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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. There is quite the shadow of a doubt when the only things that matter in an election such as equipment and software are tampered with. Russian hookers and all that nonsense does not matter. Please expand concerning your feelings towards Quebec. I know a fair number of people from Ontario and they all feel the same way. Just to be clear they all want the western provinces plus the Atlantic Maritime to remain. Kind of sad that this division exists.
  2. Nah, I'd rather take out the trash and be done with it.
  3. When the Dems are in power then yes. Otherwise, it is the state behind the state.
  4. Tampering with equipment or software? No. The only meaningful measures of tampering. If that kind of tampering had truly happened you lefty's would still be shouting from the rooftop about it today. What you are talking about are bogus dossier's and meany Facebook statements about Hillary. Please address the numerous problems in Canada including Quebec'rs who loath the English language. You are about due for another push for succession by Quebec away from the rest of Canada.
  5. You have eyes but at the same time are blind. The media is harshly against Trump. A true dictator would have squashed such a media early on. By the way I don't watch FOX News so don't try to pigeon hole me. So, you are a fan of "the thing?"
  6. It has been already torn down by the left. You are too blinded by partisanship to see it.
  7. Hate to tell you this but Hillary did tell anyone willing to listen and a lot who really did not want to hear from her that the Russians stole the election from her. Further, Hillary could have filed lawsuits but it soon would have become evident she had nothing of substance to go on.
  8. I've actually put up fence to control neighbors who can't control their kids, trash, pets, etc.. It would be money well spent to have a measure of control over you. I would have no more toys from Adult World rolling into my yard from your property.
  9. Reading comprehension is not your thing I see.
  10. Hillary never said anything about Russian interference???? We will see how silly the lawsuits are when it is all said and done.
  11. You should go to the ER ASAP about that concussion that is obviously impairing your cognitive abilities.
  12. It took you 3 minutes to respond back? Man are you slow.
  13. If she is willing to go out with you it would be best for you to take her up on the offer. The Cattaraugus County female jail guard says no more!! Did you really spend 50 bucks at the Olean Arby's? Yuck.
  14. The things that liberals tell themselves in order to soldier through another day. Sad.
  15. I pray for all people regardless of affliction, background, or political affiliation. If Cuomo would come to his senses I would be doing it in church. I miss the community there which is greater than any online community I associate with. Sadly, there were a few people who were in failing health that I suspect are no longer with us.
  16. You think that upsets me but knowing how you are it just makes feel sadness inside.
  17. I am not trolling. I am sincerely concerned over your wellbeing. You really need to find a hobby to take up at least part of your free time. Seriously. Woodworking. Restore a car. Something.
  18. I'll pray for you tonight before I go to sleep. It hurts me to see someone so lost.
  19. You are never going to be well if your keep retreating further into your construct.
  20. Fraud was never proven with the 2016 Election but nearly all the Libs here believe that Hillary was robbed. Do you believe that it is bad for the US for Libs not to accept the results of the 2016 Election. Earth to Muppy : There is not a POTUS Election in 2025. I know we all get in a hurry here and make mistakes but this one needed to be set correct. Sorry.
  21. Some people are enabled to post useless threads to promote their self interests.
  22. Hysterical once again? Throw away your crutches and walk free!!
  23. Don't twist my words. I am saying that it has been reported that some non-Covid deaths were reported as Covid related. I NEVER said that ALL Covid deaths were misreported. I know that you are desperate to push Biden across the finish line but know you are just being ridiculous.
  24. You are so married to the idea of cults and puppets that I fear the emotional crash when that crutch is pulled out from underneath you. You also need professional counseling.
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