick. He was just so dang bad that he was unkeepable. If Hodgins is relatively equal to Duke it feels certain he'd be the guy. Especially cause you can stash Duke on the PS whereas Hodgins likely doesn't clear waivers. McKenzie is hard for me to figure out. He seems unnecessary with Diggs and the like, but he's definitely shown more consistency than the other guys on the bottom of the chart. I'd like to see them keep him but I'm also curious if he's worth something in a trade...
  14. Yep. Especially that LB and that RB. Mosely isn't bad, but paying anyone from the Ravens defensive scheme is a bad idea. Paying bell was so obviously a bad idea. I love it. Also, as an aside, what is with bills fans wishing division rivals well? the "i hope darnold/tua is okay, but not as good as Allen" mentality drives me crazy. Every time the Jets/Phins/Pats sign someone or draft someone I hope they're terrible.
  15. Almost as bad a contract as when the Jets gave an interior LB like 30 million for 2 games.
  16. That sucks. I've also heard many accounts (all anecdotal, for what they're worth) of people registering for testing, not going, and then getting their positive results in the mail. All of the numbers with this thing seem to have varying levels of questionability and I'm glad the NFL has precautions in place to double and triple check. Imagine losing Allen for a game cause some lab doesn't know what they're doing.
  17. I'm not passing the blame or trying to lessen anything, i'm trying to inject some logic into the fear and panic that has gripped our society driven by government and media actors who look at the shock and awe or the situation instead of the genuine data. I appreciate you as a poster and I'm happy to end as friends and just say we aren't in the same place and wont be. I am truly sorry about your Grandmother and wish you and yours the best!
  18. I mean, has “we’re gonna cut this dude and his huge contract unless someone trades for him” ever ended in the dude with the huge contract getting traded?...
  19. I agree that 175,000 people have died who at one point or another tested positive for covid-19. I think the number is unreliable when you consider co-morbities and bad reporting. (Though I’m sure there are some un-reported as well, so it’s maybe a wash.) I am sure the statistics you’re listing are fine and accurate, but they more utterly useless. If you look at this data from JH you see that not only is our per capita more to the middle of the pack, but our fatality rate is way lower than all the other “civilized countries” you would hold up as “doing fine.” Canada, UK, Spain, France, etc. https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/mortality
  20. There you go, doubling down on emotion. In what part of my post did I say the deaths didn’t happen? Straw men are good for scaring off crows, but not for debate. As I’ve said in other posts, the deaths are happening and they’re tragic. That being said, the response by the government at all levels has been ridiculous and completely wishy-washy. From changing their tune about masks and saying “it’s okay, we were lying earlier” to dumping covid cases in nursing homes. I can care about the deaths and about grandma while also not letting emotion run my brain- I’d have thought someone with such a moniker could as well, but here we are. And I’m very sorry to hear about your grandmother.
  21. Yep. And your point is? No doubt people are dying from this virus. But instead of protecting the actual at risk people (ya know, those in nursing homes who are sick and hovering around that 78yo mark) we’re shutting down the country, ruining the economy, creating chaos and torpedoing the public school system so that the demographic that’s at less risk then they are to the season flu (pre-retirement people with no added risk factors) can sit home and draw checks from good OL Uncle Sam. But, if you feel you need to go protest in the name of justice, please feel free to head to your nearest democratic city.
  22. I can imagine. I would be. But, he can take a vet rest day and spend some time in the books which is probably beneficial anyways. I imagine finding a balance between team work, field work, personal book/ film work, and all that is probably harder in this offseason so maybe it’s a nice push to get him away from the team to absorb some stuff/work by himself.
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