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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. It certainly could be the British Monarchy or a number of other entities. Having said that I would never rule the Clinton's out. To control most of your minions all you need to do is rule by fear. That if you are suspected of betrayal even if the act has not been culminated you know you will get to know the intimate end of a gun or wood chipper ASAP.
  2. The same one Tibs is intimately acquainted with.
  3. Satan is readying the new ring in Hell for Tibs and his co-conspirators.
  4. You would have us believe that well over a decade before Trump ran for President an official such as Acosta performed a favor on the then very off chance that Trump would become POTUS? I don't run in those circles but a favor is normally done for short term gain in terms of money or power. You screwed yourself over by not saying that Trump paid Acosta right then and there money-wise which would make far more sense if Trump was worried about serious Epstein convictions blowing back on him. Dumb Tiberius as usual and no you don't get to change your response.
  5. Grasping at straws once again. Queen Hillary will stop by the Soros Cubicle Farm for a rally after you have had your evening bowl of gruel.
  6. He'll win because he is not a braying moron going on about issues that most do not care about. The Russians will attempt to aid Comrade Clinton when she finally announces her entry and you will be one of many minions to help push her into oblivion despite your desire to do otherwise. Your incompetence and those like you will be her downfall.
  7. What you are saying is gibberish. There will be no close tie in terms of the Russians with the Chinese. Has not been since the early 1950's. Too much rivalry economically and militarily for them to get close even if US/Western Europe power was spiking. As has been in the past there will be isolated cooperation in terms of military and limited trade.
  8. Rather than an extension or rework of an existing product and going out nearly a decade the first "phaser." It won't have destructive capabilities but will have a stun setting to protect against aggressors or intruders.
  9. I forgot to tell you about the one who I learned years later joined the American Communist Party. Dating can truly be like a valley of darkness in terms of miles traveled between good experiences.
  10. I dated a woman or two where that was true. One needed to be baby sat 24-7 and another wanted to boss me around 24-7. Then there was the one that liked to tease and needed a new flavor of the month. A woman would have to be darn good at other things to put up with that and that means more than the time in the bedroom "pregame show" and everything else included.
  11. She won't find much in the way of facts at ABC, CBS, NBC, etc. I'd be for a news source that held both Democrat and Republican feet to the fire as needed.
  12. Been under that one with a train going over it. Talk about a "right there" feeling hearing and seeing a couple of locomotives ramble along.
  13. For Tiberius and his cohorts facts are inconvenient things.
  14. Tiberius does not even have the good sense to be embarrassed over the nonsense he spouts. The time to throw the book at Epstein was when Trump was still a private citizen while Obama and Hillary were in the federal government. That did not happen for the reasons DR cited.
  15. If Rosie is standing next to a cow pasture with a bull nearby it just might be her lucky day. Seriously, don't knock a reasonably attractive woman in chaps. The wife (much more than just "reasonably" attractive) borrowed a pair from a friend one time to put on a show for me. Did not take long to get to the main event for the evening. Not anything resembling cowboy chaps but something you would see in a pick-me-up bar worn by hot women along with high heeled boots and fitted leather jackets.
  16. And can make an attractive woman appear hotter.
  17. Which is why the government lacks any will power or desire to stop the cartels therefore my response. Drug money? No.......thank........just deposit it in my normal graft account.
  18. The Mexicans have the will power of an overeater at Old Country Buffet.
  19. Should not a guy going under the handle of Futurist know what tonight's Mega Million numbers and tomorrow's Power Ball numbers are?
  20. Oh goody. Our chief liberal loon is here for the morning shift so he can explain why Harris is being eschewed by Democratic voters. Surely, Kamala has a point in that racism and sexism is holding her down.
  21. 2024? Are you doing the old Laugh-In's News of the Future skit (rather poorly)?
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