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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. I'd be more worried about our upcoming game versus the Steelers. We have a pretty poor recent history with them. Further, we are going to face them in a prime time matchup which they thrive on. Add to that their big national fanbase which no doubt the NFL will appease to make sure they make the playoffs so expect another screw job by the refs. I hate to say this but the Jets game will be huge for us and will come down to the closing minutes of the season.
  2. Interesting credits to his career including Father Mulcahy in the MASH movie (1970).
  3. Actor Robert Walker Jr who played the title character in "Charlie X." I watched the episode within the last month again and was struck as to how good the 26 year old Walker played a very unsure of himself 17 year old Charlie. From an acting family (Robert Walker, Sr and Jennifer Jones) his other big claim to fame was playing a hippy living in a commune in 1969's Easy Rider. He was 79. Writer DC Fontana who wrote a few ST episodes and forged into to what was up to that point a male dominated profession. She was 80.
  4. Enberg-Olsen Criqui-Trumpy Hammond-Maguire Charlie Jones-Todd Christiansen Pretty much any NBC team as the Bills were ascending during the late 1980's.
  5. Yes, the word smithing may well push beyond simple declarations of confidence such as with "undisputed."
  6. Sounds like they are trying to rally the troops in that 5 percent the "right" way will lead to a Democratic victory in their minds.
  7. I hear that the Serbs are fanatics about their showers.
  8. The Dems thought Trump was just going to disappear into the night when the Russia gate episode started. I guess we found out whose balls were brassier.
  9. Bob must have a new super strain of MJ that he is smoking this afternoon. He is not only heading out of orbit but into deep space.
  10. Does this make him feel conflicted?
  11. But...but the Trump economy is still terrible because Tiberius is stuck doing the overnight shift at the laundromat.
  12. Stopped at an area hobby shop while in the city on business this morning. Older type Lionel cars pricing out at nearly 100 dollars each. Had Lehigh Valley. Penn Central, and Erie Lackawanna. Looks like the smaller stuff is quit a bit more common no doubt due to cost and space requirements. When I dust off my stuff at some point in time I guess that I will hunt E bay for additional pieces.
  13. It's quite obvious that the Dems are trying to live out some kind of Salem Witch Trial type fantasy where people can be condemned based on whim or preference (lack of). I guess that they fell asleep during class when the discussion turned to how indiscriminate the process turned out to be. Can't wait for Pelosi to be tied to the dunking chair and then told "if guilty you will just use your witchcraft to escape drowning and if you drown your status as a good Christian will be confirmed).
  14. Absence of black impeachment witnesses? WTF? Witnesses should be limited to those who have first hand factual relevant evidence of which there is none.
  15. Just letting his handlers know that I don't buy their nonsense. His puppet strings are no doubt being pulled by some leftist organization.
  16. Doubtful. But if they are aware of the concept of "turnabout is fair play" they no doubt have a plan concocted to have the Republican Party outlawed as a hate group if not before 2020 then very likely by 2024.
  17. I never mentioned the Republicans.
  18. I am sorry that you find reality so painful. We all know that the left is very unhappy that the Church will not get behind gay marriage, abortion, etc. so it is standard operating procedure to destroy any opposition. The left could have gone after the pedophiles decades ago but the Church was a strong block of Democratic voters then but today that is no longer true.
  19. The article does not open. Could you give us a synopsis of what it is about?
  20. She's running. Part of waiting on an announcement is that the rest of the field is imploding therefore fewer Gabbard-type attack moments pending against Hillary. A Gabbard "suicide" soon after a bad debate for Hillary lends itself to very poor optics.
  21. Insinuating that Bill did something against the law? I hope that your will is in place as Hillary will no doubt consider your statement insolence against her family. Your time as a useful idiot for the Clinton's is just about up.
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