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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. You are a fool to think that there will be no corruption. Corruption is human nature unfortunately. Neil Peart must be rolling over in his grave at your ideas.
  2. You are not even Boris Badanoff cartoon funny with your replies anymore.
  3. That would be pure comedy gold if Hillary was not such a threat to our nation.
  4. He'll be back under a dozen new aliases if he loses. Most of the ones he has now are very wore out now so it would be the perfect excuse. It will give the support team at the leftist organization that he trolls for a chance to stretch their creative legs in developing new characters. Maybe a Mr Spock tilted towards leftist "logic" would be entertaining for a short while. My finger is itching for the ignore function as it is.
  5. Ward also claimed that Adam West had a Bat bulge when tied up in the Bat Traps. Had to wonder what old time Hollywood prim and proper actors such as Burgess Meredith thought while doing such scenes?
  6. Most people do not see this and sadly they will not be the ones to reap that bitter crop but some person a generation or two into the future.
  7. St Catherine's is just across the Niagara River. Peart's father was part owner and worked in a farm implement dealership. Neil worked there before Rush came calling. Certainly not the same background as the others.
  8. We need Sam Rothstein and his "if you take the take the money then you get the hammer" approach.
  9. If Albany is Democratic held when it becomes an issue then it is a real possibility. We have had GOP governors and GOP run state senate but not at present and who knows when the GOP will have control over any one branch again.
  10. While the ESPN announcers are terrible the root of the problem is the matchups themselves. The NFL schedules the best games for Sunday night. The MNF games just are not marquis matchups like they were 20 plus years ago.
  11. Harrison Phillips coming back for 2020 gives the Bills plenty of flexibility including letting Jordan Phillips walk if he will not agree to a contract that accurately reflects his value to the Bills.
  12. In today's NFL you shouldn't care. Good coaches can get production from any position in terms of touchdowns, sacks, tackles, interceptions, etc.. You are never going to be well stocked in terms of having an All Pro at all 22 starting positions. Good coaches know how to emphasize strengths and mask deficiencies.
  13. I don't think that Clowney fits here in terms of adapting to the team's philosophy. I think that it is a reasonable bet there will be a guy in rounds 3-4 that the Bills will select. WR, OL, or CB will get attention with our first two draft picks this year. After yesterday's Texans-Chiefs game McBeane will be more likely to give some priority to the offense in terms of draft with the exception a CB as an insurance policy in case White's pending contract turns bat crap crazy.
  14. And this goes to show the world the mindset of this woman. Even if her district was eliminated the Dems would have flown her to Seattle or SF so she could get started on her residency requirements so as to run for office if she would just "play ball" with the Dem leadership.
  15. He's heading to Pittsburgh to meet his brother to learn more about punching balls.
  16. She needs a new outfit or Photoshop the pic to Titan's colors.
  17. They were the Oiler's so they are just as old as the Bills and Chiefs but the Bills don't have the asterisk after their name due to relocation unlike the other two. Put on the old Oiler's uni's for the SB and I am OK with it.
  18. I can picture this guy saying "Gawly, Sergeant Carter....."
  19. At least we are not talking about Hillary in the tub. Too bad The Simpson's does not skewer the left like they did during the 20th Century.
  20. Born and raised just across the Niagara River in St Catherine's, ONT. Pretty modest background plus humble who worked at a farm implement dealership before fame came calling. Most rock stars I would not give two cents for but the guy seemed like a high quality person.
  21. George Burns and character actor Charles Lane smoked very heavily and lived into extreme old age. You never know but I know it worked just the opposite for my maternal grandfather.
  22. Too young to have been drafted for Vietnam but I remember the discussion going around that if you wanted to get ahead of the draft a person should enlist in the (US) Air Force or Navy. Better chance of being in a rear area or out of the theater altogether. Waiting for the draft just about always meant being assigned to a ground force and being in combat. I don't remember too many being turned down for the Air Force or Navy and being Cold War era you could have gone to West Germany or Norfolk.
  23. So do we read your replies in the voice of Yakov Smirnoff today or do we do the voice of the Soviet battalion commander from Rambo III?
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