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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. The difference is that the Kennedy's and the Bush's "did it right" while the actresses "did it wrong." Meaning the Kennedy's and the Bush's made donations to the school overall with an understanding while the actresses bribed an official who was not on the top layer of administration. Also, 400K is a little light in the bribery dept if you ask me. We would not be hearing anything about it if each woman had offered say a couple million dollars at a lunch with a dean.
  2. The socialists always respond to Hanson's question by saying it has never been implemented properly before. "We'll get it right this time."
  3. Know thy master you puppet!
  4. Went to Sparks in Manhattan back around 1996. If my memory is any good the total bill before tip around 80-85 dollars between the wife and myself. Did not have any expensive drinks and the tip was on top. Some of the bill was covered by our travel plan that we went under so I think the real cost to us was around 50 dollars before tip. Sparks was the restaurant where Big Paul Castellano was gunned down outside back in 1985.
  5. This is 1960's Batman type of ludicrous. Talk about the total lack of self-awareness by ABC executives and ownership.
  6. It won't work as Snyder is relatively young and arrogant. He will take it as a challenge that he will not back away from. If this were the 1950's-1980's where it was really critical to fill seats then the NFL would intervene. As it stands now I don't see the NFL getting involved.
  7. Tib's latest man crush after Biden. Of course by tomorrow morning Tibs could be back on the Warren wagon but he is due for a Buttigieg polishing.
  8. Because highly productive DT's are waiting by the phone this time of year................................... Being it's 2019 maybe we should say waiting by the computer........................
  9. You a flat Earther, too? But you keep shoveling that pile of fresh cow dung if it makes you feel better. You would be better served if you found some self awareness that would allow you to move onto tenable positions versus nonsense.
  10. You're partially correct. He needs plenty of help but your help would be of no use to him.
  11. If you truly had facts you would be appearing before Schiff and not hanging out on a NFL team message board.
  12. You're at it bright and early on Election Day morning. Job performance review at the cubicle farm? You're off to a piss poor start so far. I hope the continuation of your life does not depend on people swallowing that tripe.
  13. This. It makes me sad to see posters not necessarily on this thread have little in the way of feelings for such players. I don't get the mentality of some who think that such players are going to wander into the wilderness to die because they failed to live up to the hype here.
  14. Tulsi is ex-military. I want to see her go full Rambo on the Hilldog. "Hillary (Murdock), I'm coming to get YOU!"
  15. HIs mom says the more time he spends on here the less time he is soiling his sheets and underwear. Just trying to help the poor old woman out. Tibs' trolling employers sure feel like they hired that turd that lays in every pile of employment applications with Tibs.
  16. You can spin it however you want it to but there is still no logical quid pro quo there. Push that plane back into the hanger and leave it there. There is a better chance of getting a rotted Japanese Zero laying in the jungle of SE Asia off of the ground unserviced.
  17. The problem with that theory is there are not enough morons who will buy that and vote against Trump. Any thinking person who looks at the timeline of what you are proposing will realize that there is no logic to it. Acosta goes light on Epstein over 15 years ago by the Powerball lottery chance at the time of Trump running for POTUS then actually being elected and in turn awarding a cabinet post to Acosta?
  18. It's not even 5PM on a Monday and you are already delirious. Sadly, the whole jail event is already fading from the public view whether you believe there was a conspiracy behind it or not. That aside your master Hillary will send out a directive not to mention Epstein as it does her no good to have it brought up (as nobody believes it was a suicide) and you will obey as a good minion does. Lest you suffer the consequences for not but maybe you will enjoy her fun-dun(geon). On second thought you are not that much of a glutton for pain. Are you?
  19. You can keep pushing that plane onto the runway but it's never going to fly. Tell your masters that you are off to a very lame start for the week. This. What if Trump gets a second term? Hillary needs to stop by at your cubicle farm for another rally. Not that it will do any good.
  20. Hillary related Star Trek programming alert. H & I (Heroes and Icons) is broadcasting the episode "Turnabout Intruder" tomorrow Tuesday at 8 PM Eastern time. The episode that some say predicted Hillary Clinton and others who feel it inspired Hillary Clinton.
  21. Sometimes the best approach is stand back and not get in the way. Who knows what the issues may be in a couple of years. Will China be revealed to be poised to act aggressively in terms of its military? What has happened to this point to really upset you leftist versus what your imagination tells you? Stormtroopers have not crashed in the doors for those who want to have interracial relationships or same sex relationships. Those who want to take in recreational drugs still do so with perhaps even less interest by law enforcement.
  22. What will Trump's second term look like. Sounds like the Democrats are admitting defeat. At least the rank and file Democrats. Anyways, it sounds like my stock in companies that sell tissues and anti-depressants will certainly rise so I will tell my broker to keep buying those. I don't know of any companies that manufacture clown pants for you guys to wear so maybe I will start such a company. I will produce an online survey for you leftists to fill out so I know what styles and sizes to produce. Stress even if self-imposed causes overeating so I had better plan on running quite a few XXL clown pants and clown shirts.
  23. Can't blame the players and to a lesser degree the coaches. They all want to stick around and make the big money while they can. The players who think they can compile big stats to brag about after retirement don't want to be ragged on about that "one down year." In the short term even if guys don't stick with the Dolphins they want to have good film to show other teams to be able to sign elsewhere.
  24. Soon to be followed by AOC once her NY term is up.
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