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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. oh no! Just for saying he was right when everyone clearly could tell he wasn’t? Or did I miss something??
  2. I'll be really curious to see the in-actives list... Does Gilliam suit up? How many DE's do we see? Would they really have Epenesa inactive?
  3. Ah yes, the point of the debate wherein we have reached the ever so subtle insults and appeals to misdirection and emotion. 3 things and I'm outie: 1- The whole question comes down to whether or not they rated him based on his actual performance or his off field activities. You said you didn't know- I presented an argument that no reasonable person can say they rated him explicitly on his football skills. You didn't respond either way, but that's fine- as you said, you don't know. 2- If they did in fact rate him based on off field and not on field qualities (as seems obvious to me and just about every other person in this thread) then them saying his rating is football based in incorrect and disingenuous. Even if they admitted that they rated him higher due to his off field life- that's still a pretty big digression from their norm... I wonder why they would have done this... Could it be they're trying to signal something?... Hmm... 3- Right here you've made it quite clear that the conversation does not revolve around Kaepernick's football skills, but rather his off field activities and campaigns. Is your argument that they artificially boosted him into the top 15 of NFL QB's as a way of showing support for his cause? If so, I encourage you to come back with some backup in the "not virtue signaling" department. Think what you want, assume what you want. I know where I stand and I now know where you stand, and I didn't even have to do the homework, Nancy. Anyway - Nitwit out.
  4. certainly hope long snapper is doing that last thing...
  5. But we cut Andre Roberts and never ever planned on bringing him back and that one random poster was right the whole time!
  6. Really two different ways to interpret this....
  7. I moved from Southwest Virginia to Louisville, Ky and I'm very curious to see If i get more or less local Bills games.... I actually prefer less as my Sunday Ticket is more reliable than my set up for watching local.
  8. You're welcome to hold this point of view and to argue the minutia of it all you care to. That being said, I think it's quite clear what they are doing and it is by your definition (and every other applicable and commonly used definition) virtue signaling. You're free to disagree. I appreciate you clarifying your points so we could have this discussion! The real tragedy here is that Josh Allen is only a 77 when he's clearly at least a 99.
  9. Actually, his last rating was a 74 in the 2017 game which was reflective of his getting benched in 2016 after playing quite poorly. (he started 16 with an 81 rating) I'd like to see where any other free agent is given such a generous curve rating wise. I think it's quite clear that his rating is artificially inflated based on his off field persona. Any argument otherwise would say that the likely assumption is a player that had steadily decreased over his last four years on the game (from 2013-2017 dropping from 89 to 74) would all the sudden increase his rating by 8% following a four year absence. I don't think that's a tenable argument at all. At that point you're left with the question: Is increasing his rating as a football player (as the rating is meant to reflect his capacity on the field exclusively) because of his off field activities disingenuous? I think it clearly is as it goes outside of their own standard and rating system, so we ask the motives for doing it, and that seems pretty obvious - to cater to those who are pro-Kaep right at this point in time - And it clearly strikes as moral/political/social statement. So when we lay it over the above definition: And there we are. It's conspicuous as it was done publicly and they released statements about it, drawing attention to it. It's disingenuous (see above) It's clearly an expression of moral values And it's clearly done to curry favor with those who would look upon it favorably.
  10. Well lookie here... you can defend your own point. Congrats. Real proud of you bud. As for your point: in using your provided definition “Virtue signalling is a pejorative neologism for the conspicuous and disingenuous expression of moral values with the intent to enhance one's own image.” I have a follow up question: Do you believe Kaepernick’s rating of 81 which ranks him as a top 20 or so starting QB in the league is based solely on the player that he is now, or is it influenced at all by his political and social stances?
  11. So you’re going to accuse another poster of using a word incorrectly and when questioned on why it’s incorrect your response is “do you own homework, sue” ? What a compelling argument that you have made to give any credence to the idea that you know anything.
  12. Comparing the President to Hitler seems quite in vogue these days, so I don’t know how that should be held against him. 😛 no idea about the other stuff.
  13. He hasn’t used drones to secretly bomb the hell out of enough countries to win this...
  14. Im excited but I’m already dreading the infinite amount of Covid talk... as if I need to hear about this from Chris friggin Collinsworth for 4 hours.
  15. one question: is this caricature of a human intentionally made to look like the hippo from Madagascar, or is that a happy accident?
  16. Yep. And based on recent observation, it's appropriate to make a COVID thread wherein you specifically blame conservative football fans for the mess that is COVID, but if in a different thread where the conversation is about Covid, you respond to someone who was already discussing the governments reaction to covid (without any partisan implications) you get a two week vacation. Then, when you come back and ask the almighty god of mods what exactly was political and "abusive behavior" and outside the norm of the conversation, you get no response. So. So pretty much, be conservative down here, be liberal up there and you're good to go with the mods.
  17. You have to include either Allen or Edmunds in the equation as well. So say Allen and you have: - All pro CB - Solid/above average LT - Very good LB - Borderline franchise QB Say Edmunds: - All pro CB - Solid/above average LT - Very good LB - Very good/near elite LB whose stock is rising.
  18. As for the actual madden conversation: 2007 On PC, simulate the season and run the offseason like the GM. That was the best.
  19. I know this is a difficult concept to grasp, but did you know that you can actually interact with the topic or a thread without whataboutisms? Do you think Kapernick is deserving of a higher rating than 5 NFL starting QB’s? If so, why?
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