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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. I remember that. Don't know much about the Chautauqua Institute but doubt long term care of the elderly is an option there. For Hillary it would have to be hell on earth to be warehoused in Jamestown, Westfield (not on the lake), Forrestville, etc.. Before anybody jumps on me I love Chautauqua County but I am pointing out that the Hilldog's tastes would want her to be in Chappaqua, the Hampton's, etc. and not middle America.
  2. NBC no doubt is putting the finishing touches on tonight's lead story of the triumph of the Democrats as we speak.
  3. That would be Chappaqua. I don't think that the Hillbag or Chelsea would let the "deplorables" of WNY take care of her.
  4. What you said is true of 80 percent of the trolls out on the internet. From what I have seen Tibs will be back with a new account as often as needed for the express purpose of getting under people's skins so one block will not do it. It's happened on other websites I have been on. I still maintain that Tibs and his socks are part of a paid presence here. The people who oversee this board need to realize this and just block his IP address.
  5. It's so true....that it is a liberal fantasy. Psychiatrists say there is a yearning to get something personal out in the open with depictions such as you have shown. Pretty easy to see that you want to be the one on his knees and mouth wide open before Putin.
  6. Rest assured that I am no alt or mult of Tibs. I have seen his type before and he is not going away as he most likely is paid to be here along with a few other sites. It's best to keep an eye on his nonsense as he will only post more outrageous content if not confronted. That aside I don't like running from the likes of him and prefer to hit him head on. If there any impressionable posters here it makes sense to challenge him even though some days that can be a chore.
  7. From Putin's keyboard to your Email. You are Putin's true puppet. Dance puppet, dance!
  8. Heck, they have unleashed the entire Tibs army here this morning. His head has to be spinning to run a few accounts simultaneously.
  9. That statement proves that you will type anything for a paycheck. Weren't you the guy just in the last month to say F Hillary as she was not running or did you get an E-mail update recently on that?
  10. In the sense that she never did her own dirty work this may be true. Anyways, for you it had to be like coming into the laundromat and shoveling a pile of elephant dung to make that statement. George will be proud.
  11. Especially when they need to come off of the top shelf. Can't send any old merc wannabe to do these jobs.
  12. What's really funny is Tibs knows that the Democrats are sunk and that he is not even moved by the NBC update at 5 proclaiming the Democrats had a good day. I figured he would reach out for any debris in the water at this point to hold on to but did not.
  13. Yep, they think because they have a degree from a certain university they should rule absolute and without question.
  14. Then I have seen historically inaccurate programming and will make a note of it now. Anyways, whatever type of bird or fowl that would have been around in the forests of Europe at that time.
  15. So you are here to stroke your Gary Busey account? Seems like your puppet could return the favor.
  16. We all know that it did not lose steam but that does not mean that a guilty party was not wishing for the authorities to lose focus. They were most likely hoping the political ties to Epstein would fade away in short order and the national narrative would have been rich pedo offed himself and nothing else. They no doubt were surprised that "Epstein did not kill himself" memes were everywhere including references to the royal family and the Clinton's.
  17. Dead but no trace of them will be found. They probably would have been killed already but that would have looked too suspicious up to this point. The big players were probably hoping that the investigation would have lost steam a long time ago so as to not necessitate any more major moves. I still think they get moved outside of US borders before the end comes.
  18. Nothing "major" as you stated is not the same as nothing found whatsoever. At its peak it was receiving 100's of millions of dollars per year above board and who knows how much under the table. Bill and Hill could have 100's of millions sitting in the Cayman's for all you know that are off the books and never been taxed.
  19. Intellectual dishonesty raising its ugly head once again. The Clinton Foundation is outside of US borders and not subject to IRS scrutiny. Why would an American citizen have a foundation outside of the US when it offers no practical help in terms of its alleged objectives?
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