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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. The weather forecast is for heavy rain west of Rochester so you had better spend the day getting your roof finished instead of being here!
  2. For this reason I see the Bills taking a corner high in the draft in 2020 or 2021.
  3. While Yannick looks to be a very good option I don't think that we need both him and Star on the roster together. I think Yannick stays with Jacksonville when it is all done.
  4. Don't know what to think about this. You don't hear much bad about owner Jeff Lurie in terms of hands on in the organization but wonder if he does throw his weight around a little behind the scenes.
  5. If Trump has a cold then he is faring far better than Soviet Premeir Andropov did back during the mid-1980's.
  6. The royal couple are already late to the Islamafication of England. Plenty of no go zones in England before anybody ever cared about MM. Europe's failing to maintain replacement of indigenous peoples has open the door for a change in culture of its various nations. While the Catholic Church was anything but perfect it did cultivate the university system which was a very important step towards modern science. Imagine what things would have been like if the Muslim population had prevailed during the Crusades reaching all the way into Northern Europe? Mendel, Galileo, etc. would have been put instantly to death instead of having their discoveries hang around for future generations to consider.
  7. That's pretty ritzy digs for you and the hobo. Are you hoping to be done before the spring rainy season? What town is that? I know that Ithaca has come down hard on Shanty towns but most likely you are someplace in WNY. I know that it gets pretty isolated down below Cattaraugus Creek so maybe in Cattaraugus County? A half hour walk over to Springville and Erie County public transportation?
  8. Beware of false prophets? Such as you, Schiff, Pelosi, Nadler, etc.. It might surprise you but I would bet that most here who support Trump have healthy critical views of the man. It's just that they can weigh all the information and make a logical conclusion versus being overly emotional over one aspect of the man's life.
  9. Catch 22 and my favorite Quark. I think he had a couple of uncredited appearances on NBC's Laugh-In.
  10. Wi-Fi at the shelter? Lucky you!
  11. But it's real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. And compete with you, Tibs, JA, etc.? It can't be done as you guys are the penultimate clowns. By the way you are stealing my bit about accusing you guys of being clowns which you are. Anyway, you are the worst poster here with possibly the exception of Q pimple. Too bad as you seem semi-reasonable over on TSW.
  13. Kind of like his alt John Adams. Interesting that he selects a handle that was responsible for the Alien Act and Sedition Act while President and yet denounces Trump for holding similar views. Of course JA would say the need for such legislation then was completely necessary then versus being an act of vengeance towards one's enemies and/or racist/bigoted today.
  14. Following a corporate directive got me in trouble with a customer one time. I followed the memo in terms of routing a certain product line into the store when ordered versus letting the customer do a direct pickup at the warehouse. The customer ripped me then my boss when he found out he had the option of going to the warehouse. I felt for the customer but my orders were clear and a grounds for termination note was in the memo if somebody went against the memo. Along similar lines another memo concerning warranty claims for a product with instructions for the customer to proceed with any warranty claims directly with the manufacturer. Again, the memo closed with a threat about termination if an employee disregarded the memo. Before I quit it became quite apparent that I was going to be continually caught between management and the customer over a great number of issues. It was never my intent to be in sales after college but sometimes you have to do something to pay the bills. I was never very trusting of people in business before that job but afterward I turned down a number of such jobs even though I could have used the money for that reason.
  15. If Tua has that much potential then the Bengals draft him or somebody trades up ahead of the Dolphins. QB's are still fairly precious commodities that somebody will give up a lot to get one that they believe in. If the Dolphins are really interested will they give up a king's ransom to get them? Two or three high picks would certainly accelerate the Bengal's rebuild if they don't take Tua. Further, the Bengals just might be far sighted enough to trade the rights to a high impact player if they don't want him to perhaps a NFC team. It's laughable to take the view that any one player could have an extremely high positive impact on a team but yet only one team would make a move for him.
  16. I think that Brady will be in comparatively worse shape should he be on any roster opening day 2020. Good nutrition, exercise, etc. can only do so much. Most of us like to view ourselves as invincible and even I was surprised when I lost a step a year ago even though I am not much over 50.
  17. So the hobo has you call him "mom" now? Once you sober up you will realize that you were never with a woman. As to smelling that is strictly your imagination at work again. I would not come within a country mile of you. Anyways, you are a sorry piece of humanity.
  18. Sorry that the truth hurts. Your former boss remarked "Baby what? Baby Big Foot?" before he realized your real intent. Next time just go to the adult novelty store instead of risking your job. Park bench with the alcoholic hobo tonight again (for you)?
  19. Sorry that you lost your job but nobody bought your story about making baby pacifiers with the 3D printer.
  20. There's extremely minimal crude oil in Syria and nothing else. So little incentive for a major power to go into there. The US has plenty of oil and natural gas at the moment and is the only logical end user for Venezuelan crude oil given the distance to other major users versus the Middle East and Asia. Brazil or Argentina might have interest in going into Venezuela but their militaries are almost non existent in terms of achieving foreign objectives.
  21. I could see 2 of their 3 first round picks for 2020 busting based on recent history.
  22. Similar notions expressed in the recent Off The Wall thread about species interbreeding. You know that you are in trouble if you see somebody's pants hanging inside the cow barn on a nail.
  23. Today I am reading your responses in the voice of Boris Badanoff (Rocky and Bullwinkle). The founding fathers intended that representatives to come from all walks of life such as farmers and blacksmiths. Probably 2/3-3/4 of our representatives come from the legal or educational professions today?
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