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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. It will mean less nose hair trimming implements and acne care products for you! A boomings economy can only be good for guys such as you.
  2. "He just attracts this criminal element to him." You have more total posts about Trump than any other poster here by a considerable margin. You sure are attracted to Trump so I guess that makes you a criminal element. Maybe you and Collins can be cellmates?
  3. In that scenario the feather might wind up elsewhere.
  4. And just hanging out with the little people out of the goodness of your heart? You must have a good buzz going tonight. Those Coors cans might look like they are made of silver when under the influence of the old low grade corn whiskey but don't try exchanging at the pawn shop. Anyways, your caseworker told me you have trouble accepting reality. 2000 miles is your safe zone in your head obviously. Anyways, I'll be going through Arcade tomorrow so maybe I will buy you a six of Genny and leave it along Rte 39. Don't come too early tomorrow but maybe after lunch.
  5. So how is the beer can mcmansion holding up? Getting pretty windy out there. Hopefully, you used your last public assistance check on some nice full fingered gloves. Just remember to take them off when rummaging through the McDonald's dumpster down in Springville, or Arcade. Maybe you venture all the way down to Olean? Some guys are worried that you might pee into the Genesee River but you probably don't get that far east. Remember to put the bottle of corn squeezin's under some leaves so it does not freeze. Yeah, I know that it is alcohol but still. Day like today you could run the little pinwheel type generator to have some heat. Toodles.
  6. I thought that I just flushed him after breakfast this morning?
  7. Garrett's coaching abilities never impressed me. I honestly did not think he would be back in the NFL this soon. I thought he got the HC job in Dallas because he was willing to let Jerrah interfere readily.
  8. So this is what a flounder looks like flopping around on land before he expires.
  9. The ramblings of a broken man. Sorry that you lost your paycheck for posting inane gibberish here.
  10. I still think that he got his pink slip from his leftist org that he posted for. It's not like he has gained any converts to justify a paycheck. Maybe we could take him to Dave and Buster's for a couple of brews to drown his sorrows.
  11. I doubt so much being classy but putting out a fire at least as it was where the Pats had control over things.
  12. Why do I have the feeling that Maxwell's life depends on a glowing endorsement of Prince Andrew? At least in terms of people connected to the prince. Probably many others that will still have a price on her head regardless of how the interview goes over. No doubt there will be the statement at the beginning or the ending of said interview that Maxwell's whereabouts is unknown at the time of the airing and that she still fears for her life. Maybe she will be under less of a threat within the sphere of influence of the royal family.
  13. He's gone off the grid for a mission he signed up to perform.
  14. You giving the minutes from the last intervention done for your benefit? Certainly it was kind of your neighbors and relatives.
  15. Which was a bad choice by you given what I have seen in the last year or so.
  16. One more way a Rochester major corporation stubbed its collective toes.
  17. I am not worried as he is not going anyplace anyways. As far as beer drinkers go just be aware that more than one deer, fox, etc. peed into the Genesee River any given day. Just like any above ground creek or river so you run the same risk with Coors or Iron City beer. As to our caloric challenged "friend" I think he has been sampling the best corn squeeze'ns that there is in Cattaraugus County such as that is. Just go to a farmer's silo after the corn goes in and bottle the drain'ns. Reputedly a bit on the rough side as it brings on temporary blindness and visions of bliss. Not a wonder that the poor fools think that it is not cold out.
  18. Your case worker says that you say that about everybody. She said to remind you that the Q tips are in the personal care aisle at the grocery store and it is covered under your monthly health care allowance. Ear wax is not your friend especially in very cold weather such as what is coming Friday. Did you find the blankets? I didn't think so. I guess that your hobo buddy is going to have to spoon with you to stay warm. The Norfolk Southern Tracks nearby run clear down to Virginia so you could ride the rail to warmth in classic hobo style. Pee over the edge of the boxcar floor into the Genesee River as you cross it and not on the floor. Bad hygiene you know..................
  19. So this is Tiberius in shrill mode. No more leftist org money and back to bouncing between Walmart and Seven Eleven for a paycheck. You should try riding one that has a full seat instead of the post.
  20. You don't have any time to waste posting here as you need to finish the beer can shanty by Thursday evening as the temps will be plummeting. We'll even stop by The Salvation Army to pick up some blankets. Not coming right to the shanty but will leave along Rte 39 near Folts Rd. Don't dawdle as first come first serve to any other hobos that may pass through. Yeah, I know you want to be called campers but we all know better.
  21. You think that you are being funny but you are just displaying your ignorance and nothing more. Still hoping somebody will see your insult for what it is and ban your sorry tail.
  22. Your hard on for Putin is extremely obvious. Just fly to Moscow and crawl under his desk and be done with it. Don't bother with any projectionist nonsense such as anybody else having a hard on for Putin. Heck, you are even throwing Putin into non-Putin threads. You behind on quotas to the Soros Cubicle Farm?
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