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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. Goodell is only doing the bidding of the power block of NFL owners namely Jones, Kraft, Snyder, Kroenke, etc.. If he was not then he would be gone already.
  2. There are a lot of Erie County residents that simply lack the income to pay any more tax than what they already do. By the time you identify the households that can pay a substantial tax you most likely are talking a multi-thousand dollar increase over multiple years for each property owner.
  3. Yes, this was as much directed to our politicians in Albany as it was to the people of WNY.
  4. Nothing is a certainty at this point in time. A clean slate/virgin site type proposal in the middle of nowhere in Erie County is bound to be cheaper than something in the city of Buffalo that needs to be signed off on by a Mayor, city council, and citizen groups. Never mind eminent domain, demolition of abandon homes, disposal of hazardous materials such as lead paint and asbestos, environmental impact surveys, and other studies to name a few problems. Lawsuits.
  5. What ever delegation that exists in Erie County relative to the state capitol needs to be working with delegations from other regional centers such as Monroe (Rochester) and Onondaga (Syracuse) Counties. Right now I think that Erie County by itself in terms of a new home for the Bills is a voice crying out unheard in the middle of a very vast wilderness. I remember back on the old BBMB there was talk of maybe having a regional stadium authority where other counties would kick in but I think that is just wishful thinking. Nearly all the other counties clear down to Seneca Lake which is the eastern boundary of WNY by most definitions have their own problems and probably would not be good for a nickel collectively to kick in. Right now I am having a very difficult time seeing a path for this to get done in terms of state politics. People need to get used to the idea of maybe a 250-300 million dollar upgrade at OP where the Pegula's pickup 2/3 of the cost with Erie County picking up a quarter and at that point maybe Governor Andy jumps in with the balance because he is up for re-election.
  6. You have not heard any of Governor Andy's more recent press conferences have you? We will be lucky if we can get any money for incidentals such as new roads if the next stadium is in downtown Buffalo. 50 percent of most likely 800 million dollars plus 100 million dollars for support services if going to a new location will not happen with the current crop of politicians in Albany. A better bet would be if Pegula kicks his energy businesses into high gear again and then lo and behold he has a billion dollars burning a hole in his pocket. We can't run with Dallas or NE in terms of PSL's and base seat pricing. Especially in the short term.
  7. Imagine that in three pending free agents were playing hard to get in terms of a franchise that may choose to pursue them. This is all about money to about 95 percent of the free agents out there and these free agents are letting teams such as the Bills know that they are not coming cheap. Not a personal thing.
  8. If it is not happening already Pegula needs to throw his weight around in terms of Southern Ontario including Toronto being Bills territory to the other owners. As far as new revenue sharing formulas goes there is probably very little Pegula can do about it and if the new formula forces the Bills to run at a deep loss then that is that. But I would have to think what hurts the Bills hurts the Bengals, Browns, Packers, Jags (if they do not go to London), and a few other small market franchises. I would hope that would not be Pegula's battle alone and there are not enough relocation candidates if the smaller revenue teams start imploding.
  9. If Roddenberry was still around the lawsuit would have already been filed for copyright infringement. Not so much over politics but he was quite money grubbing.
  10. Add Marj Dusay to the list. She is (in)famously known as the "Brain and Brain. What is Brain?" woman from the campy episode Spock's Brain. Actually rather attractive and well costumed for SB. Did a lot of 1960's and 1970's television. She was 83.
  11. The pressure is getting to you, comrade.
  12. You keep dropping "the" when needed in a sentence as though you were a Russian. Emotions blowing your cover, comrade?
  13. We will assume the "I" in this is you and that Eric is through with experimentation so to speak. Tell your friends so they can send back/cancel any gifts they may have bought for you. For every person there is a match so get back on the horse and keep looking.
  14. Liquid lunch today? Money wrenches? meetings the bloody?
  15. Can anybody buy this said "money wrench" and does it carry a warranty should it not perform its task(s)?
  16. Quite a fantasy you have there. Does it culminate with the Batmobile pulling up to the Capitol Building?
  17. The current maneuver by Pelosi and Co. is a definite shot to stall out any momentum Sanders has picked up in recent weeks.
  18. I was just thinking this past Sunday that maybe somebody would dust this off.
  19. Tiberius is a funny person. He talks about dictators and if a dictator ever came to power in the US the likes of Tiberius being a paid subversive would be the first to face the executioners of the new regime. Dictators want sycophants and not voice bots who would switch sides over a paycheck.
  20. Wrong franchise when discussing you. More like 1960's Batman for you. C-list villain like the Puzzler, Archer, or Lord Fogg best describes you.
  21. Probably going over to the BIL's. He makes pretty good chili among other things.
  22. I think that they move up. The only problem is the Dolphins have more to offer but not impossible. Would not mind see the Dolphins getting screwed this April.
  23. NTY? Is that a Russia publication?
  24. He is running down to Tops to get this week's copy of the National Enquirer as we speak.
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