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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. The darn bastages are around even when it is a couple degrees above freezing. Just killed one sitting at my desk. I'm not down in the deep south but in the friendly confines of WNY. Years ago I don't recall a single one during a winter warm spell. The house is kept at 69-70 and the dehumidifier is run in the basement this time of year. It kind of diminishes the point of living in the North where you are supposed to get a several month break from problems like that.
  2. I've read where she is a terror around her staff.
  3. Pretty much people that I could live without. I recall a woman who used to catch rides with me to and from college many years ago. She was very proud of her looks. I can only imagine the personal hell that she is in as she has aged and no longer has the look of being 19 years old. I doubt that she has weight issues but there is no way to maintain that soft youthful look in the face indefinitely. Any personal grooming by the women going on while in there?
  4. The base fell in line I suspect due to Hillary being perceived as a centrist candidate despite her then recent proclamations on matters such as same sex marriage. They most likely felt she was working the old playbook of running to the edge but once elected govern from the center. I always thought that she was to the right of politicians such as Richard Nixon. Anyways, both parties are shifting from long held positions as we speak. As I have said recently big labor was perhaps the largest component of the Democratic Party for several prior generations but big labor in terms of voting power has been and is dying right in front of our eyes. As this is heading into the final stretch the vacuum created is being filled by far leftists. What worked in 2016 may or may not work in 2020 and most likely be far less effective for 2024 and beyond.
  5. I had a feeling he was going to throw himself on that grenade. I hate to think that everything revolves around money but I have to wonder if some was thrown his way to do so at a point where it might mean something in terms of the news cycle.
  6. Totally unrelated but it would be fun to see Gabbard in a WWE match against Chelsea Clinton. Then in a senior circuit match Hillary could take on Pelosi.
  7. I believe that I addressed that when I said Presidents get either too much credit or too much blame for the economy. A lot of the credit goes to the rank and file whether it be Obama or Trump in the White House. You need to read up on the concept of irrational exuberance which implies the economy can be stimulated by factors such as emotion.
  8. .......with.....economy? Are you going Russkie on me? There should be the word "the" between the word with and the word economy. Presidents historically get too much credit or too much blame on the economy but Trump did inspire a great degree of irrational exhurberance amongst the business world. As to the doughnuts the Sanders supporters at one of his rallies did that. They were unaware of the need for wrapping and refrigeration of perishable food types. Sanders cited this in his speech as an another example of the need for more government.
  9. The economists say that all boats are rising in the current economy so that would include minorities. The classic neoliberal argument has always been crime will go down if economic opportunity is there along with a living wage.
  10. Trump adding jobs and increasing wages of minorities is not a deterrent to crime? Doughnuts sitting out and near a window so the sunlight dries them out by the way.
  11. He sounds like my 14 year old substantially apolitical niece.
  12. For months he was either Biden or Warren which makes me wonder how a person juggles those two so readily since there is not a high overlap in terms of philosophy. He will be whoever the frontrunner is going into the convention even if the lead is razor thin. No harm in asking Tiberius but his answer will be as satisfying as a bottle of tepid water and a 3 day old doughnut.
  13. If you say so.
  14. Gary should be told that it is not proper decorum to post his sexual fantasies here.
  15. Those presumably European social democratic countries that you refer to for decades after the Second World War did not have massive military budgets due to joining up with NATO. This enabled them to pursue other mostly social objectives. Trump aside there has been a growing sentiment in the US to let those nations pull more of the load in terms of defense. But even that is complicated because if we take the handcuffs off of Japan that instantly raises tension with their long time nemesis China.
  16. Yes, all the things you said are important. The only problem is the generations old problem of settling for less. What you think that you can extract from the other side before everybody throws their hands in the air. Quite a bit of today's economic ruling elite are every bit the robber baron that their counterparts were a century or more in the past such as JD Rockefeller, Carnegie, Frick, and the rest. The example is already there in terms of them buying an election such as it was with McKinley in 1896 but today's financial elites have tools available to them that their predecessors could not even imagine. It's such a long road to get where you are talking about going to that to use an analogy we are barely on the on ramp at NY heading to LA in a Model T.
  17. I think that the Pegula's and the NFL already can see just how unpopular one season in Toronto would be without actually doing it. If they want a US local that would accommodate tens of thousands of fans then they may have to look at playing in the Carrier Dome at least part of that season and perhaps the whole season. Last I knew UB seated less but would keep the people of WNY somewhat happy.
  18. Not voting in your primary is foolish. It's your chance to vote for the person who closest reflects your views/values. It's also not only about the office of POTUS but everybody on down to your town supervisor, town clerk, etc.that may be primary'd in that year. Quite often it matters a great deal to me who may be running for town supervisor or county judge.
  19. From what I can gather any discussion of Nazi Germany is limited to a sub-topic of the rise of communist-socialist-Marxist school of thought starting in the 19th Century. Like you said any discussion of Nazi Germany is limited to a cartoonish take featuring white supremacy. Virtually nothing is said about Germany losing WWI and reparations creating a climate where extremists would thrive. I wish some of my ancestors were still around that lived through the aftermath of WWI in central Europe. People used to criticize one of them as being introverted but I realized that after getting to know that person that they lived through an environment where keeping your mouth shut kept you alive even among your own family. The trouble is that a lot of them have died off including big labor Dems who under pinned the party for a big chunk of the 20th Century.
  20. That is true of any political personality. Quite a number of Reagan supporters during the 1980's were younger people. I would venture a guess that most of the Bernie Bro's are under the age of 35 such as it is with my family.
  21. I doubt that the average Bernie Bro if having attended a public school is aware of any history prior to the Clinton Administration and any discussion about communism is done in the manner of a soft sell. My nieces and nephews being the age of the average Bernie Bro tell me that things such as World War II or the Cold War barely get a mention in high school.
  22. Conrad grew up in Chicago and claimed that he was boyhood friends with Michael Spilottro. Spilottro was the basis along with his brother Tony the Ant for the Santoro brothers from the movie Casino.
  23. Certainly laughable as Iowa had nothing to do with the names put forth by the Democrats. I heard one pundit over the weekend cry that Iowa shunned Corey Booker without realizing that it was the DNC process that eliminated Booker from the caucuses/primaries.
  24. Normally a Western back then would have been shot in black and white but NBC and Republic Pictures wanted to give Bonanza a good launch so NBC was willing to foot the bill for color.
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