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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. Your proclaiming of a king a long seated desire that you had for a Democrat? Figures that you desire a non-elected ruler for life. Probably helps with the groveling fantasy you have.
  2. Monarchs love public spectacles such as executions. Do you prefer to be beheaded or burned at the stake? Cotton rope or fashionable hemp rope for your bonds? Walnut or oak logs?
  3. Just not the same since the old days. When Sears had American made tools and the jeans were not paper thin. When you could walk into a Walden's Books and buy books 300 pages thick including pictures on most historical topics. When hot women wearing tight clothes was still novel.
  4. What did Pete attempt to say about farm subsidies? Quite a few politicians campaign against them but when they get to Washington reality hits them in the face. Subsidies = cheap food = political stability. Not since the 1930's was it about helping farmers and I have my doubts for the Great Depression era. There was a real concern over radical elements undermining the government and food in the belly reduces the likely hood of that happening. Don't care about civility in a debate. I just don't want to hear emotionally charged nonsense to prevent a real discussion on issues. Did not bother me that Bush called Reagan's economic policy voodoo economics back in 1980. Say what you need to say and I'll decide if it has merit or not. Don't mind discussing the Earth's climate but feel that we have only scratched the surface in terms of data and analysis. If I were handing out grades most studies would receive an incomplete. Question to libs is if the environment is so important then why do I see trash along the street in the better areas of WNY where Dems are known to hold sway? Too much waste of food. Thermostat set at 78 in December with the wife wearing barely there clothing. Leadership in this area by Dems is problematic at best. Good that you kept orange man discussion to a minimum so other topics could shine through.
  5. I forgot to say gravy from the pan drippings. No jarred or canned gravy for me.
  6. I could go once in October like you guys and once in November like we do. Fewer people today eat the traditional Thanksgiving dinner but I absolutely love it. Already thinking about turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, butternut squash, apple sauce, rolls, pie, etc..
  7. Pretty well but life is not always perfect. I get down a little this time of year as key relatives and friends are no longer living. Most of them died too young.
  8. Going to the in-laws west of Rochester.
  9. I had an advisor every semester I was at a major college. Cornell was and is too big to have any one person (non-faculty) to have a sizable handle on what is out there for courses. I took (intro to) meteorology for my physical sciences elective at the recommendation of my advisor. It is something I would have never thought of on my own to take. I could have taken a university physics course but then would have had the issue of competing with people who ultimately be at the top of the field when they got into their careers. I was asked to pledge a frat but declined in large part due to the increase in room and board I would have to pay. As it was by a miracle I was getting a reduced rate at a university residence that was less than a third of what regular dorms, Greeks, and off campus apartments were getting.
  10. The only reason Clinton has not declared is she knows the media cannot indefinitely withhold criticism of her and her advisors have driven that point home with Hillary. Otherwise her ego would not allow her to sit on the sidelines. She desperately wants to show all the Democrats who is boss and that would be her.
  11. If they had a good debate what did they say in regards to the future and how they will impact it in a positive way. Orange man gone does not count by the way.
  12. The better question is why does he feel threatened by Trump? Absolutely nothing has changed in the US for any socially liberal person. In fact in states such as NY it has gotten better with full term abortions (which I find abhorrent).
  13. Frozen Butterball turkeys are 87 cents per pound at Aldi's. Gonna be windy tomorrow in WNY.
  14. You're wasting your time as myself and everybody else here knows what you are. Just go find something else to do with your time.
  15. She had a closed door fund raiser back in October for the 2020 campaign. The only thing lacking was a specific announcement declaring her intention to run. By the way the announcement for the fundraiser came within a few days of Epstein's "death." You know all this but are just trolling.
  16. If this is the best you can do then don't bother replying. I'm going to make a daily call for all Tibs accounts to be permanently banned as they post nothing useful.
  17. You dare question the vision of the great Hillary? It's very obvious. First we had slick Bill and if Hillary gets her way it will be Hillary and Chelsea is being groomed for a political career that Hillary no doubt wants to culminate with POTUS. I thought that you lefties were dreaming of a spanning the decades Clinton Dynasty?
  18. Project much? Karma is gonna catch you. Have fun dumpster diving in back of Wegman's tonight.
  19. The newest mantra for secession again.......until they realize that Quebec can't support itself.....again.
  20. Tiberius will keep chit bombing this site with new accounts until he is cut off at the source. He will never defend anything. He's already late for his daily diarrhea of Acosta as it is.
  21. I hear that he hits the dumpster in back of Wegman's in Depew at midnight every night.
  22. As much as I would like to I know it will not work with him. I've seen his type before. He'll just come back with new identities. Ignores actually encourages him as he knows he is getting under everybody's skin. The only thing that gets the attention of guys like him is having him blocked permanently. That way Tiberius, Gary Busey, etc. all go away for good. He's probably being paid to boot for being here so he has even more cause to ramp things up.
  23. Once again I will ask that your account be banned permanently. You crossed a line a couple of hours ago and now it is time to pay for it.
  24. I think most Canadians are pretty good here but there are posters like jrober38 who seldom have anything positive to offer. He was on the old BBMB proclaiming doom and gloom about the Bills franchise including nobody was going to be able to buy the Bills to keep them here when Ralph was in his last years. Bob, time for your account to go poof. Perhaps your old material could be passed on to medical science to see what makes you tick because I doubt that anybody here knows.
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