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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. But he might have been told that he looks extremely depressed as of late. So much so that there is concern that he might harm himself. Permanently perhaps.
  2. By all means punish the guilty but lets not pretend as some do that the problem is limited to the churches which has seen youth participation fall off a cliff since the 1970's for reasons other than pedophilia. If you are a pedophile you are going to go where the kids are and that is not nor has not been the churches for a couple of generations now.
  3. The far larger problem in 2019 (soon to be 2020) is the pedophiles have long since moved on to the public schools and other public institutions. A lot of parochial schools have closed in the last 20 years due to secularism or lack of income to send kids to parochial schools. Therefore its been a long time since the Church was a fertile ground for pedophilia.
  4. And we all know that Tibs started this thread out of the goodness of his heart for the concern of the victims (sarcasm). The left currently views the church as a bastion of traditional therefore conservative values that the left wants eliminated. While I would allow that Tibs himself is not a proponent of pedophilia the people that he supports most likely at a minimum are indifferent towards it and most likely a considerable number support it or practice it. I wonder if Tibs can see the irony of bashing one institution that had problems with pedophilia but did not have a general policy of supporting it and replacing it with an institution that includes teaching elementary school age students how their genitals can serve to please them (for the purpose of interacting with far older people).
  5. A fair amount of Lionel Erie Lackawanna and Penn Central locomotives and cars showing up on eBay. A guy could be running his own WNY themed train by Christmas.
  6. Nope. I just don't want the living room and den dedicated to a running train set at this point in time. Maybe at some point I will add onto the house for the express purpose of having a hobby room. Don't really want the stuff in the basement, either.
  7. I was not around during the 1940's and 1950's but recall model train only hobby stores as a kid during the 1970's. But your right in that a lot of what came after 1950 competed for a kid's interest. Star Wars in the late 1970's provided the permanent push away from traditional toys. It kind of gave an indirect push to the model rocket hobby as well. I built a number of Estes rockets during the 1970's. Anyways, as a middle age guy who does not give a darn as to trends if I have some money to play with once retired I would not mind setting up some track to run some trains on assuming I get the space issue resolved in the house.
  8. Rivera was a holdover from the Richardson days. New owners probably wanted their own guy to put their own mark on the franchise but still the timing was poor.
  9. I think that you desired to put the criminal Hillary Clinton into office.
  10. Keep telling yourself that the sky is blue and the sun is shining.
  11. Mental projection at its most obviousness. I am sure that if you tell them it is an emergency the doctor would see you this afternoon.
  12. Go ahead. Start a thread. Just another thread for you to get a butt kicking in.
  13. Why do you feel so threatened by the truth? Does sunlight immediately burn you when exposed to it?
  14. So much so that the spot under the nail out in the barn was labeled "Clinton" so Bill would know where to hang his chaps and that nobody else put their chaps there.
  15. I see two women well over the age of consent. You mad because he does not have his arms around a 12 year old boy?
  16. You beat me to it while I was getting lunch around. I'll expand on that in a little while.
  17. Behold! Bob reveals his hand showing his disingenuity and intellectual dishonesty.
  18. Bob, I am not going to play your game of grasping blowing sand. Your statements as-is are subjective in nature.
  19. No insult. I am sincerely concerned for your health and well being. The rest of your statement is filled with subjectives which cannot be proven.
  20. Bob, Tiberius, etc. can all go to the doctor to get checked for Parkinson's and receive a group rate for services performed.
  21. Bob, I get my news from the same place as most people but I know how to interpret information unlike you. I don't watch Fox, I disagree more than I agree with Limbaugh plus am generally out of tune with him. Bob, do you consider it an ethical quandary for an ex-Clinton operative such as George Stephanopolous to head an entire news division at ABC and most likely the person who squashed the Clinton-Epstein story that would have damaged Hillary's political ambitions? As to the rest of your statement that is gibberish and nothing more.
  22. Anybody got a Flounder meme for that line?
  23. Bob, you are truly hopeless. There are 320 million people currently in the US and perhaps 2 million watch Fox News. Assuming that the nation is evenly split between liberals and conservatives that means there are 158 million people who align more with Trump versus any other politician without any forced propaganda to be consumed. Of course it is not as simple as 160M for each side as there are kids too young to engage the political landscape and those subject to mental deterioration but those percentages should be close to even for each side. So I would ask how well over 100M Americans arrived at a non alternative to Trump worse case scenario?
  24. People like Tiberius, Gary Busey, Bob, etc. wax longingly to live in the 1950's Soviet Union where pesky dissenters were shown who's boss.
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