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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. Lefties can turn out all they want in states such as NY and CA. It will not affect the count of electoral votes once Dems have a simple majority. Lefties need to turn out in the Upper Midwest among other areas.
  2. You actually invested time in determining if toilet scum is sentient or not?
  3. Moran? Beating on the Irish again?
  4. I always wanted John Anderson the actor to take a run for POTUS. The guy always looked like he would not back down easily judging from the Westerns he did.
  5. I miss the old AFC Central with its colorful Head Coaches. It was just worth it to watch the end of a game and see if Noll would shake hands or give dirty stares to Wyche or Glanville.
  6. One step closer to a country with no extradition treaty?
  7. I am sure that you know where the best residences and restaurants are in that part of the world Ivan.
  8. Ivan, partly because it is funny and partly because I believe it is true I read all your posts as though you have a Russian accent. For right now I will use the voice of Colonel Podovsky from the second Rambo movie.
  9. Globalist? Change Catholic practices? Criticizes Trump? One World Government believer? You and he should be best of buds by the sounds of it.
  10. All humans living a 21st Century existence have a share of blame to shoulder. Get back to me when you are preparing your plankton loaf on a rock being warmed by the sun while watching from your cave that is heated by a warm water spring. Unless you are planning to be one of these do as I say and not as I do types that want to save the masses from themselves that I can live without.
  11. It also helped the Rooney's in that the AFC Central/North was fairly weak during those 49 years. Plenty of down years for the Oiler's, Bengals, and Browns. Kind of like Kraft/Belichick with the AFC East. If the Bills were not dealing with the decline of Ralph Wilson the Bills would have been a bit more competitive from 2000-2015.
  12. No. The road curves moderately which makes the event of impromptu lawn ornaments seem somewhat improbable.
  13. A quiet evening at home. For no explicable reason a car with a drunk driver winds up in my front yard about every ten years. I'm thinking I am due for another episode soon.
  14. That happens in every county around here based on news reports over the years. Beware the AI guy who leaves his pants hanging on the nail on the wall in the barn!
  15. I look at coaches like school teachers of which many coached a sport. They all have human biases which influences their decisions. Does Daboll give preference to one player that clearly grades inferior to another player? Most likely not. But I would imagine in most situations that players probably grade closer to one another than we think which opens the door to personal preferences. I'd like to think that Joe Fan can readily see the difference between two athletes but he does not spend the up close time to watch them in practice and the film room.
  16. Hopefully, this is the week where Daboll sets personal preferences aside and goes all out for the sake of winning. Maybe the play today of Yeldon, Duke, Sweeney, etc. has raised Daboll's confidence in them that Daboll will buck his previous preferences in terms of personnel.
  17. Not happy with quite a number of our 2's today including Barkley. Yes, we played the top two teams in our conference in the last four games but the Pats losing today will not take the bad taste out of my mouth as to what could have been. On to the playoffs and no excuses.
  18. The backup QB position may not be a lock for Barkley after today going into the offseason.
  19. Tiberius considers it a honor to have a Lenin portrait draped over his deck. More trips to the doctor for ring worm. Yeah!
  20. Agreed on the safety aspect. That show was on the History Channel and was full of dumbarses. Made me feel blessed to have what talents I do have versus begging an arrogant logging company owner for a crap job.
  21. I was wondering where my Stihl went? I guess that I will have to stop by to get it back!
  22. Despite the many flaws of Woodrow Wilson he was the leader of the only major power that did not want to come down hard on the Germans. I believe that it was predestined given the attitude by England, France, and Russia towards Central Europe that a treaty would be approved which would be harsh on Germany. Some reparations were in order but the winners of WWI wanted to economically "nuke" Germany back to the Stone Age because that would have preserved the power order that they were use to.
  23. I believe that there was a movie back in the 1980's where a smallish fictional European nation declares war on the US because "it just is not that bad to lose a war to the US" meaning that once that country lost the "war" economic aid would be coming. Anyways, if I could go back in time I would have told the Kaiser to keep a cool head around 1910 with respect to the British. Germany really had it won going into the 20th Century and if it could have looked ahead a couple of generations it would have seen the end of colonialism which it never benefitted from anyways. I know things were a little hot in Berlin due many centuries of other powers keeping the German nation-states divided but the Germans should have foreseen the same effect in response to a conflict between Germany and its allies and the rest of Europe. While Germany benefitted from post WWII US policy it also lost a lot in the interim between 1914 and 1970.
  24. Not so much a matter of being allowed but a matter of not being on the Soros time-punch clock.
  25. If we would have let loose the leash Japan would have rebuilt into a major Pacific naval power quite a long time ago. While that would have led to a tense situation with China we could have pointed out that we don't completely subjugate our allies.
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