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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. You're never going to get better if you keep flushing your meds down the toilet.
  2. Nah, Tiberius is 43 years old and lives in his mom's basement. The mistake his parents made was paying for his college education and that he was allowed to major in political science at Colgate. His father died after enduring 15 years of ridicule by his peers as to what a jack wagon his son became.
  3. Woody made a piss poor Archie Bunker, too. To my great surprise the flower printed catsuit wearer from My Cousin Vinny known as Marisa Tomei made an excellent Edith Bunker. So much so that if I were cast in that special I could have sat at the Bunker dinner table and listened to her talking about cling peaches and not even trying to check out her peach.
  4. You say that like it is a bad thing. Are you into penises?
  5. Not saying and if you have children I pray that they exceed your mental capacity immensely. I doubt you have children but it seems that it is a hallmark of the bottom rung of society that they breed.
  6. Don't feel sorry for RBG or the Dems. RBG's ego would not allow her to step aside when it would have been easy to have another liberal appointed when Obama was in office. Yeah, I get she was healthy but it was not like she was age 55 and healthy. Even in this day and age it is far from common to live to age 85 and beyond in good health.
  7. Was he really that Liberal? He was fairly tough on communism but Nixon had the better panache on that. I think that he gets too much credit for his own election when a lot of the Democratic Party including unions voted firmly party line in those days. Nixon went along with the EPA and wage and price controls during his time. JFK might have gone along with that in terms of doing some policy horse trading. A lot of hair splitting has been done as to how much blame Eisenhower and JFK should get for Vietnam but Eisenhower never sent any military advisers over there. Further, Eisenhower met with DeGaulle and pretty much spelled it out that the time for colonialism was over. Quid Pro Quo is the hot expression these days when it comes to Presidents but it has been argued that Kennedy in part agreed to a ramp up in military aid for South Vietnam in exchange for the French to be compliant in terms of basing some ICBM's there. All that said there was still quite a bit to like about JFK.
  8. Don't kid yourself in terms of wanting me to go away. No way that you want this reduced to a circle jerk of just your liberal buddies. You want your little wee wee hanging out for all to see.
  9. Nah, that is just the way your "wife" looks at you. The mods really need to be over here like they are at The Stadium Wall. They would quickly shut these types of threads down as they are not designed to carry on meaningful discussion. To the point this has nothing to do with politics by your own admission as you admit this most likely has no bearing on Trumps' political ambitions. If this thread has to stay up it should be moved to Off The Wall.
  10. I think that you are trolling. Nobody here knows Melania personally to make a guess. Old line politicians kept their marriages together in order to advance politically. We began to see cracks in that wall with the Clinton's arriving in Washington. No doubt divorces will become increasingly probable as we go forward in time but that is not a prediction for the Trump's. Be gone, Troll!
  11. I'm waiting for an Off The Wall thread from Bob on how he re-uses his bong water for his coffee maker, condensed soup, boiling vegetables, etc..
  12. You've learned nothing this morning which is not surprising in the least.
  13. Then you truly lack reading comprehension among other issues. The title of the thread is to imply that Graham is some mindless devotee of Trump's which is not evident much less proven. If you want to talk about being generally corrupt or part of the DC swamp then that discussion may have some merit and therefore worth pursuing by those who want to pursue it. I'll admit that there is a lot I don't know about Graham but Graham being a long term part of the DC establishment make me think that he would be an Anti-Trumper as Trump would be a hindrance to his activities if fully unearthed.
  14. If the real Busey could have only looked 30 years into the future from 1989 I am sure he would have been way more protective of his public image. I saw some hobo near the Transit Rd change up with I90. Looked quite spacious under there.
  15. Bob, the original post IS nonsense. If that discussion interests you or is relevant to you then you are completely free to pursue it. You have a choice in terms of not viewing content that you dislike which is use the ignore function. All this aside what is truly bothering you? Is there some socially liberal practice that you want to pursue or are already pursuing that is frowned upon by most of society? Don't worry about it as long as it does not bring harm against another person or that you are making somebody engage in behavior that they normally would not engage in.
  16. I don't think that you thoroughly read her response which includes being able to post indiscriminate material in any thread if one chooses to do so. You are lobbying that loony left threads be kept free from snarkiness while lefties should be free to completely chit bomb conservative leaning threads.
  17. Faulty reasoning at its most obviousness. There is no permanent unity in a mob. Everybody gets their's over time. Which is to say people may stand with you today but may turn against you tomorrow even if your position remains unchanged. And you want to be some kind of leader here..................?
  18. Bob could put all us conservatives on ignore and have an uninterrupted conversation with Gary, Tibs, and all the other lefties and he knows that. He just wants to dominate and control like a fascist that he is. Once again, Bob, intellectually dishonest.
  19. Apparently, you are clueless among other things. You are completely free to respond to the notion of Lindsey Graham being a Trump Cultist and 99 percent of the time barring threats and vulgarity it is allowed to stand unedited. You, Bob, and the other lefties are having a temper tantrum because we are not being forcibly kneeled down to kiss your collective behinds.
  20. The Intellectually dishonest award of the year goes to...............Bob in Mich!
  21. Yeah, I would not describe myself as person who could do a lot of personal interaction.
  22. I was at Wegman's this morning and it hit me even though I have felt fairly down lately. I saw a woman walk into the warehouse of this particular Wegman's store who was formerly employed by a competitor to Wegman's. This told me that the woman had rebounded from the closing of her former employer and had money coming in. I always had a feeling dating back to her last job very little came easy for her. Also, I saw a couple of older ladies shopping together who obviously were sisters and people I had seen enough previously to know that they did not have a whole lot of money. It made me feel good that at least they have one another if not a whole lot else to make the season enjoyable and bright.
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