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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. Based on today I think that we now know Tiberius' plans for the Super Bowl.
  2. That's YOUR medication which is making the world seem slow and stupid. Have some borscht, comrade.
  3. Tiberius at straight jacket level of hysteria now.
  4. Anybody mention Chris Burkett yet?
  5. I wonder how many hours she stared into a mirror before she got that "pained but I am getting through it" look perfected?
  6. You'll feel better after a bowl of borscht, comrade. Hillary can always use an extra sycophant by the way.
  7. She can lose her lawsuit to Gabbard. I'll take joy in that and laugh if the MSM pretends there is not a lawsuit and court appearance at some point.
  8. I want her as far as away as she can be from the ballot box. When you manage to avoid being bitten by the serpent you don't invite it back for another go around. Cut the head off and be done with it.
  9. In his slippers and barely closed bathrobe?
  10. Dare I ask what balloons is/are? Rochester used to have quite the underground sex "industry" from what I have been told over the years. One of the first companies I worked for after college had a small "list" of people looking to transfer to Rochester because certain things and activities could be found there that could not be found outside the largest US cities. Radio personalities such as Brother Wease used to comment about certain things going on such as a select group of individuals in the city. Homemade porn and medium plus high end prostitution was quite rampant. A lot of it came to an end when companies such as Kodak started their decline during the 1990's. I knew people connected with RPD and Monroe County SD that told some pretty interesting stories on some busts.
  11. Hard to say and Erie County executive is not an appointment for life. Maybe the next person will be more workable. I'm pretty pessimistic about the City of Buffalo and Albany at this point in time. The Governor of NY does not need Bills fans to be elected or re-elected which is the simple reality of that.
  12. I know that you said it is opinion but unless Buffalo's new stadium is 20 years into the future the NFL will push for at least 55,000 for the near future. Ontario Province is not any better off than NYS and has a much more cynical view on corporate welfare for at least sports teams. So no real advantage in that Roger's would be forced to use most of their cash just like the Pegula's. Also, should legal problems evolve I don't know what kind of standing the NFL would have in a Canadian court. Staying in the US is playing it safe in my mind for the NFL at least where Ontario/Toronto is concerned.
  13. I have not seen one either. I've seen people spitball on sites like this by saying 1billion dollars divided by 1M residents of Erie County equals 1,000 dollars per person for one year. I think that we all know it is not that simple as not all 1M people in Erie County have 1,000 dollars for what is a discretionary spend.
  14. I'm asking where the money is coming from for any new build. Support infrastructure is pretty much in place in OP for things such as roads and utilities. One less cost that some estimate will tack on an additional 100M if a new stadium goes downtown. The financial arrangement for a new stadium or a renovation is very much in the air including the proportions. The matter is far from settled. I'm afraid that people will be bitterly disappointed in what Albany does for the Bills.
  15. WNY is awake. Albany is not willing to play ball so to speak and the position of the NFL is to ransom Albany. Who is blinking first?
  16. Depends on how they want to do the remodel. Do they have to do all sections at once or do they have the option of working on one section during the offseason that can be complete by opening day? Then do the next section when the next offseason is here. Past upgrades were done without disturbing the schedule and to this point no known issues existed with the substructure. KC and GB played without disruption when they did their work. Worse case scenario is UB for a year.
  17. Pro downtown people here have not said where the money is coming from. Goodell wants the state to come up with the vast majority of the money and I don't see how this will happen. Pegula's using all their money on a comparatively modest return is a look the NFL does NOT want. People might get the idea that NFL owners should shoulder their own projects instead of the taxpayers/state if the Pegula's self fund.
  18. I don't think you read what I actually wrote. If a new stadium goes into OP it will be built next to NE then when complete NE gets demolished. Parking gets screwed up for a year or two but the area can handle it. This means the Bills play in NE until the new stadium is complete. Just like what was done in the Meadowlands. I think that you meant "What are the hidden costs in building downtown?" Environmental impact studies. Eminent domain. removal of hazardous materials whether it be from abandoned homes such as with lead and asbestos or industrial materials from a brown field site. Nuisance lawsuits designed to get graft for a select few. All that is in addition to utility upgrades, runoff and drainage control, roadway modification and changes/new construction to name a few. 100 million was the figure tossed around for all that on the old BBMB by people who actually had some idea as to how development planning is done. Pegula's will build where it makes financial sense for them. That could be any number of places.
  19. As I said before Pegula needs to put his foot down in terms of Ontario including Toronto being HIS territory. You know if Jones or Kraft were here that would have been made CLEAR by now.
  20. Reverse the order. Who is coming up with the stadium costs plus incidentals for downtown? Remodel is the least expensive way to go and most realistic. Building next to New Era would be next as a minimum of changes and studies would need to be done. Downtown opens a whole new can of worms in terms of players who need to be bought off to get a project done.
  21. They play in New Era and the parking gets messed up for a year or two. The new stadium gets built next to New Era then when complete New Era gets demolished. This is what was done in the Meadowlands in NJ for the Giants and Jets. 29. Green Bay does not have a billionaire owner. 32 minus Pegs, Cincy, and GB leaves 29.
  22. I don't know about Toronto not wanting to have a NFL team. They just did not want the Bills as owned by RCW. With Rogers out of the equation the issue of a NFL stadium is a huge hurdle for them.
  23. Realistically, OP will be the home of the Bills most likely for the next 15 years or so. At the end of that period we will see how far along Buffalo and Rochester are in terms of reinventing themselves economically, how much support has grown from Southern Ontario, and the general state of the NFL as an entertainment venue.
  24. Let Gabbard's lawyers take this to court and obtain an order to have Hill, Bill, or the lawyer take formal possession of the paperwork. No pucking around on this.
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