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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. That is the amazing thing in my mind. Trump has had his enemies for decades and either he has top notch accountants that know how to stay ahead of the IRS auditors or he simply is keeping his books squeaky clean as nothing has ever been said about tax fraud. Either way it is very improbable that a bunch of high raking politicians will find anything. Further, if Trump knew he was running for POTUS he no doubt went the extra measure in terms of keeping his books clean several years prior to running.
  2. Could be he is part of the cast from Animal House : The Next Generation playing Flounder's son getting ready to send his grandson off to Faber College. The motion picture is filming now (Le Batard looks like actor Stephen Furst who originated the character).
  3. Stalin and Goebbels must be rolling over in their graves looking at all the opportunities missed such as that.
  4. If the conservatives are allowed to have a medium to get the message out. If things go the way of Nazi Germany I could see all conservative voices silenced by the threat of being charged and then imprisoned for alleged hate crimes
  5. I wonder if CNN is on in the rec room of most WNY county jails?
  6. I should be around and fairly healthy at that point. I worry that there will be no conservative voice by then in the media. Even if the likes of NBC and ABC flatline I worry that a liberal administration will nationalize them in a bailout and place a left leaning board of directors in control to manage content. In their minds the liberals see the mistake of not getting rid of the conservative media when Obama was in office and there will be no overlooking it again when the time comes.
  7. God forbid that Chelsea becomes POTUS. The censorship will no doubt be far worse than present. We will not be allowed to describe any Clinton or Clinton sycophant as being an idiot for starters.
  8. She will either be taking a dirt nap or residing in an urn by 2032 most likely. 2032 will be the time of her idiot daughter running the country if all goes according to Hillary's plan.
  9. At present but what as to the future concerns me. A young person is under a tremendous amount of influence from liberal themed education on the grade school and college levels. When they take over we will not be referred to as a constituency in the long term but subjects or peasants or some other derogatory term.
  10. Good question but something that Warren and her liberal ninny friends are not concerned about. They either think that public transportation runs everywhere or that "wealthy" suburban and rural folk should know the suffering of inner city people.
  11. Well, automobiles have long been a focus of the class war so there most likely is far more to it than your joke. Banning cars in the liberal's mind would be a major step in achieving equality and saving the environment. Talking about traffic fatalities is the breaker Warren is looking for in order to go to the ultimate goal of elimination.
  12. We have already established via you that the girls while considerably younger than the men were older than the age of consent in any US state. Further, we do not know if any sex occurred with any of the girls by the men. Just a couple dozen 20 something girls at an event. Tacky, yes. Illegal, no. No basis whatsoever for your first statement. You might as well say that the moon is made of cheese as more would tend to believe you on that.
  13. Cnut is a legitimate name in this case but I am sure that it has inspired some in terms of working around the language filter here. Anyways, I took the time before responding to check out Cnut's history and he did usher in prosperity which at the time was limited to the nobility. Kudos to /dev/null for giving me some interesting reading as I was previously unaware of Cnut although having some English ancestry. Wife has English ancestry although not pure as her people came over with the Normans in 1066. Darn invaders!
  14. It only made sense as you would be the most likely person here not to be able to cope with being a peasant. As to anything else if it helps you get through a long day then by all means imagine it. Do you also dream of slaying dragons and eating the king's rhubarb pie?
  15. Tibs fears that a person will fall off of the face of the Earth if they sail to the western edge of Lake Erie.
  16. Good monarch or not the Middle Ages was a very unpleasant time for those who did not possess wealth. The average person's fate rested with the local noble. At this time of year in 1019 that person would have to buy favor with the noble to be able to hunt the noble's acreage for game such as deer or turkey. Any vegetables or grains grown would have much of the production paid to the noble as a tax. Due process by law and trial by peers were unheard off. A guy like Tiberius would either be skin and bones by spring or locked away in the King's dungeon. So maybe the Middle Ages weren't so bad upon further reflection.
  17. You would think that the year was 1019 and not 2019 with everybody living in fear of a few who are in positions of massive power.
  18. And Tiberius is still spouting nonsense. And then Hillary got her buddy Stephanopolous to protect her hubby. Tiberius should be thankful he lives in a country that allows him to spout nonsense. He would not be so fortunate had his buddies in 2016 prevailed. I hope that this is not lost on him but fear that it is. Anyways Tibs we all know that you don't care about pedophilia as you are running interference for those who practice it and seek to destroy those who wish to end it. What will be the thoughts in your head as the ones you work for at present finally come for you.
  19. If the Pats truly fall back to earth 9-7 may win the division if the schedule truly is tough. If what is predicted is true I see 6 probable losses to start.
  20. No, that is not it. I know human nature and especially the nature of simpletons such as yourself.
  21. You have lost this round as you have lost many many previous rounds. Admit it to yourself. Your presence is a waste of time for your superiors as I doubt you have converted one person here to your thinking. Time for you to go to the Cowboys board as you seem to be under the impression that Texas is in play for your commie cronies.
  22. You're the one who raised concern about ass cancer. Not me so I doubt very much that I will be the one to volunteer. Given the crap you peddle 24-7 it should be no problem whatsoever for you to venture there.
  23. There were plenty of posts several months back about how tough the 2019 schedule looked.
  24. Are you volunteering to be a probe in order to investigate rectal cancer?
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